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Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread

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Why do you act like you're hot shit and you know everything? This is a forum for fans of a music artist, stop acting like some stuck up academic!

as if anyone here actually respects any of the vile crap you spit at people when they disagree with you.

Like grow up, there's no need to be so nasty and condescending on the Internet? Like how boring must your life be if this is what you resort to to feel like you have at least a sliver of flavour to your bland ass personality.

Your avi and sig are grotesque. Has anyone ever told you that? Wack

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There's No BBC what ever the fuck because it's a promo single.

I'm speaking because most other artist do that to prevent leaks.


I'm speaking from wisdom and experience witnessing others. Educating the basics xoxox

It kills the anticapation when a leak happened before the radio premiere.


It happened with High.

A cunt with that ape as an avi. Bitch you're more annoying than me.



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Could we, you know, get rid of THAT guy?

Yo soy él, cegado por tu inocencia, y esperando el día en el que me veas, aunque parece tardar más que la promesa de felicidad.                                                                                            

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The board is ducking toxic. People literally complain about everything. Sick twisted bastard 12 year olds with no brains.


The old ones are ugly jobless gays.

I read the posts here and cringe so hard all the time.

If you think this place is toxic and you hate everyone just leave? It's not like anyone wants you here anyway.


Lol, imagine being so bitter and boring that you need to condescend to people over the Internet and insult them for anything they do. Enjoy your life of pathetic mediocrity :) :)


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The old members on the site have some sort of weird superiority complex that quite frankly need to be kicked off their pedestal.


And so many weirdos with social anxiety.

you're a very angry little one, aren't you?

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^me at Music To Watch Boys to, my recent Honeymoon epiphany, futureretro and the whole thread in general

Edited by WhiteHydrangea


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The lack of self-awareness here.


Can't make an avi

Can't read the charts

Can't do simple math

Can't even understand that he is not contributing to anything


Oh, and is a racist scumbag.


Will you ever get a job dear, that is better paid than mine?


I doubt so.

um did you not know, he already has a job 


Educating the basics is my job considering the demographic of this forum (under 18, etc)

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I just came back from uni after hours of anticipation and excitement and I was like :noparty: Don't get me wrong it's a nice song but that's about it. The chorus is really nice and I admire the exotic instrumentation but the melodies are bland and the bridge is quite bad imo


The single cover is fantastic tho can't wait for the video


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