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honestly i feel like all stars if for the queens that had potential in their seasons and it's like giving a second chance with a better sounding title


also loving the mix of queens because i'm tired of the "future of drag" plotline with the fashion queens, like i love looking a them but they're mannequins that prove they can do things on rupaul (which i give credit for) but then just go back to being mannequins which is fine in their own lives, but i want more from a 'performer'

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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if anybody wants to talk tea & spoilers i'm so happy to do so..this season could be great


thankfully there's no clear cut "wow favorite" like we've..,,, had the last few AS :creep:


anyways before and after promo i'm team Naomi. that fucking WIG

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  On 11/12/2018 at 8:18 PM, Bartender said:

I feel you. We need a cast as iconic as the first 2 all stars. Something like this would leave us BALD:


Shea Coulee

Ivy Winters

Nina Bo’nina Brown

Lineysha Sparx

Tammie Brown

Mrs. Kasha Davis

Mariah Paris Balenciaga*

Nina Flowers

Laganja Estranja



With lovely Cast Alternates of:

Victoria “Porkchop” Parker

James Mansfield

Trinity K. Bonet

& Jessica Wild


I fucking love you. Sincerely.


My AS5 wishlist is so similar nnsdnsdn

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btw trailer dropped

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  On 11/12/2018 at 10:27 PM, salvatore said:

I fucking love you. Sincerely.


My AS5 wishlist is so similar nnsdnsdn

We should talk spoilers in DM sis cause this season is gonna leave people BALD. Also talent recognizes talent! Hopefully they follow our lists!!!


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normally i can tell like right when the cast is announced who the two/three queens im rooting for are but im finding it much harder to pick any clear frontrunners for as4. i feel like obviously manila and latrice deserve the crown but that could just be because older season queen bias, idk. and farrah is growing on me a little bit... im taking her more seriously than i did the first season, i may root for her on the side


also gia returning reminds me of when i started watching this show (season 6) and i stanned her so hard and thought she would do so well. now i dont care for her much at all. lol i miss that


my dream top 4 is latrice, trinity, manila, and naomi (i dont care for naomi but find it way more likely for her to make it to top 4 than farrah, lol) and yes ive read the spoilers but s9 spoilers also said peppermint would go home first and nina bonina would win and i believed it so  :biblio: im ignoring spoilers and just going with my gut til the facts arrive


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  On 12/7/2018 at 11:27 PM, arkansan said:

i know theres people who stan her here but im just going to be honest how do people like valentina she is so unlikeable :toofunny: unless snobbishness and delusions of grandeur is what you like in a queen


the truth

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  On 12/7/2018 at 11:27 PM, arkansan said:

i know theres people who stan her here but im just going to be honest how do people like valentina she is so unlikeable :toofunny: unless snobbishness and delusions of grandeur is what you like in a queen


Maybe that's why I stan Madonna and Valentina, they're both unlikeable and snobbish  :toofunny:

But for real though I don't think Valentina is THAT bad, but the image people created around her is and thats why most fans don't like her. I mean she acts like a diva but most of the bad rumours about her have been proved false (like the M&M thing) and even the WeHo girls who tried  really hard to make her look bad during her season are ok with her now. I like her attitude, her fashion sense and I actually love her personality so  :party:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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  On 12/8/2018 at 7:22 PM, arkansan said:

where could i watch the full holi-slay special?


my favorite instagram account is dragraceworld for the fun memes!

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The Holi-Slay Special was so much fun, I've seen a lot of people complaining but from the start I knew it would be a silly/campy episode, and I've loved watching all those queens together having a good time. The final lipsync sent me :rip:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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  On 12/8/2018 at 7:29 PM, Cacciatore said:

WeHo girls

For the longest time I was extremely confused about what this meant and my dumb ass thought it was like a specific club in Los Angeles and I was like "damn these WeHo girls are influential as hell they need to chill" lol. Only until I actually went to WeHo this summer I realised it meant West Hollywood jeezus


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the supertrailer really don't give any fucks huh

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