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Lana Del Rey Covers NME Magazine

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I've tried, sorry about the quality I had to redo the background by hand, I made two versions cuz fun and I like them both, the crop is weird but it's 100% copied on BTD, I just added a bit of contrast, files are really big sorry








omfg so beautiful and superior, ❤


also if you did one with the paradise gold lettering for 'Honeymoon' as well as her name I would die


do you have the HQ photo?

The largest photo we have is here http://nme.assets.ipccdn.co.uk/images/%202015lanadelray_press2_101215.hero.jpg and it's not very UHQ unfortunately but @@annedauphine did a great job extending the upper portion of the photo


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how many do you have? and do you know how much shipping to aus is?


Don't worry for now I have enough for the the people who asked in last case I can go back and snatch some more tomorrow, but just to be clear: I'm going home Tuesday and I've went to the post office to get envelopes today and it was closed so I can't calculate the exact weight BUT I know that the magazine is around 100g and I put it in an envelope I had and it was around 125g so if you want to calculate your shipping please go on the Royal Mail website and go to get your price and choose your country and 100-250g for the weight, sorry I'm on mobile right now I can't link but basically from what I've seen for now envelope non included and basic non tracked shipping it's around 4-6£. I'm coming back January 6th and will only be able to ship at this time, I apologise. 


Also to answer your question I have 35 in total lol but I'm keeping two for myself and sending some to non-LB members but again if you're concerned or wish me to eventually send two I do can snatch some more or at least try so


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omfg so beautiful and superior, ❤


also if you did one with the paradise gold lettering for 'Honeymoon' as well as her name I would die


The largest photo we have is here http://nme.assets.ipccdn.co.uk/images/%202015lanadelray_press2_101215.hero.jpg and it's not very UHQ unfortunately but @@annedauphine did a great job extending the upper portion of the photo


My pleasure haha, sorry I just saw I'll do it first thing tomorrow! Btw to get this quality I just merged the cover plus the untagged rectangle one so the cover up would be minimal 


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Don't worry for now I have enough for the the people who asked in last case I can go back and snatch some more tomorrow, but just to be clear: I'm going home Tuesday and I've went to the post office to get envelopes today and it was closed so I can't calculate the exact weight BUT I know that the magazine is around 100g and I put it in an envelope I had and it was around 125g so if you want to calculate your shipping please go on the Royal Mail website and go to get your price and choose your country and 100-250g for the weight, sorry I'm on mobile right now I can't link but basically from what I've seen for now envelope non included and basic non tracked shipping it's around 4-6£. I'm coming back January 6th and will only be able to ship at this time, I apologise. 


Also to answer your question I have 35 in total lol but I'm keeping two for myself and sending some to non-LB members but again if you're concerned or wish me to eventually send two I do can snatch some more or at least try so

okay, the international standard is around 5 pounds and i'm down for that so if you would be able to keep one for me that'd be great


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omfg so beautiful and superior, ❤


also if you did one with the paradise gold lettering for 'Honeymoon' as well as her name I would die


The largest photo we have is here http://nme.assets.ipccdn.co.uk/images/%202015lanadelray_press2_101215.hero.jpg and it's not very UHQ unfortunately but @@annedauphine did a great job extending the upper portion of the photo


Here it's not perfect but it's the best I could do



okay, the international standard is around 5 pounds and i'm down for that so if you would be able to keep one for me that'd be great


I will don't worry :)


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Your music, this album included, has always had a Bond-theme kind of fells to it. You were hotly tipped earlier this year to record the theme song to the new film. Were you approached?

"I would've done it if I was asked but I wasn't asked"



David Lynch is making a new series of Twin Peaks - a show that seems to have had an impact on your music. Are you excited?

"I would love to do anything with David Lynch. I don't know too much about what's going on but I certainly love the original TV series and his movies since then."

@DavidLynch, don't be like the Broccoli family. Give Lana a call!



