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Random but I hope Blame It On Your Love gets released. Hopefully with the Stefflon Don feature because it sounded great.



BIOYL >>>> Track 10


Track 10 just ain't it in comparison



got hate before for saying this but track 10... delete it.  :toofunny:



studio BIOYL is much better


Yes angels. Let them know



Missy Elliot would be the only artist that would sound good on 1999 but Atlantic isn't that smart

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hayley is untouchable. a true icon for lgtbq. we all love charli but dont get it confused.


honestly i just need new music, the feature is a major part on it but i'm just so excited to listen to something that's hasn't leaked like 2 or 3 years ago

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hayley is untouchable. a true icon for lgtbq. we all love charli but dont get it confused.

Hayley literally told bi women to not sing about personal experiences because men might fetishize it, that's not a message a "true icon for the lgbtq" should be sending. She can sing about her experiences all she wants but god forbid any other woman sings about kissing girls..


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I just can't tolerate the insane autotune and robotic atmosphere of track 10... completely stripped away the emotion from the original's purpose tbh

I thought I was the only one that felt this!

I remember when I heard BIOYL I woudl always imagine commercials and ads for XCX3 of her in a white room throwing confetti and shit to the drop in it. 

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ew who is troy sivan? I know charli loves the lgbtq community but i don't want this sickly looking twink on 1999


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Hayley literally told bi women to not sing about personal experiences because men might fetishize it, that's not a message a "true icon for the lgbtq" should be sending. She can sing about her experiences all she wants but god forbid any other woman sings about kissing girls..

That Hayley chick was way out of line... politicizing a potential massive hit, with big names, just to try to find a way to benefit from it herself. It’s like she wanted in on the hype and tried to make herself the “bigger person” In all of it.


She had no argument, like it didn’t even make sense and all it did was cast a negative cloud on the song lol. Shameful honestly... sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade. Didn’t agree with her one bit... purely out for her own gain on that one.

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Girls is trash cause the majority of the writers on the song are men combined with the fact that the song is purely about sex mixed with Charli's weird ass line about a threesome(?) it doesn't feel authentic at all.


I wanted to love that song so bad since I've been waiting on Charli's wlw songs like Moments in Love but it wasn't it  :(  


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i'm so used to stems being 10 to 20 files maximum with the backing vocals being in one file but i was so shocked when i saw the dreamer multitrack  :toofunny: like.....

you know what? lemme not  :toofunny:

i'm still confused as to why raye's vocal stems weren't there

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Do most of you consider replay value = favorite ?? Like is your favorite song the one you replay the most? Or do you have a favorite but you listen to it less than others? Does that make sense


Charli is seriously mastering her hooks. Babygirl, Unlock it, Focus, I Got It, Roll With Me, etc..... all rely on a single word/phrase repeated consistently, yet they’re all bangers. I think Charli really listened to what will.i.am said about his songwriting process & started using his method a lot more recently. I don’t mind at all because she can pull anything off effortlessly, & I know she’s capable of great songwriting so it doesn’t bother me when she releases gibberish bangers. Those deserve love too!!!!




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Girls is trash cause the majority of the writers on the song are men combined with the fact that the song is purely about sex mixed with Charli's weird ass line about a threesome(?) it doesn't feel authentic at all.


I wanted to love that song so bad since I've been waiting on Charli's wlw songs like Moments in Love but it wasn't it  :(


...the more you know! I can understand the issue there (when it’s put that way), but when that wasn’t even the issue that Hayley presented? Idk, that’s problematic in itself... it almost seems like the “Hayley controversy” could’ve been fabricated in and if itself. And it’s pretty obvious that all the features were just thrown into the song to generate maximum buzz, so from a deeper angle, if Rita didn’t even write her own song and a bunch of men in suits did behind the scenes, that’s kind of the (broader) issue here, and within the industry I suppose. Sounds like there’s a few issues behind it... some stemming from others.


Idk if that made sense, but I guess in summary (raises pitchfork), “let artists be artists!” Lol idk... :toofunny:


But hey, it got its 50M some/odd views on YouTube alone, not counting everything else, so w/e...

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