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so does anyone know anything about this???? or is it bs?




yeah, it's for this compilation album: https://open.spotify.com/album/39XaTGwCaUohqZsyOuNZnt?si=kljPNj4-QyqY4F7FnNUM-Q


but at least he didn't lie and try to make up some shit rumour for attention kjldsfklsjdflk


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^ what version of taxi is that ? the vehicle sounds in the beginning are annoying lmao but i haven't heard it in this good of quality  :oprah2:


it's an edit made with the demo that leaked in september

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a song from the album we havent heard yet besides that 1s snippet, unless carly exe scraps it

are we sure? i thought it was just randomly dropped in gthe mix by umru.

also, is the whole song gonna sound like that for 3mins or it was a remix? doesn't really sound like atlantic-requested-commercial-album material, like A LOT, even compared to 2099 and gone.

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are we sure? i thought it was just randomly dropped in gthe mix by umru.

also, is the whole song gonna sound like that for 3mins or it was a remix? doesn't really sound like atlantic-requested-commercial-album material, like A LOT, even compared to 2099 and gone.

i don't think green money is on the album and it's probably just something she and ratru created to have fun like 'just like lucy liu' and 'party party'

i think it was never finished

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i'm so bored, i hope she releases Gone or 2099 or whatever its called soon  :deadbanana: New AURORA, Ionnalee, XYLO and Carly projects are great but I want more Charli  :defeated:

Wonder if we'll ever get that BIOYL video, it was done she got it back for maybe more editing (from that interview in that radio place), I still watch the Spicy Music Video daily, so cute!

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I initially enjoyed spicy but now I'm starting to hate it, it's so annoying


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