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Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

What are your favourite songs on Ultraviolence?  

1,068 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite songs on Ultraviolence?

    • Cruel World
    • Ultraviolence
    • Shades Of Cool
    • Brooklyn Baby
    • West Coast
    • Sad Girl
    • Pretty When You Cry
    • Money Power Glory
    • Fucked My Way Up To The Top
    • Old Money
    • The Other Woman
    • Black Beauty
    • Guns and Roses
    • Florida Kilos
    • Is This Happiness
    • Flipside

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Not really, she is slurring every single song..every single word..on top of that the way the vocals are mix is just horrendous...The radio effects and the extra echo more so than normal...more reverb... :duck:





It's like the good sis changed the way she sings completely.


From "Feet don't fail me now, Take me to the finish line" CLEAR, CRISP, CONCISE.


To "Dawn on the whest coasth, they got a sayin'"


She should take notes from Azealia banks. The sis know why she flops now she makes her sing far more easy to understand..with precise wording, clear, stand out vocals.

she isn't reciting the fucking national anthem, her voice doesn't need to be so 'clear, crisp and concise'. besides, you can hardly call her voice on BtD as being 'clear, crisp and concise'; on almost every song, her voice has a drunken quality to it that cannot be defined as 'clear, crisp and concise'.


i can understand different opinions, but you seem determined to just troll with very little evidence to back up your statements. so basically, shut the fuck up.


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I stan for Mariah.. Sit yo ass down about "vocals"

"Her voice doesn't need to be clear"


:ahh: bull shit then why bother doing a billion remixes trying the correct their mistake LOL LOL


Her voice on BTD is crisp and clear idk what u is hearing.. Go to an ear specialist. The only song that maybe a bit slurry is MDM even that is clearer than any sing on UV. Idk how to explain this but her voice actual voice isn't different... It's the she way "projects" them that has changed.


It's when a rapper sings and then raps again... It's the same voice but it's different.

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I stan for Mariah.. Sit yo ass down about "vocals"

"Her voice doesn't need to be clear"


:ahh: bull shit then why bother doing a billion remixes trying the correct their mistake LOL LOL


Her voice on BTD is crisp and clear idk what u is hearing.. Go to an ear specialist. The only song that maybe a bit slurry is MDM even that is clearer than any sing on UV. Idk how to explain this but her voice actual voice isn't different... It's the she way "projects" them that has changed.


It's when a rapper sings and then raps again... It's the same voice but it's different.


She obviously wanted to achieve a different mood for UV. While BTD is almost perfect, overproduced and 'crisp' like you mentioned, UV is grungy, heavy and it's fantastic. You shouldn't even compare her BTD vocals to these cause her delivery is meant to represent her current state of mind: dark and moody. Things aren't even clear to her, why would her voice be clear to us? She even said they used cheap microphones to record some of the songs...


So chill out, her vocals aren't as bad as you're making them seem.


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She obviously wanted to achieve a different mood for UV. While BTD is almost perfect, overproduced and 'crisp' like you mentioned, UV is grungy, heavy and it's fantastic. You shouldn't even compare her BTD vocals to these cause her delivery is meant to represent her current state of mind: dark and moody. Things aren't even clear to her, why would her voice be clear to us? She even said they used cheap microphones to record some of the songs...


So chill out, her vocals aren't as bad as you're making them seem.

Educate ha, bro!  :gclap:

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The question I have been asking myself recently was: would UV have made me a Lana Del Rey fan that I am today? Well, I have to be honest: No.

Let's not fool ourselves, the BTD / P era was incredibly exciting: the images, the videos, the endless amount of leaks and the AKA album that somehow blended itself into the same time period. Everything seemed, well not just seemed, it was so exciting. She seemed to care so much about her output, the presentation, everything was just spot on.


This era is actually a huge, huge disappointment. Even with the material given, she could have created so much more and interesting stuff. When you want to put a distance between the last era and this one, you can handle it in a way that is still exciting for your fans to live this album with you, not just release it and vanish more or less.


I don't care that some people on here, rise their eyebrows and vomit in their mouth when you mention the evil word of "promo", because I will never understand what is wrong with wanting your favourite artist to be on tele, on the radio, playing shows, making exciting videos. She has completly ruined it, tbh.


The fact that she herself says that she doesn't feel any drive anymore leaves me stunned. What is the purpose to make music when you don't feel any drive? There is none. When I listen to an album, I just don't want to listen to an album filled with boredom and basically nothing going on there.


What is actually going on on UV? Not much, the lyrical content has stayed the same, she has not added anything new, the sound structures are painfully simple at times and it sounds dated which is the worst. You can sometimes cover up the lack of ideas with an interesting sound, but she isn't. It is so painfully obvious that she doesn't have anything interesting to tell.

