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Charli XCX

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I am AB SO LU TE LY angry with this...

It feels as if she's scrapping songs, by releasing videos just for the sheer fun of releasing videos. There's no actual management here. There's no sale strategy! And although I like the videos' simplicity, she's just making the chances for a second album travel so far away.

well do you wanna fund her projects

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No, like good god. True Romance just came out. God forbid she have fun with the album and make videos of it, right?!?!? I mean, we as fans, deserve another album immediately. Charli should not be touring or making any music videos. Right back to the studio she needs to go! 


:facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:


Edit: Sorry about how ridiculously bitchy this post is but I mean come on, really?  :derpna2:


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I'm gonna say the same thing to you, do you wanna give her money?



Hey, do you actually know what art is?

It's not only expressing whatever you feel, but it's also making a lot from a little.

You don't need money to make a nice video.

You need a concept, an idea. And I am surprised that as a LanaBoard member you are actually saying this.


Video Games is SO beautiful, and yet there's almost no production whatsoever behind it (in terms of funds and money)


iamamiwhoami made GORGEOUS videos, on which their career is almost entirely built, and beleive me, they did have almost no budget, they just had the best ideas, and the best people at the correct time.

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Honestly maybe she's not all that you think she is. She makes kickass music, it does not fucking mean she can make lemonade out of lemons.

We do not all possess the same abilities as one another. It's hard for me to even put together these four sentences, and look at you, you almost wrote a god damn paragraph off my one little statement.


This was stupid, I should not try to argue.

Edited by comeintomybedroom

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Honestly maybe she's not all that you think she is. She makes kickass music, it does not fucking mean she can make lemonade out of lemons.

We do not all possess the same abilities as one another. It's hard for me to even put together these four sentences, and look at you, you almost wrote a god damn paragraph off my one little statement.


This was stupid, I should not try to argue.



So you're basically saying that she isn't that much as an artist? I do think she's creative, and that if she does kickass music then she should do kickass stuff that goes with it.


Anyways, opinions are opinions and I respect each others'




Anyone seen this? The top comments are sinking her,

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Why?? When I am in love with a song, it's the only thing I listen to. :hooker:

How many plays does You're the One have for you, if you combine the plays from the EP & album? 

Way less than that. :horror:

Charli's actually one of my favorite artists but I listen to a shit ton of other music too.

I feel uneasy and insecure now. lol.

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