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Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread

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Is MTWBT about this movie?





The art work and lyrics are giving vibes.. Very unsettling. It thought it was going to be a summer bop at first after hearing and diving a bit to the lyrics I got someting else.


um if the video is about that movie that means the video will be about an obese drag queen who eats dog shit, because thats what happens in that movie. has lana been inspired by this forums current scat worship???

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um if the video is about that movie that means the video will be about an obese drag queen who eats dog shit, because thats what happens in that movie. has lana been inspired by this forums current scat worship???

I'd pay to see Lana Del Scat Queen 



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me @ all yall who keep talking about not wanting it to leak or that you're not listening to the leak

tumblr_m390kbGt8U1qfckzwo1_r1_500.giftumblr_nj95qqC3OX1tfxxpto1_500.giftumblr_mp4wnoxEt11rrxj8no1_500.gifcuz okay. Who cares.


I know like wtf, are you trying to make me feel bad? I paid $110 on the preorder and listening to a leak isn't going to make it unleak

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I know like wtf, are you trying to make me feel bad? I paid $110 on the preorder and listening to a leak isn't going to make it unleak

Exactly. And then watch when it does leak they'll all be like "Well you're not a good fan" "I'm staying loyal to Lana and not listening to it till the 18th b/c she's sad about leaks"...... 


Leaks are fucking life in the music game now. We live in a fuckin digital age. It happens.

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(This isn't happening i'm just asking) If somehow I got the album early (lets say my cd came early) and I uploaded it, how much trouble would I get in? Like I'm just wondering because some people got the badlands vinyls early. Would I get arrested like that person who leaked rebel heart?

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So I just listened to the 3 songs in order and they flow really well. My least favorite of them is TLY and it's still an amazing song (I'm totally disregarding HBTB here btw). Honeymoon just keeps getting better like someone said and MTWBT is such a bop and it keeps getting better :defeated:


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(This isn't happening i'm just asking) If somehow I got the album early (lets say my cd came early) and I uploaded it, how much trouble would I get in? Like I'm just wondering because some people got the badlands vinyls early. Would I get arrested like that person who leaked rebel heart?

literally none, like people dont get sued over leaks (i think lmfao) 

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So MTWBT starts exactly when HM strings stop but she takes a breathe before starting to sing. Also the intro of TLY sounds very different from the MTWBT outro but the synths from MTWBT stop exactly when TLY guitar starts. Is it gapless or nah?


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(This isn't happening i'm just asking) If somehow I got the album early (lets say my cd came early) and I uploaded it, how much trouble would I get in? Like I'm just wondering because some people got the badlands vinyls early. Would I get arrested like that person who leaked rebel heart?

Since the UO Listening Parties are going on, they'll probably think it's an ultra HD recording or something. 


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