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The question I have been asking myself recently was: would UV have made me a Lana Del Rey fan that I am today? Well, I have to be honest: No.



I wanted to post to something like this, but I keep forgetting. :lel:

Had UV been her debut instead of BTD, Lana the good sis wouldn't be here today.


I have a love/hate relationship with Ultraviolence. Sometimes, I like it then end up hating it again. The lyrics don't bother me that much honestly but the melody and song structures and vocals. I've been complaining about vocals a lot. I mean the demo of Black Beauty for example. Her voice is PERFECT. They are the center of the song, the attraction. And Lana's songs have always been like that. Her voice pull you in. They kinda ruined her soft solemn hauntingly fragile voice to appear more ridged and edgy. Also, the majority of the songs on UV have such a awkward melody. idk how to explain it. I'm kinda used to it now that it doesn't bother as much. The songs on BTD/Paradise even her unreleased FLOW so well...the progression and lead up from verse to chorus are almost always enjoyable and perfect to listen to.


For example, in Brooklyn Baby...when she says "I Saayyyyy.....I Saayyy"/ "I'm Freeeee..EEEEEEEE"  I thought it was going to be some epic chorus (ala Young and Beautiful - WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME WHEN I"M NO LONGER YUNG AND BEAUTIFUL) coming in instead we got this upbeat preppy melody instead.  :deadbanana:I love Brooklyn Baby now tho, I'm used to it now.


I also love Sad Girl and Pretty When You Cry now because i'm used to the boringness of it. Theses songs are so WEAK. verses and choruses are a DRAB. The bridge save it for me and it should have been the chorus instead tbh.


Shades Of Cool melody and phrasing, structure is almost identical to Black Beauty. It's an amazing song melodic wise ruined by bad vocal mix and production. The video made me love the song way more.


Ultraviolence...eh..the song is so idk..the production sound super cheap.... The strings at the beginning sound like a cheap knockoff version BTD strings.


Money Power Glory *sigh* the verses are boring and lifeless..it's too EMPTY sounding idk...The Choruses are actually really good but once again but production it's way too LOUD.


Fucked My Way To The Top is almost perfect imo...progression and melody is great BUT... the "Go GO GO GO" part it's way too busy sounding..


Old Money is perfect...the only track i can see fit in Paradise or BTD.


Video this era. :deadbanana:


West Coast has such an awful video..LAWD her worst before the UV video came along. The fact it was the video of a lead single for such a hype project...It single handily killed the era. Shades Of Cool is the best video this era.


Her videos are so important, believe it or not before i was a lana stan...I heard VG and didn't like it at all until i saw the video of the song. The same with BTD. 

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I feel like Ultraviolence was Lana's response to criticism in regards to her authenticity. If you take even the slightest bit of time to examine the album you quickly realize that Ultraviolence isn't anymore "Lizzy Grant" than BTD. Sure this era she chooses to emphasize different musical inspirations and exchanges the rappers and hip-hop people for rockers and alternative people, but at the soul of the songs and the lyrics very little to nothing has changed. Claiming that UV is more her is silly. It's basically the same thing. I wholeheartedly believe that the sole purpose of this album was geared towards cementing her as an artist and assuring the general public that she has genuine talent. 


Additionally, I take this album with a grain of salt. Based on trends this sound will stick until she decides to put out a new album where she will undoubtedly cite different musical inspirations, interests, and claim it as more her. So if you like it enjoy it while it's here, if you don't wait for the next album and hope you like the new sound. 



UV: 3/5

BTD/P: 5/5

UV would not have made me a fan. 


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I wanted to post to something like this, but I keep forgetting. :lel:

Had UV been her debut instead of BTD, Lana the good sis wouldn't be here today.


I have a love/hate relationship with Ultraviolence. Sometimes, I like it then end up hating it again. The lyrics don't bother me that much honestly but the melody and song structures and vocals. I've been complaining about vocals a lot. I mean the demo of Black Beauty for example. Her voice is PERFECT. They are the center of the song, the attraction. And Lana's songs have always been like that. Her voice pull you in. They kinda ruined her soft solemn hauntingly fragile voice to appear more ridged and edgy. Also, the majority of the songs on UV have such a awkward melody. idk how to explain it. I'm kinda used to it now that it doesn't bother as much. The songs on BTD/Paradise even her unreleased FLOW so well...the progression and lead up from verse to chorus are almost always enjoyable and perfect to listen to.


For example, in Brooklyn Baby...when she says "I Saayyyyy.....I Saayyy"/ "I'm Freeeee..EEEEEEEE"  I thought it was going to be some epic chorus (ala Young and Beautiful - WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME WHEN I"M NO LONGER YUNG AND BEAUTIFUL) coming in instead we got this upbeat preppy melody instead.  :deadbanana:I love Brooklyn Baby now tho, I'm used to it now.


