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LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships

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From the LA Times interview:



I know it's not of terribly great significance, but I thought it was kinda relevant here...now, who could the first boyfriend be? (K??????????)

wanted to quote this too! Hoped that someone would know who she was talking about... can't be Jimmy Gnecco, right? I think that she met him too late for this to be possible, but I'm still thinking about the K= imaginary person created around her various boyfriends idea.

i am nothing and should be everything

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It's the Lizzy Grant interview where she sings Pawn Shop Blues and at the beginning they used a song by this guy and the says "pretty baby" ... I mean c'mon

you're reaching, your honor. k was probably dead or locked up before that song was even thought of!

fans shouldn't try to crack the K case. there's probably NO evidence of him existing besides in lanas songs. just leave him alone tbh! may he RIP in peace or serve a good jail sentence.

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I was hearing this interview (from 2012) in the morning 

and there's a part where she says she spent the last ten years writing in NY documenting her life in song form so maybe K is kinda real idk + why hasn't anyone asked Lana about K? Could help a little don't you guys think?


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Ok so I'm sorry, I actually DID read the 68 pages and it (unfortunately?) was one of the wildest rides of my life and it took me like 3 days in total or something, but I don't have the courage to read it again, and I'm sure it has already been brought but I'm really wondering whether or not Is This Happiness has been attributed to Barrie. Seems a hundred percent a Barrie song for me and it's in the end of Ultraviolence and it seems like she's closing her time with him... Idk. It seems so unbelievably obvious to me.


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Ok so I'm sorry, I actually DID read the 68 pages and it (unfortunately?) was one of the wildest rides of my life and it took me like 3 days in total or something, but I don't have the courage to read it again, and I'm sure it has already been brought but I'm really wondering whether or not Is This Happiness has been attributed to Barrie. Seems a hundred percent a Barrie song for me and it's in the end of Ultraviolence and it seems like she's closing her time with him... Idk. It seems so unbelievably obvious to me.


I'm pretty sure that it's about him as well, she did say something about them having to break up because he had stuff he needed to deal with, which could easily have been drugs. Pretty much the whole of UV seems to be like a loveletter to him and their past relationship.


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I'm pretty sure that it's about him as well, she did say something about them having to break up because he had stuff he needed to deal with, which could easily have been drugs. Pretty much the whole of UV seems to be like a loveletter to him and their past relationship.

Thank ya! Very interesting, that's what I thought but never saw this as a love letter, will listen to the whole album again with this point of view  :)


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Ok so I'm sorry, I actually DID read the 68 pages and it (unfortunately?) was one of the wildest rides of my life and it took me like 3 days in total or something, but I don't have the courage to read it again, and I'm sure it has already been brought but I'm really wondering whether or not Is This Happiness has been attributed to Barrie. Seems a hundred percent a Barrie song for me and it's in the end of Ultraviolence and it seems like she's closing her time with him... Idk. It seems so unbelievably obvious to me.

I believe all of the bonus tracks on Ultraviolence are about Barrie besides Florida Kilos.


Guns N Roses, Is This Happiness and Flipside is kind of a Barrie trilogy.

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Ok so I'm sorry, I actually DID read the 68 pages and it (unfortunately?) was one of the wildest rides of my life and it took me like 3 days in total or something, but I don't have the courage to read it again, and I'm sure it has already been brought but I'm really wondering whether or not Is This Happiness has been attributed to Barrie. Seems a hundred percent a Barrie song for me and it's in the end of Ultraviolence and it seems like she's closing her time with him... Idk. It seems so unbelievably obvious to me.

100% agree.

Black Beauty is also about Barrie. He seemed to struggle with depression and "darkness," and the song is about the difficulty of loving someone with depression.

I think (this is a stretch) Shades of Cool could have shades :oops: of Barrie in it. The chorus especially: you live in shades of cool. I can't break through. I don't think he was cheating on Lana or anything like that, ofc.

I wonder who Cruel World is about if it's a real life figure. Bibles, guns, heroin, candy, women.

We've discussed UV and "Jim" before.

I used to think BB was about Barrie, but I'm not sure anymore.

West Coast is mysterious.

Sad Girl sounds like a vindication of the other woman's lifestyle choices. We know nothing about the man.

PWYC was improvised (supposedly), so I think it's off the cuff lyrics with no particular person in mind.

I still think MPG is related to the "Holy roller" from Butterflies part 2. Hypocritical preacher who indulges in sin, anyone? Doesn't have to be someone she dated or even a real person - it could be a type of person she'd met or seen and was disgusted by.

FMWUTTT is another mystery because we KNOW this is about someone. The only two I can think of that fit because of the "art project" comment (and Lana has mentioned them indirectly before) are Lorde and Lady Gaga. We've never come to a conclusion about this either.

Old Money is another song about an idea, with the relationship as a backdrop. It's more about her than the guy.

Florida Kilos, this is going back to old drug references.

Guns N Roses refers to a heavy metal love, which recalls the type of guy mentioned in Mermaid Motel and Belair. Belair also had a GNR reference.


Maybe this is why I'm not as big a fan of UV - it's harder to Lanalyze. :creep: I'm not touching the soundtrack songs or Wait for Life either.

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I'm thinking "For K" is not about a real person, but about Badlands, it involves a character named "Kit" who goes on the run with a girl 10 years younger than him and he kills people and gets sent to death row, where he's put in the electric chair. Sorry if this has already been posted, but I think it is highly likely with the amount of books and films and references in her songs.

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