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AKA Lizzy Grant

Lana Del Rey Covers Billboard (October 22, 2015)

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Well at least she's been thinking about doing a long video...thinking about it. So probably hasn't started yet.  :toofunny: But still.


I guess the three M&Gs she did were the tour. Thank god I met her in New York. Would've loved to see a show by her for this era though.

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I remember when I was 16, I had a boyfriend. I think he was... 25? I thought that was the best thing. He had an F-150 pickup and let me drive it one time. I was so high up! I panicked and was worried I might kill someone -- run over a nun or something. I started to shake. I was screaming and crying. I saw him looking over, and he was smiling. He said, “I love that you’re out of control.



Well that's messed up :hdu:

Her boyfriend was a jerk

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This is ridiculous, no more tours? Jesus Christ.

It only means no tour for this album. Surely we'll get an album next year and she'll tour that one in 2017

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It only means no tour for this album. Surely we'll get an album next year and she'll tour that one in 2017

She can say goodbye to her career if she's giving up like that, even only for this album. It only emphasizes the fact that she just doesn't care, and it irks me as a fan. 


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Someone ring this girl up and tell her the world already has one Kate Bush! We don't need another Kate Bush who only tours once every 35yrs. Lana needs to get out there and use that pretty voice live and grace our ears with it.... (before it gets ruined by her chain smoking). 


Yes. (Pauses.) You know, I was living in Hancock Park once and thought about a movie idea. I was renting this house whose high walls had been grandfathered in, so of course I kept making them taller and taller. And I had an idea about writing something about a woman living there, a singer losing her mind. She has this Nest-like security system installed, cameras everywhere. The only people she saw were people who work on the grounds: construction people and gardeners. One day she hears the gardener humming this song she wrote. She panics and thinks, “Oh, my God. Was I humming that out loud or just to myself? And if it was aloud, wasn’t it at 4 in the morning? Did that mean he was outside my window?” Then a storm comes, one of those L.A. storms, and the power goes out except to the cameras, which are on a different source. And the pool has been empty for months because of the drought. And she goes outside in the middle of the night because she hears something -- and trips over the gardener’s hoe and falls into the empty pool and dies facedown like William Holden at the end of Sunset Boulevard.


We just going to ignore this part of the interrview?

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Didn't she tell a fan that she WAS going to tour? And in that French or Australian interview didn't she say she wanted to?  :uh:

she's weird :x 

Someone ring this girl up and tell her the world already has one Kate Bush! We don't need another Kate Bush who only tours once every 35yrs. Lana needs to get out there and use that pretty voice live and grace our ears with it.... (before it gets ruined by her chain smoking). 


We just going to ignore this part of the interrview?

HBTB video right?  or something like that 

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She can say goodbye to her career if she's giving up like that, even only for this album. It only emphasizes the fact that she just doesn't care, and it irks me as a fan. 

I think she would actually like it if ppl stopped caring and she had to tour venues with a capacity of 500. :toofunny:

I remember there was a date of the Paradise Tour which was really small, only like 750-1000 people or something and she commented on how nice that is


She's not too ambitious

Someone ring this girl up and tell her the world already has one Kate Bush! We don't need another Kate Bush who only tours once every 35yrs. Lana needs to get out there and use that pretty voice live and grace our ears with it.... (before it gets ruined by her chain smoking). 


We just going to ignore this part of the interrview?

Well that was the High By The Beach video with a different ending really....

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Didn't she tell a fan that she WAS going to tour? And in that French or Australian interview didn't she say she wanted to?  :uh:

Well she also said we would get Life is Beautiful and where is that...

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These are strong french new wave, nouvelle vague, existentialist black and white, sombre movie vibes> antiheroine that is well read, educated, sophisticated, psychologically and emotionally complex, but fragile and delicate, and in ennui and angst of life, in her own despair of lonely, displaced and alienated individual, she gives up all of security and coziness of futile bourgeois living and goes to explore a dangerous, edgy street life of a prostitute, like Catherine Deneuve in Belle De Jour or Anna Karina in Vivre Sa Vie, and at the end she is shot by the criminals in absurd death because of being misfortunatelly and randomly involved in their dubious activities, being innocent victim of disconsolate, wretching, calamitous path of contingency.


Or it is her giving up, negative laissez-faire attitude, after she reached her glorious goal, the holy grail of her tempestuous voyage, fame, and now she is just a shadow, or empty shell, of her former, bursting, healthy competitive, ardorous and playful self. Languid goddess in the fluffy nest of pearly, milky swan feathers landed on the hard, cruel, cold, broken glass concrete of harsh, brutal reality, fearing death and loss of beauty and youth, those hostages of vanity.


Of course, this is just a speculation, since I inscript my own sensations into Lanette, according to my own current anxieties *I also suffered from panic attacks, so I know exactly how it is to be in the crusty, spiky arms of that gravely Leviathan. Suffocating, heart palpitations, hot and cold sweat, dizziness, derealization, depersonalization, fear of losing control, of going batshit crazy and of death. So maybe her own anxiety really is that debilitating, and therefore her fans should be more compassionate, considering her, hopefully temporary, giving up tours, because she really doesn't owe nobody anything, despite our hysterically galactic expectations. One's health and spiritual peace is more important than serving delusional wishes of the ones that don't love you for who you really are, but for what ideal coconut crisp and pure screen you lay out for their unfulfilled and burning desires.


Speeking of impacts, jungian synchronicities and cosmic coincidencies, I am also terrified of sharks, those eclatant representatives of devouring ambition (if you cease to move, you instantly die), my first avatar here was Sharon Tate, and online digital magazine representing new cinema, in the grand interview I gave to it, compared my short experimental movies with the legendary and iconic Kenneth Anger. Not that I like to brag, but... :hooker:  :creepna2: :creepna: :hawt: :eek:   *I know noone cares, but I'm so proud of myself  :flutter:


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