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Are there any good Charli galleries with HQ pics?


Also what is "Cold Nites" a remix of?


Cold Nites is a remix of Cold Nites by How To Dress Well, the guy Sky toured with


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Is this still the complete list of songs that haven't leaked yet?





Cherry Pie

Fruit Salad

Jungle (Studio)

High Maintenance

I'll Teach You a Lesson

I Want To Be a Mermaid


Leave Me

Live Life




Mess (Studio)

Nasty French

Nothing Too Serious

So Much Harder

Supermodels and Holiday Stunners




Watch the Rain

Yet Again



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So, Beach Hut in Hawaii just "leaked". 


Tumblr user kisscharlikiss has shined their exclusive light down to our misinformed peasant hands and granted us this song.


And let us say "amen".

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Is this still the complete list of songs that haven't leaked yet?

AlcoholicAliCherry PieFruit SaladJungle (Studio)High MaintenanceI'll Teach You a LessonI Want To Be a MermaidLadderLeave MeLive LifeLucyMachinesMauritiusMess (Studio)Nasty FrenchNothing Too SeriousSo Much HarderSupermodels and Holiday StunnersViolinsVitalityWarriorWatch the RainYet Again


No, there are tons more! :wat:

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Oh! I was just using the list off page 15. I NEED THEM. How do we even know though? Like how can we know of the existence of songs we haven't heard yet?

There are a few fake titles, some that are misleading because they're interludes spliced between mixtape tracks.

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So, Beach Hut in Hawaii just "leaked". 


Tumblr user kisscharlikiss has shined their exclusive light down to our misinformed peasant hands and granted us this song.


And let us say "amen".


The user is a pussy cuz I was gonna rip em a new one since it already "leaked"


I fucking googled the title the day someone mentioned it and it was on sendspace.


I will however say the direct 320 rip from when it was downloadable is clearer sounding though.


There are a few fake titles, some that are misleading because they're interludes spliced between mixtape tracks.


I noticed traders were doing that, some bullshit tbh


Oh! I was just using the list off page 15. I NEED THEM. How do we even know though? Like how can we know of the existence of songs we haven't heard yet?


I created the list. I updated it on my computer but never got around to updating here


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There are a few fake titles, some that are misleading because they're interludes spliced between mixtape tracks.

Oh okay. I just am really craving something new at the moment. She can leak 'Interior' now :smokes:


I created the list. I updated it on my computer but never got around to updating here

Please post it! :)


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Re-upload of my newly organized Charli library.



Emelline Art Bitch is a 256 CDRip, Franchesckaar is 128 and NFAG is 160, Album Sampler is lossless CDRIP that I converted to 256 AACtumblr_mnfqloZkne1qcholvo2_1280.png

End of the world is supposedly 256, lost in space is iTunes rip 256, and stay away ep is iTunes rip 256


demos are all 128, day trotter sessions are 320, HAE is 320, HAE tracks are 256


itunes fest ep is iTunes RIP 256 minus feel my pain is 128 and killing moon is 256 AAC, super ultra is 320, you're the one is iTunes rip 256 and the last three tracks are iTunes rips from the UK version


faar i kaal is iTunes rip 256, true romance is 256 CDRip


album minimix is 256, what i like and you EPs are iTunes rips 256


Ill do these if someone asks

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