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Member of the Month (October): GangstaBoy

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Just in time (?!) for Halloween, LanaBoards has spoken and your spooky fave is...GangstaBoy! He's, well, some kinda South American, right? Attractive? I didn't even have to prompt him for an editorial photo shoot to pepper throughout, a trait I admire in any winner. Well I'm looking forward to getting to know the boy behind the yasssss, so let's get started :hooker:


Member of the Month (October): GangstaBoy!




1. What did you do on the day you answered this questionnaire?

I went to the hairdresser’s but they told me I had to wait and since I had other things to do they said I could come back in the afternoon. Then I took the bus to my grandma’s and upon arriving I found out she wasn’t home  –I knew she had probably gone shopping so I wandered for an hour waiting for her to get back. We had lunch and then I went to meet this girl – I edited a video for her and she had to pay me (I make videos for a living, kind of). I went back to the hair salon to find out it was closed. I waited for 40 minutes for it to open and left. I’m so fucking pissed right now, I needed that haircut so bad…

I skipped my History class just to answer this :hillary:


SH: And then I procrastinated a good two weeks posting it...Buy Two Weeks on iTunes I guess



Pictured: GangstaBoy hating life after being asked to take ULTRAVIOLENCE's nudes for him.


2. What's something not many people know about you or that we would be surprised to learn about?

  • I’m quite shy and have self-esteem issues. Although I’m currently working on it.
  • Most people find the gap in between my front teeth cute and even sexy, but truth is I have a tooth missing and I should be wearing braces to correct it lol I hate it
  • I’ve never seen Lana live. She came here once but the whole thing was so poorly executed (and expensive) I didn’t even bother to go.
  • I have a mole in a rather peculiar place.
  • I didn’t even introduce myself when I joined LB, look at me now :whitney:

SH: It's not your fault you're so gap-toothed


3. What's your current career? What's your dream job?

I’m currently studying architecture but I want to drop it and transfer to Image and Sound Design.

I want to become a top film director. As a matter of fact, I’ve been making backstage videos (both shooting and editing) for this small modeling agency for two years now. They don’t pay me that much but hey, I’m just starting and I’m gaining experience for future jobs and stuff.


4. What are your hobbies or passions?

I’ve been into film-making since I was little so that’s my biggest passion. I’m currently in the process of editing a short film we shot last month with a couple of friends. I’m always writing concepts and drafts of videos and short films I’ll probably never make lol but from what I’ve done, people tell me I’m quite good at it…I love drawing, but sadly I don’t do it that often now. I like cooking and singing too, but I’m shy so I don’t really sing in front of anyone lol


SH: Just remember it's not a short film unless several cultures are offended by the end!


5. What is your favorite memory?

This is gonna sound very weird. Remember the H1N1 pandemic in 2009? Well, the situation was pretty bad in my country so apparently the government was planning a massive education cessation (does that even make sense?) to avoid more infections. I’ll never forget this. We were one week away from the winter recess and we had this trip to the local natural museum with our school. When we got back from the trip the teacher told us classes would be adjourned until further notice. We literally threw a party in the middle of the street, since that meant we’d have at least a two month winter recess! (It usually lasts two weeks only)


I know lots of people died from the pandemic and I wouldn't like to offend anyone or make fun of it, but those two months away from school were fucking amazing…


SH: Not early SwineFest promo reaching the whole world, that literally viral campaign praise


6. Lana's junior and high school years have been rather chaotic from what we know. How were/are yours?

Well, my primary school years were sorta nightmare-ish so I’m not really comfortable talking about that. All I’m gonna say is that I was quite feminine so I got constantly bullied/teased about it.


My high school years weren’t that bad. I started overcoming my shyness and while some inconvenience regarding my sexuality occurred (I was no longer feminine by the time but people did remember) I felt overall comfortable with myself and I even made a few friends. Basically, school life was a constant struggle since I was really troubled by my sexuality and I still am. I’ve always liked girls but later on I started feeling things for the boys as well so after years of suffering and denial I’m slowly starting to accept it.


(SH: That's impossible, don't you know @@Ultraviolence is the only bisexual on the forum?)


Anyway, I was THE perfect student but during the second half of high school I turned into a living mess. I got so drunk during my graduation party I couldn’t even stand on my feet and fell downhill into a ditch alongside the road. My friends tried to help me but they were as drunk as me so the whole situation was a fucking disaster LMAO I also had quite a reputation. They called me ‘homewrecker’ (And no, I didn’t know there was a Marina song called like that nor me or any of my friends knew her up until a few months ago) cause I made out with a couple of girls who had long-term relationships lol

The last two years of high school were awesome, no regrets. :rock:


SH: noir.mp3


7. If you could bring two people back from the dead, have an exquisite dinner, and some great conversation with them...who would they be and what would you eat?

