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Charli XCX

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right girls, roll out no angel and come to my party and we can call it a day till it's the exchange tracks make it out.

come back ultrasubeclipse, come and celebrate the eclipse

The exchange act sound better though that's the joke I hate will iam but how could she afford to scrap a collab with him he must cost money are we sure he isn't on the album there were meant to be collabs

she said yachty and kyary are the only collab around the time of n1a release i swear

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right girls, roll out no angel and come to my party and we can call it a day till it's the exchange tracks make it out.

come back ultrasubeclipse, come and celebrate the eclipse

i agree lets keep our expectations low and just wait for the bare minimum and maybe some gay will bless us all



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someone leaked cholie's next album but sucker demos/outtakes are left unleaked or tagged to death?? @masochism and i need justice.

im so bored of starting fights just wanna buy a house and live in the countryside




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in all seriousness, someone should really check on charli, because she is pretty close to rock bottom rn. she's sick in bed being told that she'll damage her voice if she sings again, her single isn't doing well, her album (or at least a version of it) leaked, she's not getting any support from her fans or label, she has to scrap her whole record essentially, she's being publicly humiliated by the person who hacked her email and completely compromised her, like...check on her please

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in all seriousness, someone should really check on charli, because she is pretty close to rock bottom rn. she's sick in bed being told that she'll damage her voice if she sings again, her single isn't doing well, her album (or at least a version of it) leaked, she's not getting any support from her fans or label, she has to scrap her whole record essentially, she's being publicly humiliated by the person who hacked her email and completely compromised her, like...check on her please


Calm down



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choli's probably really upset but i don't think she's gonna kill herself for this lmao



she's fine 



that solves that now someone leak daddy knows, tko and cum 2 my party



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in all seriousness, someone should really check on charli, because she is pretty close to rock bottom rn. she's sick in bed being told that she'll damage her voice if she sings again, her single isn't doing well, her album (or at least a version of it) leaked, she's not getting any support from her fans or label, she has to scrap her whole record essentially, she's being publicly humiliated by the person who hacked her email and completely compromised her, like...check on her please


@charli_xcx u ok chick? pm me xx 



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Kay but no joke can someone leak something today thanks


lol we are the worst. babygirl's album leaked nearly in full but we are here like bitch where's ____??? girls where is today's leak???

i'm here for it tho lmfao leak no angel, taxi, tko, daddy knows!


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