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Worse than Reaper but not as bad as Bird Set Free or One Million Bullets


this means it can go straight to the recycle bin


the only thing I've liked that I heard is Alive, sadly


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So who's going to take one for the team???


Sidenote: How come Target always fuck shit like this up??? You'd think a massive company would know the correct release date for music?

They can't sell it, so the company shouldn't care too much about when the stores shelve it.

And no one in their right mind would actually risk getting into trouble for stealing a CD (except maybe underage kids that have nothing to lose) so they probably don't see a big problem.

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Now that I hear it in full, Unstoppable is okay


Alive > Cheap Thrills > Unstoppable > Reaper > One Million Bullets > Bird Set Free


I think


idk tbh.


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Still not listening to anything from the album, so I really just want the thing to leak so I can take it all in at once in full :slayty:


it's a mess tbh. i'm so disappointed :lmao:


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Love the new tracks, though the first half of the album is clearly superior. Not a big fan of Footprints, Space Between and Sweet Design.


Bird Set Free, Reaper and House on Fire are my holy trinity for now. 

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My favorite is still Cheap Thrills  :deadbanana:


Move your body and Footprints are the two only memorable new songs for me after the first listen


Sweet design is a mess...?


And she ruined Space Between, the demo >>>


Its so underrated!

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