Um, I guess that would be my great aunt who passed away this summer. She was nuts and my whole family disliked her but she loved me and so did I. Wish I had her here with me.

The other person would be Marilyn Monroe cuz she’s my queen. To me she was THE sexiest and most beautiful woman alive. Btw I’m sick of all these idiots posting her pictures on fb with phrases she never said smh

I’d cook Quiche Lorraine cause that’s one of my favorite dishes and serve vanilla ice-cream for dessert.


SH: "She loved me and so did I" me as hell (but sorry bro)



Pictured: GangstaBoy after someone said they don't like his mustache.


8. Do you believe in any form of life after death?

I don’t know. Never gave this a deep thought.


9. Who is the person you admire most and why?

I can’t think of anyone rn. Sometimes I admire myself for things I’ve done, but let’s just say I don’t admire anyone to maintain my humble facade, shall we? Except for SitarHero, he's an inspiration.


SH: ty babe!


10. Do you have a LanaBoards BFF?

I have many friends I adore so I’ll mention them all…



My confidant. (SH: My silly rabbit.) I really really like you and I hope our friendship lasts till the end of time. Thank you so much for editing these pictures.



My soulmate. Each time we talk we find out another thing we have in common. I’m very glad I met you cause you’re awesome. Thank you for all your support.


@@Atom Heart

You’re the funniest friend ever, I really miss our conversations. Those TC nights seem long ago…


@ & @@trayertrash

My yasss team! I still remember that TC session we had long ago, it was the greatest thing ever! I miss your sass in my life trayer :(


Also @, @@PARADIXO, @@BENTLEY, @@butterflies, @@tropicunt & @Limelights you guys are awesome :kiss2:


11. Drag me (SitarHero).

I’m quite bad at dragging people so I’ll just add to the Sam Smith thing. Oh and this reminded me of you





SH: I'M AN ADULT jrCh2U6.gif



12. If your balls were a celebrity couple, who would they be?

(Well, they’re actually a movie “couple” rather than a celebrity couple but this is my interview so idc) Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law :delish:



Pictured: The duality of man after SitarHero tears GangstaBoy's soul from his body for that drag


13. When did you become a fan of Lana? What was it about her that attracted you to her?

I think it must’ve been early 2012 since vevo was promoting the Born To Die video; that’s the very first time I saw her.


But I didn’t really her. Her voice was low and monotonous and I thought ‘wow, she’s trying too hard with those tigers and that rose bouquet on her head’. But then I couldn’t get the melody out of my head. So naturally I went and gave Born To Die a second chance. And a third. And a fourth. BANG. Then Summertime Sadness. UGH. And Video Games. *drops dead* Filthy bitch, she got me and never let me go.


I’m not gonna lie, her image really struck me. I’m a sucker for all things vintage and Lana seemed to live in her own by gone world so that was a huge factor as well.


14. Which Lana album is your favorite: Ultraviolence, Paradise, Born to Die, Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant, Sirens, or From the End/Quiet Now?

Born To Die.


15. Favorite Lana song? Why?

Summertime Sadness, it’s the song that really got me into her. Her voice, the strings, the beat, the lyrics. I love everything about it and it has a very special meaning for me. I also love MDM, Black Beauty, Body Electric, Every Man Gets/Has His Wish and Is This Happiness.


16. Least favorite Lana song? Why?

Not really fond of her Sirens/Quiet Now music and some of her unreleased tracks but I don’t think there’s a song I particularly dislike…

I mean I have this thing (idk how to call it) where I seem to like every fucking song from hers…


I explained it once in a post somewhere:

I just can't help it, each time I said 'Ugh, this song is horrible how could she made something like this' I found myself humming it the next day, and by the third day I knew the lyrics and had it on full blast on my speakers.

It happened with OTTR, Lolita, TIWMUG, Yayo and others...


There's something dark here :illumilana:


17. If given the opportunity to meet Lana for an hour, what would you do/say?

I would like to have tea with her, ask her some personal questions and show her my videos/shoot a video together. I’d obviously ask her to sing SS & MDM (since she seems to enjoy performing it so much). And I’d probably steal something from her –a bracelet or a fake eyelash –as a souvenir. :creep: Don’t judge me.


