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Lana Retweeting Some Questionable Shit

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u mean Lanas music made underaged girls romanticize abuse? that's exactly the problem....


That's fair criticism I think, not everyone has good parenting exemple and some younger fans were/are indeed impressionable by all of that, but to say that listening to Lana Del Rey makes or made you want to have a sugar daddy is a bit far fetched in my honest opinion (or in that specific context made one think that pedophilia was actually acceptable, it was a poor joke she retweeted and I think that's the end of it really). But that was not my experience with her music when I first started listening to her in 2012.


There's a difference between listening to Lana from that time period and understanding that this is all a persona she was portraying through her music and visuals and growing personal issues from that I think. Was it problematic? Absolutely. But a persona or highly fictional perspective nonetheless. I personally can't really relate to that, but I know there are probably fans out there that thought all of this was acceptable and that's also a valid personal experience. I hope they are doing fine today.


TL;DR: It was questionable and of poor taste for her to retweet that, but I'm sure she grew out of that, and also she wouldn't go back to some of her earlier lyricism. I mean, she doesn't even want to sing 'Ultraviolence' anymore and she cringes on stage singing 'Gods & Monsters', so there's definitely been growth in that regard. 

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That was not my experience with her music neither, i was 14 when btd came out and i started listening to her, i never ever wanted to do anything that she talked about in her lyrics, i knew how to separate her art and my own life, i read a viral tweet weeks ago saying "lana del rey had us girls wanting to be k*dnapped in a gas station by a gang member at 13 y/o and y'all thought she was normal" tbh, if you wanted to be k*dnapped by listening to lana's music at 13 you may had big issues to be treated that aren't even remotely related to her or her influence and i mean this in the most respectful way, i know some people may was influenced by her and her lyrics, and her music may not be the best example to young people at that moment but on the other hand, i think every artist should be able to express anything through their art even if it's not always politically correct. She has some problematic lyrics yes, but i don't think it was anything more than a girl in her twenties with a fascination for lolita, the 50s and maybe some kinky stuff.

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saying listening to btd or any other work of art is gonna make u want to be kidnapped at age 14 or smth like that is an incredibly weird approach of trying to explain someone wanting that for themselves.

people who say that (twitter) pretend as if they (meaning the people on twitter) have no accountability for anything ever, they’re not gullible for anything, they’re pulling a neo-freudian explanation of life and psychological phenomenas but instead of blaming the parents they’re blaming a piece of media/celebrities this time.


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yall really just bumped a 5 year old thread and started arguing what.... lol another day in the life of lanaboards


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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yall really just bumped a 5 year old thread and started arguing what.... lol another day in the life of lanaboards

Lana’s not controversial enough for us anymore so we need to create our own controversies


life imitates art


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only people who were treated like a real life lolita will fully get what you're trying to say @urgirl    

i want you to know i understand where you're coming from and it's completely valid.


i think she retweeted it thinking it was funny.


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right? like i get that some people felt influenced by her lyrics but there's a difference between dreaming or thinking about something and really doing it. You can fantasize about something or play it in your head knowing that you would never do it in real life, i can play a scenario in my head listening to some lyrics but i know i won't do that, if you get an instant desire for doing the things that you're listening and then you really go and do those things in your real life, that's probably an inner problem and the lyrics can maybe bring up your issue, but it's not like lana made you do those things or something like that lmao, you can't blame an artist's work for leading you to do things that came from an inner and personal problem imo

saying listening to btd or any other work of art is gonna make u want to be kidnapped at age 14 or smth like that is an incredibly weird approach of trying to explain someone wanting that for themselves.
people who say that (twitter) pretend as if they (meaning the people on twitter) have no accountability for anything ever, they’re not gullible for anything, they’re pulling a neo-freudian explanation of life and psychological phenomenas but instead of blaming the parents they’re blaming a piece of media/celebrities this time.

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Lmao what have I stumbled upon."Pro pedophilia" my ass. I'm assuming the person who tweeted that was just a fan who wanted to mess with her or a hater. Everyone already said this, but Lana probably thought it was funny so she retweeted it. I really don't thinks it's that deep. And even if that person really DID think that she's "pro pedophilia", they most likely got that idea from the whole "Lolita" aesthetic or the fact that "Put me in a movie" has very strong DD/lg vibes. Obviously, neither of those things are pedophilia, but they both have a lot of common misconceptions around them. 

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