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Guest daytonaxmeth

Miley Cyrus

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I'm really late but I've never cared for Miley so at first I didn't bother to listen to the album but today I finally did and... I'm completely blown away. I guess it's too soon to say for sure since I've only listened to it twice, but my early impression is that this is among my top 10 favorite albums ever, maybe even top 5. The last time I felt this emotionally exhausted from music was probably when I heard Lana for the first time 3 years ago. 

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I like some of her songs but have never been a big Miley fan. I think she tries too hard too fit in by going overboard for shock value. Hard to believe it's the same girl from her innocent Hannah Montana days. But she is and adult so her parents really have no say on what she does. At the same time, people still picture her in Hannah Montana and probably forget that she is all grown up now.

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she's fucking joking, jesus h christ

do i FUCKING CARE?! YOU FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE CAN JOKE ABOUT DONALD TRUMP ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND PROMO THE FUCK OUTTA HIM BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE ANY FUCKING THING TO LOSE IF HE WERE IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY. Shut the fuck up andrew, you're always trying to defend these whites whenever they do something wrong. this is why everybody says white gays are fucking awful in case you couldn't figure out why.

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do i FUCKING CARE?! YOU FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE CAN JOKE ABOUT DONALD TRUMP ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND PROMO THE FUCK OUTTA HIM BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE ANY FUCKING THING TO LOSE IF HE WERE IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY. Shut the fuck up andrew, you're always trying to defend these whites whenever they do something wrong. this is why everybody says white gays are fucking awful in case you couldn't figure out why.


I might be missing something but she just cracked a slight joke about him at the VMAs right?

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I might be missing something but she just cracked a slight joke about him at the VMAs right?

She said Trump would've had her vote if Kanye wasn't running, which is fucking stupid because Kanye isn't running, but why would she even use trump if it was 'just a joke' like he's been fucking hated since before the VMAs.

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do i FUCKING CARE?! YOU FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE CAN JOKE ABOUT DONALD TRUMP ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND PROMO THE FUCK OUTTA HIM BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE ANY FUCKING THING TO LOSE IF HE WERE IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY. Shut the fuck up andrew, you're always trying to defend these whites whenever they do something wrong. this is why everybody says white gays are fucking awful in case you couldn't figure out why.

Are you okay sis? Miley is fucking stupid sometimes but I didn't take that Trump comment seriously.


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She said Trump would've had her vote if Kanye wasn't running, which is fucking stupid because Kanye isn't running, but why would she even use trump if it was 'just a joke' like he's been fucking hated since before the VMAs.


I know Trump isn't really something to joke about because it could have very serious consequences for the entire country (especially POC) if he does get elected, but the whole thing seems really reminiscent of that Nicki Minaj line in that Mercy freestyle where she jokingly said she was going to vote for Mitt Romney in 2012 and that she was a republican. It was clearly a joke but people who didn't really like her had a field day with it and used it as a reason to attack her even though it was obvious that she wasn't actually a supporter and that none of her followers were going to go "Oh! I'm gonna vote for Romney now". 

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Are you okay sis? Miley is fucking stupid sometimes but I didn't take that Trump comment seriously.


anything to find a reason to hate white people


it's fucking funny to me that he went on a tirade "you people have nothing to lose"


um except all my friends who immigrated here...like I totally disagree with everything he stands for and I would not support him. I don't even joke about him winning because it would be disastrous for everyone that wasn't a white, straight, gun toting redneck piece of trash


He even makes fun of women liiiiiiikkkkkeeeee bullying his own female opposition because he's a misogynistic, sexist piece of shit


Not everything is about race, so don't make it so @@comeintomybedroom 


I'm sorry you feel strongly about this but I am NOT the one to let that out on. Since I "defend all whites" you therefore think I'm racist which is really funny because I'm not and I think that goes without explaining when I've never made any sort of remark that would be viewed pejoratively towards another race


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I know Trump isn't really something to joke about because it could have very serious consequences for the entire country (especially POC) if he does get elected, but the whole thing seems really reminiscent of that Nicki Minaj line in that Mercy freestyle where she jokingly said she was going to vote for Mitt Romney in 2012 and that she was a republican. It was clearly a joke but people who didn't really like her had a field day with it and used it as a reason to attack her even though it was obvious that she wasn't actually a supporter and that none of her followers were going to go "Oh! I'm gonna vote for Romney now". 

I remember that and it's a good thing I didn't care for politics at all at the time, nonetheless much of anything, and Nicki straightened out in the time that I am more aware of everything.

Miley Cyrus just rubs me the wrong way, she's white so she's already walking on thin ice, I'm sorry if people find that a pathetic excuse, but that's just how it is. Not only her little VMA 'joke', but a few days before that, she gave an interview where she brought up 'Trump loving her' or whatever. Like why would she just advertise that like it's some form of a trophy? I don't care if you guys don't think my reason is valid or whatever but I just am not taking the time to mess with her.

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do i FUCKING CARE?! YOU FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE CAN JOKE ABOUT DONALD TRUMP ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND PROMO THE FUCK OUTTA HIM BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE ANY FUCKING THING TO LOSE IF HE WERE IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY. Shut the fuck up andrew, you're always trying to defend these whites whenever they do something wrong. this is why everybody says white gays are fucking awful in case you couldn't figure out why.

Oh. my. god.

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