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1. Tennis Court

2. Ribs
3. Buzzcut Season
4. Royals
5. Team
6. A World Alone
7. The Love Club
8. Bravado
9. 400 Lux
10. Glory and Gore
11. White Teeth Teens
12. Swingin' Party
13. Million Dollar Bills
14. Still Sane
15. Biting Down

That was hard af!



Very early in her Tumblr she posted that it's "Skin"  :legend:

*sigh* Nobody shares my favorite Grimes song, "Be a Body".


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If we're all rating the songs, I'll do it too. No one's gonna read it but it's for myself, pretty much.


1. 400 Lux

2. Ribs

3. Tennis Court

4. Buzzcut Season

5. Team

6. Royals

7. A World Alone

8. Glory and Gore

9. White Teeth Teens

10. Still Sane

11. Swingin' Party (Great, great fucking cover)

12. Bravado

13. The Love Club

14. Biting Down

15. Million Dollar Bill (I always skip over it, the intro is so annoying when it plays after Swingin' Party)


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1) Buzzcut Season

2) Ribs

3) Team

4) Swingin' Party

5) Tennis Court

6) A World Alone

7) White Teeth Teens

8) The Love Club

9) Million Dollar Bills

10) 400 Lux

11) Bravado

12) Royals

13) Glory and Gore

14) Biting Down

15) Still Sane


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If we're all rating the songs, I'll do it too. No one's gonna read it but it's for myself, pretty much.


I'm reading them all :eek:


Is no one extending the same courtesy? :cat:

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Love this :gclap:


What is her favorite Grimes song btw? Where did you get that??


it's 'skin', someone asked her on tumblr and that was her answer :) 

Very early in her Tumblr she posted that it's "Skin" :legend:


@ welcome to full-time fangirling :flutter:


what have you done sitar?? you have turned me into a lorde stan! 


now i have to stan for lana, marina, heartsrevolution, grimes, crystal castles AND lorde wow


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I found like 40 new pictures no one has posted of her that I can find. I'll be sharing 'em all soon, nothing too great but as the resident Lorde photo collector they're a big deal to me :teehee:


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I found like 40 new pictures no one has posted of her that I can find. I'll be sharing 'em all soon, nothing too great but as the resident Lorde photo collector they're a big deal to me :teehee:


Yes gawd


Tell me there are some from the album shoot (my set)

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I've been listening to quite a few concept records from the 1970s lately, and I noticed that Lorde's Pure Heroine is very similar to them in that it features variations on the same themes. Not necessarily lyrically, but especially sonically there is a certain evenness to it because it seeks sounds from the same sonic vocabulary, so to speak (what an incredibly woolly metaphor to use). I like that a lot, actually, because it is a throwback to classic albums including early experiments with electronic music. I have read reviews criticising particularly that, however, I cannot but disagree with them. To me, the magic of Pure Heroine lies in its flow. I don't want to skip any songs because it's so seamless and concise - something I miss with other current albums. Just wanted to point that out. :creep:


Did I mention I adore Lorde? Good job there, @SitarHero.

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Popjustice just posted story about Lorde writing for Rihanna and it shows a leak of the next Clash Magazine cover.


CHECK IT OUT  :O  :O  :O  :O  :O  :D  :D  :D


Pardon? :wat:


I've been listening to quite a few concept records from the 1970s lately, and I noticed that Lorde's Pure Heroine is very similar to them in that it features variations on the same themes. Not necessarily lyrically, but especially sonically there is a certain evenness to it because it seeks sounds from the same sonic vocabulary, so to speak (what an incredibly woolly metaphor to use). I like that a lot, actually, because it is a throwback to classic albums including early experiments with electronic music. I have read reviews criticising particularly that, however, I cannot but disagree with them. To me, the magic of Pure Heroine lies in its flow. I don't want to skip any songs because it's so seamless and concise - something I miss with other current albums. Just wanted to point that out. :creep:


Did I mention I adore Lorde? Good job there, @SitarHero.




Truly the ambassador to Lorde. A missionarye, if you will. (It's so fun to be a Lorde fan because the puns are endless)


I think it definitely suits the description of a concept record!

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Ok, boys and girls. I have listened to Pure Heroine since it came out, and I have definitely developed a fondness for her poetic, almost cryptic lyrics. Like I have mentioned, it's pretty clear she's writing from a young mind and a young heart. But her lyrics are not weak in my book, they just lack life experience and that maturity that tells you "ok, this person got it.". But that's OK - I'm not even twenty years old, so I can relate to her. And even if you're not that huge fan of her lyrics, you can still appreciate the cool and relaxing sound that follows through the entire album. Well, that's at least how I would put things. Another person would call her boring, but that's just how things are, people have different taste in terms of music. And talking about taste - Pure Heroine was definitely a required one. I had already grown bored of Tennis Court and Royals, and tried to discover a song that would wow me during my bus rides. I shuffled through the album and thought "man, this is boooring." But I didn't want to give up. The real gems are the ones you discover and really listen to, not the braindead songs that makes you go all "ohhh, I can listen to this 4 times on repeat and forget all about it."  I quickly discovered Glory and Gore and loved the more daring sound it had compared to the other songs. I think the album needed a bit of contrast to all that delicate humming. After that I found out I liked 400 Lux, then it was Ribs, then I fell for Team (that one I struggled a bit with at first thu...) then I relly, really loved Buzzcut Season. I still do, in my opinion that's the best song she's ever released. White Teeth Teens has also been replayed the last few days, I'm still not sure about Still Sane and A World Alone. But we'll see.


