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Would Lana be as well-liked if she wasn’t attractive?

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Can i just categorically say that Lana Del Rey is conventionally attractive? I mean, i think she is, but what makes a person conventionally attractive? Symmetry? Certain features being accentuated while others appear subtler? Vibrancy? The appearance of being healthy? A certain sense of style? Whatever the secret formula may be, it’s pretty clear that the good majority of her fans find her to be incredibly attractive. What prompted the train of thought that lead to making this thread was a further realization of how often comments and praise about her are centered on her (good) looks. Inevitably, that lead me to wonder how things would have turned out if she were less attractive--whether it was slightly so or a significant amount (however in the hell that may be measured). What if she was completely ordinary looking? Or what if she was rather homely? Would she be as adored? Would she have as many admirers? Would the makeup of her fanbase look very different? There are no ways to answer these questions, of course, but i just wanted to welcome some thoughts on this topic because i’m curious what others think. I, personally, tend to think that she wouldn’t be as successful, at least within certain strata of her fans, simply because, as i mentioned above, how much of the commentary regarding her is focused on her looks. What do you all think? When responding, maybe keep in mind the significant, crucial role that youth, beauty, and sexual capital play in being a successful woman in our society, and particularly in the entertainment industry.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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I think her music is really cool. It wasn't her looks that got me hooked, it was Carmen - and tbh I didn't even know it was Lana in the Carmen video posing with the dolls until I became obsessed in the weeks after. I really adore her music, and her beauty is the bonus, but if she was plain looking, the music is still great, her looks don't change that. For others? no I don't think she'd be as successful. It seems like people just tend to drool over her looks when I look at the LDR tag on Tumblr, not so much the music.

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Honestly, I don't think in her present state she is truly beautiful. Am I alone in thinking this? She looks so effected, and the overall aurora she gives off these days is very stuffy and even forced. :( I fell for Lana because of the music, and though her aesthetic is certainly interesting, it is of secondary or even tertiary concern when I consider my position as a fan.

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Honestly, I don't think in her present state she is truly beautiful. Am I alone in thinking this?


She is beautiful :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:


Of course the world was captivated by her appearance originally, because it was a video that went viral. Even I was struck by her appearance in "Video Games", although i think she looks better when she's less pouty. I like to think that I'd like her as much if wasn't attractive because I'm not really into fanning so hardcore for popstars, where beauty is essential. But I admit, it did catch my interest. But this isn't really about MY opinion. Personally, I think the music would be different if she wasn't this beautiful girl. She wouldn't be singing about being the most exotic flower or the whole world's girl. And that's fine. It's certainly a perspective she has and is used to (although I would never say she's limited to being the hot girl). For instance, I'm not writing about being an exotic flower because I don't have that perspective.


I don't know, the backlash would definitely have been much less if she wasn't as pretty. But do I think she would have been as successful? Not really. Her breakthrough came with a vintage video of her looking captivating. Maybe "Video Games" could have made it on its own merit, but remember that it's success was an accident, and ultimately a product of her being beautiful in the video. She's on magazine covers now, but at the beginning that's all it was--an accident. Fueled in no small part by her looks. Generally I have my ugly dude syndrome and would not be rooting for her as much under those circumstances, but Lana has always been a special case to me.

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i think it helped and hindered her, depending from where you look at it. it helped in garnering younger fans and fashion folk, but it was detrimental for her "authenticity" and "credibility" and led to backlash, especially because the changes she's made to her appearance are obvious, not only compared to the existing past footage but because contrived and artificial usually don't captivate the more "serious" music aficionados. i always thought that if thom yorke had been conventionally good-looking, radiohead would have never attained the level of reverence they did. personally, when i saw "video games" i thought she was striking, but what impacted and captured me was 100% the song and that beautiful voice. so although we'll never really know, i think if we're talking success as in getting contracts and shifting units and achieving fashion maven status, then yes, it helped her.

EDIT: this got me thinking and in general, less bombshell/more homely looks guarantee more respect, and i consider that that inverted-prejudice is unfair (even though the "beautiful people" have it easier in general in this superficial society we live in). why can't a gorgeous girl/guy make profound art? in music especially, appearance should be secondary, but, well, today more people listen to songs by watching them on youtube than on stereos/record players/devices. :defeated:

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No, and she wouldn't have as much to sing about either


i think she would have many other things to sing about (even though if she didn't feel pretty she'd probably be a different person in many respects). i think she has a sensitive soul and a talent with words, both in poetry and prose, so it's likely she'd be writing and singing from a very emotional and sharp, witty perspective, perhaps heightened by being able to live more under the radar, in a way. who knows? ^_^

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Guest Maru the Cat

Everyone's already said what i would've in a far more eloquent fashion than I could've. - _ -"


I'll just have to settle to answer the lesser former question that you weren't even looking for an answer to. :P What makes makes someone conventionally attractive... it's all of the things you mentioned and the golden ratio (1.61803....) :3 It's ridiculously interesting how the golden ratio captivates the human eye, whether it be face structure, architecture, nature.... you might be interested in its application to music?



