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Charli XCX

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both slayyyter and tommy cash parts are great, i wish he was on the remix... imagine the 4 in only one song :flutter:  :flutter:  :flutter:


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...huh? :awkney:

Y'all are kidding me right now?? I ain't afraid to brave the gays and talk about how good Charli is! :toofunny: :toofunny:


Seriously though, I was talking with a couple friends of mine recently about Charli, and they're pretty into music like I am... musicians... like music enthusiasts right? And I mentioned that I was a big fan, and one of them was saying how he "wasn't into everything she does" but still he was all like "yeah, she's badass" and I was just like "ahhh hah! YESSS...."


Honestly, most people just need to get over the whole "pop music is trash" mindset that leads to hating on women (especially) in the pop industry and whatnot. There's so much baseless hate on Charli's videos, for no reason, it's stupid. It's very obvious to me that she has layers of talent, is a risk taker, and is a multi-faceted figure in the music industry. And as a straight dude, I shouldn't have to feel ashamed to talk about it, especially if she just so happens to have a large LGBTQ+ following... it doesn't freaking matter.


So many people are just stuck in the past... and they think they know music, and they quickly chime in with their loud, baseless opinions, but they honestly don't get it... and it pisses me off.... Charli is a freaking ROCK STAR, and no, not "rock star" in the sense where it's all a bunch of loud guitars and drums and "REAL VOCALS AND INSTRUMENTS ONLYYYY, AHHHHH" -- people miss the point. She's BEYOND that, unlike most people apparently... And then people are quick to say "rock is dead." -- yeah, it's dead in a TRADITIONAL sense where the sound has gone completely stale, but it's alive and well if you just transcend beyond the meaning of what you THINK "rock and roll" is... step outside the freaking box, ya know? Like, when I try to make sense as to why Charli isn't even bigger than she is, this is a huge reason why, IMO...


Music is progressing. People are not... ( /rant -- not directed at anyone here... )

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Y'all are kidding me right now?? I ain't afraid to brave the gays and talk about how good Charli is! :toofunny: :toofunny:


Seriously though, I was talking with a couple friends of mine recently about Charli, and they're pretty into music like I am... musicians... like music enthusiasts right? And I mentioned that I was a big fan, and one of them was saying how he "wasn't into everything she does" but still he was all like "yeah, she's badass" and I was just like "ahhh hah! YESSS...."


Honestly, most people just need to get over the whole "pop music is trash" mindset that leads to hating on women (especially) in the pop industry and whatnot. There's so much baseless hate on Charli's videos, for no reason, it's stupid. It's very obvious to me that she has layers of talent, is a risk taker, and is a multi-faceted figure in the music industry. And as a straight dude, I shouldn't have to feel ashamed to talk about it, especially if she just so happens to have a large LGBTQ+ following... it doesn't freaking matter.


So many people are just stuck in the past... and they think they know music, and they quickly chime in with their loud, baseless opinions, but they honestly don't get it... and it pisses me off.... Charli is a freaking ROCK STAR, and no, not "rock star" in the sense where it's all a bunch of loud guitars and drums and "REAL VOCALS AND INSTRUMENTS ONLYYYY, AHHHHH" -- people miss the point. She's BEYOND that, unlike most people apparently... And then people are quick to say "rock is dead." -- yeah, it's dead in a TRADITIONAL sense where the sound has gone completely stale, but it's alive and well if you just transcend beyond the meaning of what you THINK "rock and roll" is... step outside the freaking box, ya know? Like, when I try to make sense as to why Charli isn't even bigger than she is, this is a huge reason why, IMO...


Music is progressing. People are not... ( /rant -- not directed at anyone here... )

ehhhh as someone in the 25 range, i feel like more of us were into her in 2012/2013 and then felt like she fell off or her current sound doesn’t align with ours. Like she came out when i was starting to get really into the rave scene (2010/2011) but she’s not linked to it anymore, just the really odd bloodless version of it that really targets 18yr olds and younger.


