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I'm not sure if Halsey's necessarily manufactured, I think she just knows her audience and how to make music that appeals to them.

As for her personality, she does have bipolar disorder, so I'll cut her some slack there, but she's honestly so nasty on Twitter. She's so impatient with her fans, and she only responds to negative comments. But also I kind of feel bad because she gets so much hate from fans of other artists.

But I've met her irl and she's so nice and friendly, so I don't know if she's just really good at pretending to be nice and genuine, or if she just really sucks at Twitter.


Lots of people have bipolar disorder. I have bipolar disorder and I'm still not as much of a wreck as Halsey


ok maybe


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So I'm reading her twitter and I notice she has a tweet about how "Subtlety is key." along with "love watching someone take credit for someone else's work cause I know their skill will be tested one day + they'll look like a damn fool." What is she talking about? And I can't help but think she's being hypocritical since New Americana is definitely NOT subtle, (along with the rest of her music) and the whole taking credit thing is funny since her new Ghost mv is very reminiscent of Night Time My Time. I want to like her but to do so I think I need to avoid her twitter lol

Nothing scares me anymore.

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Sky Ferreira has a song called Ghost, and then Halsey comes out with a song called Ghost, then the Ghost video is a little too similar to the NTMT video.... hm hm hm


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People are saying the Hurricane instrumental sounds eerily similar to the Dark Paradise instrumental.

Everyone can agree that the new version of New Americana is pretty much National Anthem.

Her video for Ghost is a blatant rip-off of Sky's video for Night Time, My Time and Sky even called her out on it.

Her songs are full of samples, the Hold Me Down instrumental was pretty much mostly samples of other people's songs.


Can this girl do anything by herself or does she need the help of other artist's work each time?

I still like her music a lot and I love her personality on twitter but there comes a point where people have to accept that she isn't as original as people think, she's taken aspects of tons of other artist's aesthetics and sounds then molded them all together to create the image she has.


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People are saying the Hurricane instrumental sounds eerily similar to the Dark Paradise instrumental.

Everyone can agree that the new version of New Americana is pretty much National Anthem.

Her video for Ghost is a blatant rip-off of Sky's video for Night Time, My Time and Sky even called her out on it.

Her songs are full of samples, the Hold Me Down instrumental was pretty much mostly samples of other people's songs.


Can this girl do anything by herself or does she need the help of other artist's work each time?

I still like her music a lot and I love her personality on twitter but there comes a point where people have to accept that she isn't as original as people think, she's taken aspects of tons of other artist's aesthetics and sounds then molded them all together to create the image she has.


lol wait for her 'fans' to drag people because she 'wrote the entire record herself' like that should even be noteworthy. Lots of artists write their own lyrics


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lol wait for her 'fans' to drag people because she 'wrote the entire record herself' like that should even be noteworthy. Lots of artists write their own lyrics

It's not exactly difficult to write an entire album alone lmao. It's a feat that 99% of artists should be able to accomplish.


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Ever since I listened to New Americana I wanted to check her music out because I didn't want to judge her based on one track. Her music is catchy and it's not as bad (except that cringeworthy chorus ~ we all know which one) as I expected it, but I don't know I also have this feeling she's too manufactured. I mean, she's like the cool anti-popstar everyone on Tumblr and American Apparel where waiting for, and it's not like - for example - Lana or Marina or Lorde who brought something new to the "mainstream alternative" artists clique, she's the embodiment of everything that is ~•~cool~•~ nowadays it hurts. Also, the fact she's with Capitol, the label with the biggest puppet ever (Katy Perry) and tried to launch Sky Ferreira as the new Britney Spears... I don't know. Leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Anyway, I'll happily take a look at her album once it's out. :)

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I just heard Hurricane and it sounds like a take out from G-Eazy's last album 


and for Hold Me Down: The track samples the song “Easy” by Son Lux.

sample? more like "the lyrics uses Easy as a instrumental"  and its funny (in terms of indie girls) because Lorde did a Remix with Lux :eartha:

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I just heard Hurricane and it sounds like a take out from G-Eazy's last album 


and for Hold Me Down: The track samples the song “Easy” by Son Lux.

sample? more like "the lyrics uses Easy as a instrumental"  and its funny (in terms of indie girls) because Lorde did a Remix with Lux :eartha:

I don't get how the sampled was cleared though ?? 


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No shade because I don't particularly like Halsey as a person but I do have to mention that y'all need to remember that you're bringing up samples as a negative on a Lana Del Rey forum as if Born to Die (and most of Emile Haynie's production work) isn't sample driven.............

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y'all need to remember that you're bringing up samples as a negative on a Lana Del Rey forum as if Born to Die (and most of Emile Haynie's production work) isn't sample driven.............

exactly and


I just heard Hurricane and it sounds like a take out from G-Eazy's last album 


and for Hold Me Down: The track samples the song “Easy” by Son Lux.

sample? more like "the lyrics uses Easy as a instrumental"  and its funny (in terms of indie girls) because Lorde did a Remix with Lux :eartha:

this shit is stupid as fuck because all of the white music you listen to "samples" what real rappers have been doing forever

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