The golden ratio applied to the face head-on and the profile, female on the top, male on the bottom

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No absolutely not. She is very attractive imo, and it's helped her get to where she is. It's sad that it's that way, but tbh imagining an ugly Lana with her very different voice just wouldn't fly. I think she would be EXTREMELY unsuccessful. I would still like her for the music tho, that's what important to me, and what should be important to everyone. But I mean think about it, would One Direction or Justin Bieber be as well-liked if they weren't good-looking? No. Matter of fact.


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Everyone's already said what i would've in a far more eloquent fashion than I could've. - _ -"


I'll just have to settle to answer the lesser former question that you weren't even looking for an answer to. :P What makes makes someone conventionally attractive... it's all of the things you mentioned and the golden ratio (1.61803....) :3 It's ridiculously interesting how the golden ratio captivates the human eye, whether it be face structure, architecture, nature.... you might be interested in its application to music?



The golden ratio applied to the face head-on and the profile, female on the top, male on the bottom


...Does Lana have that?

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Guest SolomonDelRey

Yes. Adele wasn't anywhere near her healthy weight.

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Guest Maru the Cat

...Does Lana have that?


I can't be bothered to superimpose the mask over her face, but I think she generally does, but is slightly off in a few areas. (Most "conventionally attractive" people are, usually in the lips? Here's a few examples of celebrities with the mask superimposed:














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There is no doubt that Lana's beauty has helped her get to where she is now. In fact in the WLSC video from 2006 (where she sings Pawn Shop Blues), there is a guy at the beginning who says that the surest formula for success in music is to be really beautiful with a great voice and then they show Lizzie. However in her present reincarnation as Lana, there are people who dislike her because they feel that she has taken advantage of her looks to get to where she is now (of course accusations of plastic surgery did not help). As for me, I like that she is good to look at, but I probably would have liked her even if she was plainer (I love Alanis Morisette), given that I love her music.

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No absolutely not. She is very attractive imo, and it's helped her get to where she is. It's sad that it's that way, but tbh imagining an ugly Lana with her very different voice just wouldn't fly. I think she would be EXTREMELY unsuccessful. I would still like her for the music tho, that's what important to me, and what should be important to everyone. But I mean think about it, would One Direction or Justin Bieber be as well-liked if they weren't good-looking? No. Matter of fact.


i beg to differ! she wouldn't have been as successful and as popular as she now is, of course, but with her voice and songwriting she would not have been extremely unsuccessful! i think if she was "normal"-looking she would've received indie acclaim, i'm pretty sure of that, and more focus would've been on her music. you can bet her life would be more peaceful and calm and low-profile, that's for sure! but at the same time, she was unsatisfied with her moderate buzz of yore and she wanted this stardom - and she got it. it's a double-edged sword.

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i beg to differ! she wouldn't have been as successful and as popular as she now is, of course, but with her voice and songwriting she would not have been extremely unsuccessful! i think if she was "normal"-looking she would've received indie acclaim, i'm pretty sure of that, and more focus would've been on her music. you can bet her life would be more peaceful and calm and low-profile, that's for sure! but at the same time, she was unsatisfied with her moderate buzz of yore and she wanted this stardom - and she got it. it's a double-edged sword.


I could see her having mild success in her May Jailer sound. That's the closest she's ever come to 'homely', I don't know if she's ever been unattractive. During the ~May era~ she was cute, but not a stunner as she was during Lizzy/Lana. Okay, I know they are all the same person but they're still different to me lol




Like here I could see her being a country music one hit wonder lol

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i beg to differ! she wouldn't have been as successful and as popular as she now is, of course, but with her voice and songwriting she would not have been extremely unsuccessful! i think if she was "normal"-looking she would've received indie acclaim, i'm pretty sure of that, and more focus would've been on her music. you can bet her life would be more peaceful and calm and low-profile, that's for sure! but at the same time, she was unsatisfied with her moderate buzz of yore and she wanted this stardom - and she got it. it's a double-edged sword.


You may be right about the indie thing, all I'm saying is that the GP likes a pretty face. Sadly most don't get far without one. Lana is blessed with the fave of an angel haha


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Guest Maru the Cat

I could see her having mild success in her May Jailer sound. That's the closest she's ever come to 'homely', I don't know if she's ever been unattractive. During the ~May era~ she was cute, but not a stunner as she was during Lizzy/Lana. Okay, I know they are all the same person but they're still different to me lol




Like here I could see her being a country music one hit wonder lol


She's never been unattractive. Her nose job and lip injections don't account for great bone structure. You either have it or you don't. Her good looks are all hers, not the work of a surgeon.

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