I also love Sad Girl and Pretty When You Cry now because i'm used to the boringness of it. Theses songs are so WEAK. verses and choruses are a DRAB. The bridge save it for me and it should have been the chorus instead tbh.


Shades Of Cool melody and phrasing, structure is almost identical to Black Beauty. It's an amazing song melodic wise ruined by bad vocal mix and production. The video made me love the song way more.


Ultraviolence...eh..the song is so idk..the production sound super cheap.... The strings at the beginning sound like a cheap knockoff version BTD strings.


Money Power Glory *sigh* the verses are boring and lifeless..it's too EMPTY sounding idk...The Choruses are actually really good but once again but production it's way too LOUD.


Fucked My Way To The Top is almost perfect imo...progression and melody is great BUT... the "Go GO GO GO" part it's way too busy sounding..


Old Money is perfect...the only track i can see fit in Paradise or BTD.


Video this era. :deadbanana:


West Coast has such an awful video..LAWD her worst before the UV video came along. The fact it was the video of a lead single for such a hype project...It single handily killed the era. Shades Of Cool is the best video this era.


Her videos are so important, believe it or not before i was a lana stan...I heard VG and didn't like it at all until i saw the video of the song. The same with BTD. 

Thank GOD Brooklyn Baby sounds nothing like that cringe-fest. Y&B is TRASH.

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If even her fans are saying this ... if she wanted it to sound like this, maybe Lana should be kept as far away from the mastering console as possible; it definitely needs about +6db treble to sound right

Or just throw the 96/24 vinyl FLAC on a CD and call it "remastered"


The strings on "Ultraviolence" are a mellotron, aren't they? Even here, compare the version in the video to the CD version; on the latter the drums are squashed out of existence and have no punch

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I stan for Mariah.. Sit yo ass down about "vocals"





As if this makes you some sort of expert lmao. Call me when Mariah stops lipsyncing.



Her vocals on UV are really great. Yes they're reverbed but that adds a dreamy and psychedelic effect to it. It's like you've never heard anything outside of pop music?


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And it's not that we don't want promo. Fuck yea I want a video from every song on the album and a bunch of concerts but she's not into that and it sucks, but to call UV a disappointment is a shitty thing to say. Lana needed to do that shit w btd and now she doesn't have to!

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This era is actually a huge, huge disappointment. Even with the material given, she could have created so much more and interesting stuff. When you want to put a distance between the last era and this one, you can handle it in a way that is still exciting for your fans to live this album with you, not just release it and vanish more or less.


this is exactly what i have been trying to get at in this thread. i prefer the music of UV to BTD (mostly cos the BTD demos were better), but at least during the BTD era we got more than canceled appearances and minimal promo. lana is so special because she is the whole package. i don't know why she is wasting this opportunity that she had sought for so long. i am a musician myself & it kind of pains me to see her waste this. 


i don't know what happened. she seemed to really, really believe in this album--knew it would turn things around for her. and then it got pretty good reviews, so what's stopping her? what's the problem?

  let me be who i'm meant to be

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For me Ultraviolence presents the same character or persona but in a different light. To genuinely understand this album and its different facets and ambiguities you need to understand what came before that - we wouldn't have this record if it wasn't for Born to Die. This album sounds more an Act 2 or a continuation than anything she ever released ( even more than Paradise).
There are this obviously contrast thematically where she's no longer the hopeless romantic that believed that not even death could separate her from her love. In the first line of the record she sounds defeated and this sad perspective continues for all songs. Even though thematically she is all over the places in this record she still build somehow a coherent work as a whole.


The other aspect is the conscious decision to put so many ambiguous lyrics to attack the ones who attack her and at the same time to defend  her of the critics. She goes further and further on the themes she worked before, she took everything it was said about her and decided not to deny but it takes as truth. Only to affirm: 'this is my show'. AND THIS IS JUST GENIOUS. Feminism? Bullshit, she gives them a song with the most non-feminist lyric of all times. Isn't she a sell out? Yes because she only  wants Money, Power and Glory. You guys need to enjoy the album for what it is:
"Ultraviolence has an air of "HI HATERS" drizzled out in gasoline, and an immaculately-manicured finger flicking a cigarette in slow-motion onto the ground."  


This just sums up the record so fine (thank you Zoladz for this)

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As if this makes you some sort of expert lmao. Call me when Mariah stops lipsyncing.



Her vocals on UV are really great. Yes they're reverbed but that adds a dreamy and psychedelic effect to it. It's like you've never heard anything outside of pop music?


not with that avi, hunty...


na ah


I mean really..





Call me when Madead can sing.



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