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Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

What are your favourite songs on Ultraviolence?  

1,070 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite songs on Ultraviolence?

    • Cruel World
    • Ultraviolence
    • Shades Of Cool
    • Brooklyn Baby
    • West Coast
    • Sad Girl
    • Pretty When You Cry
    • Money Power Glory
    • Fucked My Way Up To The Top
    • Old Money
    • The Other Woman
    • Black Beauty
    • Guns and Roses
    • Florida Kilos
    • Is This Happiness
    • Flipside

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It's a grower, but I like it. I wish she had redone AFFA, though. BB really benefited from the production.


Likes So far: Cruel World (outstanding), Shades of Cool (haunting), Money Power Glory, Sad Girl, Old Money, FMWUTTT, UV, BrB, BlB, WC, TOW.


Unsure of: Flipside, ITH, PWUC, g&r, Florida kilos.

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At first I found her vocals in Pretty When You Cry to be really badly done, but after a second listen I realized that maybe it was meant to sound raw and broken like that. And now I love the vulnerability. I don't know why Sad Girl is sort of underrated so far (at least from what I've observed) It's one of my favorites from her. 


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Billboard speculates how UV's unusual aesthetic & its success will influence pop music.


"With a No. 1 debut coming, expect more brooding, rock experimentation and mystique from mainstream music's biggest stars:"




This is amazing. It is why I just WON'T understand (LOL...in some cases, though I guess I could) why so many critics refer to Lana as a fraud, a this, a that, all of these pejorative terms. She is a trendsetter. In my opinion, a true critic researches his or her subjects thoroughly, as to come to the most well-read conclusion. Anyone who has dug beneath the surface of Ms. Del Rey, all the way back to the Siren era and beyond, would know that my girl has been slaying for years and has only refined what she has ALWAYS done. She has been different from the get-go. I love when people JUST get on board and act as if things are brand new.

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Loving UV from top to bottom. But Cruel World, Sad Girl, Pretty When You Cry, West Coast, Black Beauty, The Other Woman and the title track are killing me softly.

I love this woman. Flawless singing, heavenly nostalgic melodies.


Best music from the last 10 years, hands down!


Black Beauty is on and tears are rolling down...


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This is amazing. It is why I just WON'T understand (LOL...in some cases, though I guess I could) why so many critics refer to Lana as a fraud, a this, a that, all of these pejorative terms. She is a trendsetter. In my opinion, a true critic researches his or her subjects thoroughly, as to come to the most well-read conclusion. Anyone who has dug beneath the surface of Ms. Del Rey, all the way back to the Siren era and beyond, would know that my girl has been slaying for years and has only refined what she has ALWAYS done. She has been different from the get-go. I love when people JUST get on board and act as if things are brand new.


Real female David Bowie tbqh


Bowie is hard to fit into the standard “’70s rock star” slot, though radio stations and retrospectives try, and why some critics have considered him a poseur, a campy thief, a heartless vampire figure. Was Bowie really only a mime who “played” a rock musician? Or was he someone who considered mime to be an aesthetic equivalent to rock & roll, thus denying one of the music’s core myths—that its purity and simplicity made it superior to more elaborate, ‘higher” forms of art?

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Oh wow baby wow!


I just got Flipside and Is This Happiness and can definitely see the Cat Power influence there... I am a Cat Power fan (used to listen to her more than now, watched her concert in 2001 and 2008 here in Rio but anyways... ) I picked some similarities before but thought it was in my crazy mind only, until I read Lana cited Chan as one of her influences. Those songs could be in a Cat Power album for sure.




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