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idk if they're scammers but for sure they're hackers or have some real good contacts because LMAO the passenger demo wasn't even being traded around

I had a friend almost buy me the Kylie Minogue song that was up for auction last month :toofunny:


y'all have til the end of September to get it if you want it!

this Kylie song is from her next album sessions or just an old outtake?

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if music mafia have it, im sure others have it. maybe we will just have to wait. also only gays would auction on a charli xcx song and rich gays are the ones that can't keep a lid on shit.

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idk if they're scammers but for sure they're hackers or have some real good contacts because LMAO the passenger demo wasn't even being traded around

this Kylie song is from her next album sessions or just an old outtake?


people speculate its from the KMO sessions

te deseo, cariño

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if music mafia have it, im sure others have it.



Not really true for practically everything else they've posted. I'm pretty sure they've had access to private internal databases at labels that almost all other insiders are unable to touch.

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