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ok so streaming from an nz spotify and i can say this whole ep is excellent! i wonder if super sunset interlude is a mistake meant to be body break interlude but i hope it isnt


cant stop now deserved to be a single



no she changed it herself bc the name didn't fit or whatever

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it kinda seems like she lost the rights to the body break interlude and replaced it with some old film audio about love and heartbreak instead haha, the body break interlude was a clip from like, an exercise show

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the name has been changed for weeks

it kinda seems like she lost the rights to the body break interlude and replaced it with some old film audio about love and heartbreak instead haha, the body break interlude was a clip from like, an exercise show


instead of putting another song.................. its so idiotic 

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the differences between the single mix of NSBILA and its album mix are minor and i don't really see the necessity behind the changes


some vocals (ex: near 0:40) sound clearer on the album mix, but i prefer the way they sound on the single mix


nvm i prefer the album mix :rip:

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Guys was Sunflower & Kid Wonder outtakes?! I won’t lie they fit so well before Focus

No, how can they be outtakes when they are about Sierra Burgess...

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OMG thanks fucking god the album version is actually the video version, ugh!


I guess the single version is an early mix of the song.


Can't Stop Now slayed me so HARD :defeated:


CLXI/Super Sunset = CLXII>CLXII Unsolved

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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I think she releases new music too fast and it results in all her songs sounding the same. at least she's consistent at best but I kind of wish she would grow up a bit more. her aesthetic is so immature imo

music doesnt always have to be so serious! allie is obvi having fun with her career, most artists cant relate

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I think she releases new music too fast and it results in all her songs sounding the same. at least she's consistent at best but I kind of wish she would grow up a bit more. her aesthetic is so immature imo

You think all her songs sound the same? I would say that each of her projects has a distinctive sound. CLX I sounds different from CLX II, and Super Sunset doesn't sound like either those two.


What bugs me about the way she releases her music is not that it's happening too fast, but that she basically released the whole EP over the last couple months so that there's literally just one song left. It's just my preference, but that is not how I want to experience a new album. On the other hand, I understand that for a small artist like her it is important to stay "relevant" by putting out new music regularly.


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I think she releases new music too fast and it results in all her songs sounding the same. at least she's consistent at best but I kind of wish she would grow up a bit more. her aesthetic is so immature imo

her past three big projects (including super sunset) have had 3 different sounds tho....and idk what you mean by immature??? would you care to elaborate?

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her past three big projects (including super sunset) have had 3 different sounds tho....and idk what you mean by immature??? would you care to elaborate?


she just acts really young and I hate how she makes the same face with her mouth open in every picture. I know its a weird thing to be annoyed about but it seriously drives me crazy. people who make the same face in every picture are usually like crazy insecure and I get really uptight vibes from her. the aesthetic of her music is pretty good (even tho I can't manage more than a handful of Allie X songs in a single playlist), but her visual aesthetic really gets on my nerves. every era is always going to feel the same for me if she keeps going back to the same face in every picture.


i like her but it's so frustrating to have something like this bug me dfkjkdahg

music doesnt always have to be so serious! allie is obvi having fun with her career, most artists cant relate


I actually think she takes herself a little too seriously because she doesnt look human in any of her photos bc she always has that aloof expression

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she just acts really young and I hate how she makes the same face with her mouth open in every picture. I know its a weird thing to be annoyed about but it seriously drives me crazy. people who make the same face in every picture are usually like crazy insecure and I get really uptight vibes from her. the aesthetic of her music is pretty good (even tho I can't manage more than a handful of Allie X songs in a single playlist), but her visual aesthetic really gets on my nerves. every era is always going to feel the same for me if she keeps going back to the same face in every picture.


i like her but it's so frustrating to have something like this bug me dfkjkdahg


I actually think she takes herself a little too seriously because she doesnt look human in any of her photos bc she always has that aloof expression

i mean if u think dressing in drag as a woman is serious then idk what to tell u

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my signed vinyl hasn't shipped and neither has my Science dad hat :crossed:

but i was told the Science merch would be ready at the end of october so idk

it said I would get the super sunset T-shirt in August and it only turned up last week. So don’t worry if it takes a minute to be dispatched, it will come eventually.

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