Like hate to say it but teenagers that have never been to actual diy raves think a charli xcx show is a rave. Like she had her after party in La at fucking heav3n which was created for and by dollskill instagram cherry emoji teenie bops. Like my perspective might be unique but,,, she’s not as experimental as most of you people make her out to be, she’s good yes, but the hallmarks of top 40 pop music are prominent ( and still good ).


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Like hate to say it but teenagers that have never been to actual diy raves think a charli xcx show is a rave. Like she had her after party in La at fucking heav3n which was created for and by dollskill instagram cherry emoji teenie bops. Like my perspective might be unique but,,, she’s not as experimental as most of you people make her out to be, she’s good yes, but the hallmarks of top 40 pop music are prominent ( and still good ).

This tea

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ehhhh as someone in the 25 range, i feel like more of us were into her in 2012/2013 and then felt like she fell off or her current sound doesn’t align with ours. Like she came out when i was starting to get really into the rave scene (2010/2011) but she’s not linked to it anymore, just the really odd bloodless version of it that really targets 18yr olds and younger.


Like hate to say it but teenagers that have never been to actual diy raves think a charli xcx show is a rave. Like she had her after party in La at fucking heav3n which was created for and by dollskill instagram cherry emoji teenie bops. Like my perspective might be unique but,,, she’s not as experimental as most of you people make her out to be, she’s good yes, but the hallmarks of top 40 pop music are prominent ( and still good ).


I feel you there 100%... like I understand the perspective. For me, I'm not like saying Charli is doing some ultra-experimental thing, or redefining music or anything... she's still staying pretty well within the realm of pop music. BUT... at the same time, nobody is out there is really doing it like she is.


Not saying she's totally original 100% of the time either, she doesn't have to be... shes entitled to a standard pop song here and there, I like that side of her too... but man, Click, Vroom Vroom... some of the stuff off of POP 2? Charli and her producers are like breaking into a territory that, IMO, actually resembles some of the metal I listen to, at a very base fundamental level... like as a musician myself, I FEEL it within the music. Maybe that sounds crazy, I know, but whether it's just the tempo, syncopation, off-beat accents... like in the past she had that "rock sensibility" the 80's new wave has carried through pretty well through all of her era's... electronic influences have always been there, of course, but yeah even though some of the music sounds pretty tame and bubble-gummy at times, she goes legitimately hard at others. Harder than ever in recent years.


It's super cool to see a pop girl doing that... I mean, I became a fan during the early Sucker days. I saw her on SNL perfoming Boom Clap and was like "ohhhh THIS is who sings that song?" type of deal, and she was up there killing it (and serving LEWKS... :toofunny: ) with an all-girl band and I was intrigued from there.


And just that willingness to go against the grain in everything she does, her process... which I wish we got to see a little more of... it's super "rock and roll" and she just has THAT presence, that energy and charisma, but again, she's just beyond the bounds of what rock music sounds like, even pop and electronic in some regards, in that traditional sense. She's breaking into new territory, but within the pop sphere. As you said, it's nothing super ground-breaking, no... again, not saying it is... but it's far more exciting than seeing Maroon 5 blatantly recycle and rip off Canon in D on their latest single... it's complete trash. So lazy.


Not discrediting the original piece of music either... Canon in D is Canon in D... But anyways, watch, Maroon 5 will go on and get another top 10 hit or something, because it's Maroon 5 (which, they haven't done anything particularly cool or original for the better part of 10-15 years)... it's just frustrating to see all of these established, "proven successes" in the pop world getting all the financial backing by these labels, pumping out generic, uninspired material and the masses just eat it up. But now, the up-and-coming generation of interesting and deserving talent, trying new sounds, struggles to break-through as a result.


Let's not even give Charli a free pass here though either, look at Lucky... very similar chord progression to Canon in D as well, in parts... but the song itself, as a whole, and the songwriting and production aspect? FAR more original! She tapped into some Kanye there, or something lol... but it's Charli doing her thing. Just like with Gone, Charli and Chris tapped into some MJ levels of brilliance there... AND it goes HARD for a pop tune... it's got some of those same heavy metal characteristics I was referring to before too. But at the end of the day, again, it was all still the Charli camp and Chris, and wasn't at all derivative!


