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LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships

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Um... Lana herself said it is about the "cult leader". I think it is a combination of this guy and the K character (or perhaps Jimmy Gnecco).


Yeah, I do think it's about him too (the cult leader). I guess what I'm saying is the song uses a toxic relationship as an allegory for alcohol/drug abuse. She does this a lot it seems; there was even the time she said she sometimes uses names as stand-ins for alcohol in her songs.

i like my candy and your heroin

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I'm going through Lana sleuthing withdrawal... Reading this post over the past month has blown my mind but now I feel like everyone's calmed down and come to terms with the fact that this is [mostly] still just speculation. Except me!! :icant:


sugar baby crying ezgif_com_c98a0a05e8.gif tears of gold

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I think Lana and James have something, and either Lana cheated on Francesco or Francesco to Lana first. Either way, apparently they unfollowed eachother and yeah lol. I also think Lana might be pregnant but I'm just reaching  :candy:


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Just a random thought and I don't know if this has already been pointed out but could it be that this really important relationship (“I am usually always singing about the same god damn person so I will love him forever but you know, it’s all good. It’s all good!") is the one she had with this record executive? I mean if it's true that this relationship lasted for 7 years she would have been with him almost her entire life as a (young) adult.

"I had a long-term relationship for seven years with someone who was the head of a label and I felt like I was that change of routine. I was always waiting to become the person who his kids came home to, and it never happened. Obviously I had to seek other relationships, and I felt like that became a pattern. I was younger—24, 25 at the time. I had known what I wanted to do for a long time." (Complex mag)


I'm not sure if I'm understanding this properly but does this mean that she "seeked other relationships" aka broke up with him at the age of 24, 25? If so she must have been like 17 or 18 when she started dating the record executive. Or am I getting it wrong?

Another thing, he seemingly has children so maybe he was married before or even whilst the relationship between him and Lizzy/Lana lasted. ("I know your wife that she wouldn't mind"?)


I'm pretty sure that Axl Rose Husband is about this guy: "Record executive I need you to live, I someone come replace you"

Additionally: "Kids on vacation, Florida Keys are calling, Come back to me" - maybe his kids played a role why the relationship ended, idk. And when the kids are on vacation Lizzy might think that she and the record executive can go back to their perfect relationship. Another interesting thing "Florida Keys" --> in Florida Kilos she's mentioning those keys as well. Possible link? :brows3:


So if Axl Rose Husband actually is about this guy the "blue hydrangea" thing would be a reference to him as well. --> Old Money

Maybe a bit far-fetched but Axl Rose Husband --> her song Guns and Roses.


Those are just a few possible references to him that came into my mind while writing this, I'm sure there are many, many more.

Of course all this is highly speculative but I was bored so ...


A bit out of context but we have so many pics of Lana in her Lizzy days but it seems like we don't have a single one of her with that record executive, do we? Not a single (leaked) photo of a seven years relationship? :lanasrs:


I think the person is K. Most of her really sad songs seem to be about him, and she said Born To Die, Blue Jeans, and Video Games are all about the same man, who matches K. 

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From interviews, we know that whoever K. was, he lived with her in a trailer park, lived a double life, was most likely arrested, most likely died, was handsome and magnetic, and told her she was the "most exotic thing he'd ever seen." There are also many references to a "golden grill" - be it symbolic or true.

SOooo, with that in mind!


We know for sure there is

For K. 

For K. pt. 2


From interviews, we know we can add

Born to Die

Video Games

Blue Jeans

as she stated those were all for the same person - most likely "the same God-damned person" she says she writes for. ;) 


What else?!  

My theories, based on the lyrics and repetitive words, would include (with keywords):

Dark Paradise (he's dead, and it seems K is dead or on death row, so this fits)

Queen of Disaster ("golden grill")

I Still Love Him (from the description, something tells me this is about K. and not JFK)

Backfire (the reference to Sid and Nancy seems to be a theme in K. songs; "in our trailer park for two")

Without You (like Dark Paradise, the death theme fits here - and she cries EVERY time she sings it live)

Million Dollar Man ("you said I was the most exotic flower" ... everything else makes sense, too)

Off To The Races (maybe a stretch ... the mention of gold coins makes me think of gambling, and Video Games has hints of gambling, as well)








From the lyrics of all these songs, my theory is that K. was white (I've seen theories he was black, which FITS, but then how is he like "James Dean for sure"?); that he was either a gambler, drug dealer, or in a gang; was arrested for robbery then again for "double homicide"; is either on death row, committed suicide in prison ("heading off for death row; didn't stick around, no")


Some other possibilities:

Young And Beautiful

The Man I Love



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From interviews, we know that whoever K. was, he lived with her in a trailer park, lived a double life, was most likely arrested, most likely died, was handsome and magnetic, and told her she was the "most exotic thing he'd ever seen." There are also many references to a "golden grill" - be it symbolic or true.