Lorde definitely made a conscious decision when she made this album so cohesive and... well, let's be real, every song (almost) sounds about the same. That is both a weakness and a strength. Firstly, what she's being most critiqued for is that she's boring (Borde  :usrs: ), but on the other hand, the relaxing beat creates a buzz that makes a nice background hum for the lyrics - which she most likely wanted. I think she wants the lyrics, her message, to shine more than anything else. Maybe that's why Tennis Court is so boring visually ( :oopna: )


The goal for me is to make a body of work that is cohesive, that feels like an album and is something that I'm going to be proud of. I'm working on an album at the moment and it seems a lot of albums lately don’t feel like a cohesive set of songs that complement each other and mean something as a group. If I can make something which does feel like that, and feels right and true and good, then I will have succeeded.


Well, then. Moving on!


Lyrics - Let's talk about the lyrics and what they translate to in my head. I really like her poetic way of saying things. She's not all "oh, look at me, I lick a hammer and sit on a wrecking ball - it's symbolism for how I was wrecked by some hawt guy." You all know who I'm talking about... No, Lorde doesn't say things straight out. She puts it out there, you listen, you don't have to chew on it for a long time, but when you understand her lines, you most likely think it's clever in its own way. 


When she wanted to make the album cohesive she clearly picked out a theme and stuck to it. It's all about the fear of growing older, but it's also about indulging in the fact that you're no longer a kid.


"It feels so scary getting old."

"It drives you crazy getting old."


Lorde also tells us how hard it is to live in a shitty town when she's a broke bitch, but hey, she don't need that money. Because she cares about more important things - like getting drunk on cheap vodka and running around the city at midnight with her friends. Who are also broke bitches, mind you. That's basically Royals in a nutshell - "And we'll never be royals, it don't run in our blood, that kind of luxe just ain't for us, we crave a different kind of buzz." They're high on life, I guess? The song Team also makes me believe so. "We live in cities you'll never see on screen, not very pretty, but we sure know how to run free." I, for one, think she wrote her entire album while having Skins UK on in the background. It's all about being a fucked up teen, with loyal friends and a hope for a better future.

tumblr_mteo11jYrh1rk3lovo1_500.gif" />


I think her album really glorifies living in a run down city with not much money to talk about, but other songs contradict this and tells us how awesome it would be to be rich. Especially in Buzzcut Season, the most brilliant song on the album in my opinion both lyrically and sonically  :smokes2: Firstly, it's all about living a mundane life in a shitty little town. They all want to glimmer by the blue pool, but instead they're on the buss with they're knees pulled in. They shut their eyes to the music, and ignore the reality that tells them they're never going to win the lottery. "The men, upon the news, they try to tell us all that we will lose, but it's so easy in this blue, where everything is good." "Nothing is wrong, nothing is true, I live in a hologram with you." They live for now, and don't want to think about what it's going to be like when they can no longer rely on their youth. I also get that vibe from White Teeth Teen. White Teeth Teen makes me think of the mean bitches from American Movies. They're privileged and popular. Everything Lorde is not (at least according to her lyrics). "I'll let you in on something big, I'm not a white teeth teen, I tried to join but never did." She tried, but failed. "It's in the blood." You can never become a white teeth teen unless you were born one. 


I guess what she's trying to say is that if you're fucked, then you're fucked, and there's nothing you can do about it. You just have to find peace with what you are and who you are, and if you can't live up to todays materialistic expectations, then you're stuck dreaming. "We're driving Cadillacs in our dreams." It's a brutal way of describing todays youth and our obsession with everything materialistic, but I'm having a hard time believing her legitimacy - she doesn't strike me as a poor kid that grew up counting her dollars on the train. At least not in the real sense of the word - having a hard time affording expensive clothes and fast food is a real thing for most teenagers, even middle class kids who's being handed pocket money by their respected parents. Did she have alcoholized parents who got their power shut down because they couldn't pay the bill? Did she go to school in hand me down clothes because her parents couldn't afford new clothes? Did her family live from hand to mouth? I doubt it. But if she surrounded herself with people who were filthy rich, then maybe her take on being poor is a bit more extreme then it would be for others. Or maybe she just wants to really make a point about how even people with a normal income can't keep up anymore because of the worlds obsession with everything fancy and luxurious. Idk, I mainly ramble now, but that's it for now.


Nice voice, nice lyrics, all in all interesting. I wonder how her take on the world and the music will change in a couple of years when she's, well, rich. Will she still believe she's not a royal?



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