I mean, how long is this talent going to go unnoticed? Charli is curating, writing, and putting all of these sessions together, and tons of people out there just want to dismiss it, or seemingly aren't all too aware of it... undermined by the established and painfully boring pop world, in a lot of cases.


And I'm not saying "everyone must like Charli XCX" either, different strokes for different folks, but man... she's freaking awesome. One of a kind. :defeated: :defeated: Like the music is just pure fun.

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Anyways I was listening to the album of a band also on Atlantic and the first 10 seconds had a sample that sounded like the one in the "Types"/Official remix snippet



ugh hearing this makes me wish we had the official remix... I wonder if Official ends up being the next single, if this remix would be released... 


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Y'all are kidding me right now?? I ain't afraid to brave the gays and talk about how good Charli is! :toofunny: :toofunny:


Seriously though, I was talking with a couple friends of mine recently about Charli, and they're pretty into music like I am... musicians... like music enthusiasts right? And I mentioned that I was a big fan, and one of them was saying how he "wasn't into everything she does" but still he was all like "yeah, she's badass" and I was just like "ahhh hah! YESSS...."


Honestly, most people just need to get over the whole "pop music is trash" mindset that leads to hating on women (especially) in the pop industry and whatnot. There's so much baseless hate on Charli's videos, for no reason, it's stupid. It's very obvious to me that she has layers of talent, is a risk taker, and is a multi-faceted figure in the music industry. And as a straight dude, I shouldn't have to feel ashamed to talk about it, especially if she just so happens to have a large LGBTQ+ following... it doesn't freaking matter.


So many people are just stuck in the past... and they think they know music, and they quickly chime in with their loud, baseless opinions, but they honestly don't get it... and it pisses me off.... Charli is a freaking ROCK STAR, and no, not "rock star" in the sense where it's all a bunch of loud guitars and drums and "REAL VOCALS AND INSTRUMENTS ONLYYYY, AHHHHH" -- people miss the point. She's BEYOND that, unlike most people apparently... And then people are quick to say "rock is dead." -- yeah, it's dead in a TRADITIONAL sense where the sound has gone completely stale, but it's alive and well if you just transcend beyond the meaning of what you THINK "rock and roll" is... step outside the freaking box, ya know? Like, when I try to make sense as to why Charli isn't even bigger than she is, this is a huge reason why, IMO...


Music is progressing. People are not... ( /rant -- not directed at anyone here... )

no no no i totally understand! i was just poking fun, i know your music taste/style/preferences etc; does not determine your sexuality. i fully respect that you're able to come and talk about it. i actually admire it!


i was kinda in a similar situation aswell, when i was sexually confused people always used to assume i was gay just because of my music taste. i have realized i am gay, but yeah, music taste or anything like that doesn't determine your sexuality at all, i still really hate how it's perceived that way. my apologies!

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no no no i totally understand! i was just poking fun, i know your music taste/style/preferences etc; does not determine your sexuality. i fully respect that you're able to come and talk about it. i actually admire it!


i was kinda in a similar situation aswell, when i was sexually confused people always used to assume i was gay just because of my music taste. i have realized i am gay, but yeah, music taste or anything like that doesn't determine your sexuality at all, i still really hate how it's perceived that way. my apologies!

No no, I wasn't accusing you of anything lol... believe me, I was having fun too... but what I'm saying is that I get that vibe from the general music listener, where they'd see a particular artist or people that like a particular artist a certain way. My brother for example, has given me a hard time for being a Charli fan... and it's like "come on man, just because I listen to a female/pop artist..." or whatever... it doesn't mean anything.


He just acts funny about it... super weird. I was recently talking about Charli, trying to talk her up, and he's all like "meh, whatever you say man," and then I mentioned the possibility of that collab with The 1975 and he like just randomly changes his tune like "ohh, that's actually kinda cool." :facepalm: Like "which is it bro??" lol


Idk... I guess we can't all be next-level... :toofunny:

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