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Here’s hoping BIOYL has been scrapped and Diplo decides to delete Spicy from his hard drive so Charli can focus on actually making good music

bioyl slander...


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She’s really about to pull up to the MET GALA with that $5, DIY hot pink ombre hair job I’m..............




Also please don’t @ me saying the theme is camp, theres a difference between camp and just straight up bad.

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Here’s hoping BIOYL has been scrapped and Diplo decides to delete Spicy from his hard drive so Charli can focus on actually making good music



I feel bad for the “fans” calling this BIOYL not good. It’s sad you can’t appreciate the music your “favourite” artists create. There are singles I’m not a fan of, would I call them garbage? No, because I’m not a twat and I can appreciate the fact that one of my favourite artists likes the song him/herself enough to release them. To me BIOYL is amazing, her lyrics have matured, her voice has matured and even just from seeing her show the other night you can see she’s happier than she’s ever been. So hate on it if you want but I’m gonna continue supporting her, because I’m not a dick. And no I’m not saying these people can’t have an opinion. I’m just saying maybe try to listen to the songs, lyrics and understand her personal position and try to understand that other people may like a song you don’t like before you call it trash. When people tell me they like a song I don’t like I don’t jump straight to “ew you have no taste because that song is shit” I say, cool I’m not a fan of that song but you can’t love everything.

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i love the bangs but i just can't take this why charli why



This hairstyle is at a point of aging where even milk from a month ago would be less nauseating.

 Really. Thought it died with the Pop2/montly singles/1999 era but nope, more enduring than our hope for Bounce&CTMP :rip: .

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