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Charli XCX

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“On “Sympathy Is a Knife,” synth stabs and machine-gun handclaps are paired with stuttering beats and distorted bass to form a mass of bone-rattling bedlam.”


“I’m famous but not quite/But I’m perfect for the background/One foot in a normal life,” she muses, her voice pointedly disguised by Auto-Tune, on “I Might Say Something Stupid,” a brooding, minimalist ambient ballad in the key of Kid A“


I might say something stupid” takes another turn with a soft and mellow synth tone, while Aitchison’s equally soft Auto-Tuned vocals take listeners through her feeling like she can’t fully be herself, needing to wear a mask or disguise when she goes out. “I don’t know if I belong here anymore, I—” she ponders, as the song suddenly cuts off on that note, and you’re immediately taken to “Talk talk,””


“Charli’s reckoning with her status as a cult star on “Rewind” is cleverly juxtaposed with the glitchy sounds of a tape looping”


“The upbeat “Rewind” continues that narrative, as Aitchison sings, “Sometimes/ I just wanna rewind/ Wanna turn back time” over a tune that takes you into a trance. She recalls life before fame, body insecurity and celebrities calling paparazzi on themselves for photo ops.”




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“My career seems so small in the existential scheme of it all,” she quips. But, then, Charli immediately follows that up with the absolutely aggro “365”—“Meet me in the bathroom if you’re bumpin’ that/3-6-5 party girl”—and it’s perfectly clear how she’s feeling now."



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