SOooo, with that in mind!


We know for sure there is

For K. 

For K. pt. 2


From interviews, we know we can add

Born to Die

Video Games

Blue Jeans

as she stated those were all for the same person - most likely "the same God-damned person" she says she writes for. ;)


What else?!

My theories, based on the lyrics and repetitive words, would include (with keywords):

Dark Paradise (he's dead, and it seems K is dead or on death row, so this fits)

Queen of Disaster ("golden grill")

I Still Love Him (from the description, something tells me this is about K. and not JFK)

Backfire (the reference to Sid and Nancy seems to be a theme in K. songs; "in our trailer park for two")

Without You (like Dark Paradise, the death theme fits here - and she cries EVERY time she sings it live)

Million Dollar Man ("you said I was the most exotic flower" ... everything else makes sense, too)

Off To The Races (maybe a stretch ... the mention of gold coins makes me think of gambling, and Video Games has hints of gambling, as well)








From the lyrics of all these songs, my theory is that K. was white (I've seen theories he was black, which FITS, but then how is he like "James Dean for sure"?); that he was either a gambler, drug dealer, or in a gang; was arrested for robbery then again for "double homicide"; is either on death row, committed suicide in prison ("heading off for death row; didn't stick around, no")


Some other possibilities:

Young And Beautiful

The Man I Love


merged, this discussion is literally the purpose of this thread lel

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wow. This topic is awesome. I think we should continue to talk about mickey martin, as we know she had some kind of relationship with him ( theres a picture and i saw some thread about it ) . Do you guys know how long they"ve been together ? sorry this suubject has already been talked about im totally new to this forum. Plus please be indulgent to my english: right now im a drunk french speaking girl so i guess my english simply sucks .  

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I know this thread is rather fixed on the mysterious and infamous K. but I just wanted to post some random thoughts/questions and this thread seems the best place to do it.


So, it probably isn't right but I cannot help wondering what people entangled in Lana's story (her parents, mr Campbell, the friends she'd had before the boarding school and the ones she met there, her ex-boyfriends...) think about her songs. Though by no means would I stalk them and disturb their private lives, I like to at least speculate about it because all those people play their parts in the Lana Universum and I just wonder how they feel about it. If they even REALIZE it that they are featured in her songs.


Cutting to the chase... I wonder if her teacher knows about her songs. IMHO he is likely to somehow know about them because his friendship with Lizzy seems to have been based on their mutual artistic interests, so if they discussed music quite a lot (I'm sure they did), she presumably mentioned at least a few of her own songs.


What did he think of her vision of the boarding school as a wicked, fucked up place where kids were encouranged to do drugs, have sex and stick in EDs? Did he know she had a crush on him? Did he realize that she fantasized about him?


Did her parents hear her "Boarding School" song? I suppose she wanted them to hear it, given how they forced her to go there. I think it is one of two main reasons why she came up with that track in the first place. (The other one was to paint the picture of wayward teenagers ("fans of pro-ana nation")) Kind of a very harsh tounge-in-cheek response to her parents, like "I did exactly what you wanted me to do and see, I ended up drinking more alco and doing more crack than ever, THANK YOU VERY FUCKING MUCH". And well, it's very sad, knowing that they must have meant good (no matter how stupid the concept of sending away an addicted child is) and if they happened to hear the song, it must have hurt them very much. The fact that she performed it live in 2009 proved that her stay at the school had not been forgotten by her and perhaps she still could not forgive her parents for it.

And the wind I know it’s cold

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I still think we should not make her facebook something public

It's old and relatively well known. The time when we could hide this is, for better or worse, gone. She probably uses her privacy settings so it does us no good to have it anyway. Although I think all the old Facebook posts of her come from this account...

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OK so i stalked went into the list of groups that she's in and they are random.  Then I went to her friends list and some people have Lake Placid as their hometown and have Fordham Preparatory School as their attended school.  :hdu:

this is probably not news though.

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I don't really follow this thread. One question, that whole thing about Lana's 7 year relationship with some record exec... Is that just a load of bullshit?


I mean, she dated both Reeve Carney and Mike Mizrahi at different points in her young life, and she moved to new york when she was 18... Does that give her enough time to do begin and end a 7 year relationship before being discovered. If so... Lana's one busy girl :awk:


Idk, I'm so confused someone please explain.

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