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Charli XCX

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you know... just forget about what I said

sorry m8

in all seriousness, if the acapella was out you could definitely do that, but it's already a fully formed song, you'd just be slapping sounds on top of it

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I have a lil plan sistren...


May: 5ITM

June: song

July: song

August: 'XCX Girl' EP featuring the previous 3 singles plus 4-5 other SOLO new Charli songs

September: song

October: song

November: song

December: 'XCX World' EP  featuring the previous 3 singles plus 4-5 other COLLABS

January: 'XCX Girl in a XCX World' featuring the previous EPs and 4-5 new songs


Charli sis hire me

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Might be an unpopular opinion but I honestly could care less about the 2016/Exchange tracks at this point. I would rather get Focus and Party 4 U. GNO, TKO, Bounce, and Daddy Knows (Eyelar demo) all leaked. She released Roll With Me on N1A and we have like 85 different live remasters of No Angel. We also have a few remasters of Taxi and Round and Round. The Exchange songs are fantastic but I just would feel a bit silly sitting there bugging her to release songs that aren't even likely to be put out.


Tea but those remasters sound like they’ve been put through a tin can

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i'm surprised charli hasn't leaked taxi herself

i would've. sis can't even go on insta or twitter without "drop taxi" but whenever someone brings up taxi/exchange tracks bitch gets pissed, which doesn't really make sense bc they didn't even leak. maybe something else happened that we don't know about which is holding her back from releasing the songs idk

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okay but in reality:


May: 5ITM

June: song

July: song

August: song

September: song

October: song

November: song

December: song


i honestly think she's just going to drop the tracks and we have to make the album by ourselves  :toofunny:


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ok but the monthly drops make a lot of sense from a label point of view? we've heard that atlantic has been having issues keeping up with the current direction that music is taking, in terms of streaming over sales, so the best way to target that is to have an artist drop single tracks, but constantly? Like, each song will stick around in people's recommended listening and top hit playlists for the month that they are out, before being replaced by the next single that gets dropped (or even better, the latest release gets played alongside the month before's)

It might have taken miss charlene a while to agree to this with the label because shes used to doing albums/mixtapes, but based on the success of the last two mixtapes (and the fact that she was able to unload 20 songs in a year (as well as whatever she leaked on purpose)) shes has become comfortable with slow but steady releases. It also could've been delayed because of the amount of time she spent songwriting at the beginning of this year.

Finally the fact that she is touring with taylor for the rest of the year, so she doesn't have a lot of long periods of free time, so monthly releases sounds like the most organised and non-stressful way to go about it.

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