SH: Just snatch it off her face! You know there's some hardcore glue at work right?! :whoopi:


18. Would you rather love and be loved or know all God knows?

I guess I’d rather love and be loved… I wonder if I’ll ever find someone who loves me, I don’t wanna die alone :sadcore2:


SH: *hastily avoids*


19. Has Lana affected your everyday life in any way?

Definitely. I’ve always loved retro/vintage stuff and Lana only made it worse lol

So yeah her style has influenced not only my image but my taste in music and even my way of seeing life in general (freedom, religion or even sex and relationships). I’ve also started to notice a certain beauty in melancholy and a longing for the past I didn’t really feel before.


20. Of all the unreleased videos and songs we have knowledge of, what do you thirst for most?

I’m not really the thirsting type, I’m thankful for what we’ve got. Wouldn’t mind the OTTR DEMO tho



Pictured: High up in the Hollywood hills taking violet pills, GangstaBoy reflects on his mistakes--seeing ULTRAVIOLENCE naked, coming for SitarHero, falling down various ditches.


21. Who are your favorite artists?

Lana Del Rey, Lily Allen, Amy Winehouse, Panic! At The Disco, REM, Coldplay, Lorde, Edith Piaf, Goldfrapp, Oasis, Paloma Faith, George Ezra, Oh Land, Electric Light Orchestra, Marina And The Diamonds. Those are the ones that I can think of now…


22. What is your favorite movie? Book? Song?

La môme / Alice In Wonderland / Summertime Sadness


23. What was the last book you read?

Cujo by Stephen King. I highly recommend it, it’s absolutely enthralling.


24. Recommend us a song that we just have to listen to!





25. What comes after “Lana Del Rey” in your music library?

Lily Allen.


26. Put your iPod/music library on shuffle and tell us which 10 songs are played. Don't skip, don't cheat!

Hollywood’s Dead – Lana Del Rey

Turn To Stone – Electric Light Orchestra

Cruel World – Lana Del Rey

Rolling In The Deep – Adele

Smile – Lily Allen

Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien – Edith Piaf

The Wanderer – Jil Is Lucky

In My Place – Coldplay

Ready 2 Go – Martin Solveig feat. Kele

Fools Rush In (Kevin Shields remix) – Bow Wow Wow


27. Do you hate anyone? If so, why?

I wouldn’t really call it hate… I simply dislike certain individuals for things they said/did in the past or just because they’re plain disgusting, but I just try to stay away from them and simply loathe them from afar. Also, I often find myself hating random people for no reason, but that’s because I’m a bit loony or something.


SH: Someone wants that sidebar


28. What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam?

Those +5 extra minutes in bed; hearing a Lana song in an unexpected place/situation; perfume ads; Christmas and this


29. What is a characteristic / trait you see in others that you wish you had?

Self-confidence mainly. Also determination and patience. Wouldn’t mind a hot body too


30. What would you say is your favorite physical trait + personality trait in potential partner?

(I don’t care that much about physical traits, I’m desperate lol) I’ll always love a good sense of humor and a strong attitude.



Pictured: idk tbh


31. do u like pies


I love everything about pies. The single idea of a crust that can be filled with practically every single ingredient on Earth makes my mouth water. 

You name it, APPLES? check PECANS? check VANILLA CUSTARD? check, check, check

Wish they made pies more often here in Argentina :(


32. what is ur favourite kind of pie

Lemon Meringue Pie & Chocolate Pie (Minny Jackson’s special recipe) :oopna:


33. do u enjoy flying kites, if so, what would ur ideal kite look like, describe it



I was eight years old when I last flew a kite, what is this silly question? And most importantly, why is it in the pie section? Like this is the best part of the interview and I only get 2 pie questions? UGH I’m done with this basic interview.




BONUS: Is there anything you'd like to tell the community of LanaBoards?

Yes. I’m very VERY happy I joined LB. You crazy bitches are awesome and even though there’s always drama I guess that’s part of the fun lol


Thanks again to the talented @@lmdr for the beautiful edits!


And since I’m the very first Argentinian to win this, the first three users to comment will receive a poncho with Lana’s face knitted on the back and a jar of homemade dulce de leche.




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Yas GangstaBoy, yaaaaaaasss! You look so good! OMG yaaaassss! :crying: :oop2:


Jk this interview was flawless, didn't expect anything less, since we're practicaly the same. :illumilana:


But I got to know so much more about you and I'm really interested in seeing your video edits!


:eartha: @ the free promo I got from this interview! May I add that GangstaBoy belongs to the 99% of LB that haven't seen me naked...Surprise! Surprise! However if there's a chance to see me naked in the future I'll let you know, @SitarHero :hooker: I hope there isn't any bad blood over the AHS drama, because I really didn't mean any harm.

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