'Freak' is maybe my favourite song on the new record - those bassy trap rumbles are something I'd not really heard in your music until now. What music were you listening to as you plotted this album?

"I really love Rae Sremmurd so that might be a surprise inspiration. Also Sage The Gemini. I really love listening to some of the people tha came out of Atlanta in the last two years. I don't think I was trying to emulate that sound, but I had elements of it in 'Freak and 'High By The Beach'".



There's such a timeless, intensely personal, glamour fantasy element to your music. How plugged into 'real life' stuff are you? Did you follow what was happening in Ferguson [the protests and riots following the fatal shooting of a young black man by a police officer] last year, for example?

"There is a high fantasy element in the music, but I'm incredibly plugged into what's going on politically, socially and pretty much in every way except pop-culturally. I've had a very real life, and there have been a lot of things that took a lot of strength and wherewithal to figure out... things I'm still figuring out. That's probably why the music has such an element of escapism to it."

Asked about Ferguson. Dodges the question. Cue Iggy Azalea backlash levels of outrage. "I'm incredibly plugged into what's going on politically, socially and pretty much in every way." LOL. Sorry, but I suspect Lana's either too navel-gazing or too star-gazing (in the cosmic sense) to have intelligent thoughts about subjects like that.


The song 'Art Deco' is rumoured to be about Azealia Banks. Is that true?

"Definitely not. I have no idea where people got that from. I just don't know what the correlation is. That song is actually about a group of teenagers who go out every night."

Not that she'd admit it if it was, but I always found the rationale for the AB theory really poor. Like, so ghetto.


You've expressed an interest in "intergalactic possibilities". How serious is that interest?

"It's not only intergalactic possibilities that interest me, it's the exciting technological horizon we're looking at right now. There are a lot of people I'm interested in, but I like what Sergey Brin, Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg are doing with the Breakthrough Prize Awards in fundamental physics and life sciences. I think it's important to have the same amount of attention, focus and glamour (if that's what's needed) to bring science to the forefront of people's everyday lives in the same way that politics or celebrity culture do now."

It's cool that Lana's a science fangirl, but I doubt she has a very deep understanding of anything she talks about.



the 30-year-old New Yorker has retreated to Miss Havisham-like levels of reclusion, giving no direct interviews to the press and choosing to communicate only via admirers

OK, so score one, perhaps, for those complaining about Lana not being out there promoting Honeymoon enough.




'Honeymoon' is proof - if needed - that Del Rey's here to stay

Yup. It's weird that's it's cause for some fans to start panicking.


You're quite prolific - three albums in four years is some turnover. Do you worry about burning out?

Let that sink in. For those outside the bubble of thirsty fandom, the concern isn't that Lana isn't doing enough. It's that she's doing too much.


How long do you think you'll wait until the next record? Any early thoughts on where you'd like to go with it?

"I do have early thoughts about what I'd like to do with it. My label, Interscope, is pretty flexible and open to my records coming out at any time, so I don't have that pressure. I'm just happy to be able to keep on making music I can stand behind. That's enough for me."

What she's doing is enough for her, it's enough for her label, and she's already thinking about her next album... Why isn't it enough for you, thirsty fans?



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Asked about Ferguson. Dodges the question. Cue Iggy Azalea backlash levels of outrage. "I'm incredibly plugged into what's going on politically, socially and pretty much in every way." LOL. Sorry, but I suspect Lana's either too navel-gazing or too star-gazing (in the cosmic sense) to have intelligent thoughts about subjects like that.



It's cool that Lana's a science fangirl, but I doubt she has a very deep understanding of anything she talks about.



It has to be much better for Lana to make vague and uninformed comments about space and technology, rather than about politics.


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"I think sometimes as an artist it's difficult to know where your unique aesthetic comes from... real life and imagination and art all bend in and out of each other to create your records. I've found, about fivve years down the line from writing the first song for that record, that I am surprisingly similar to the person in those songs - mostly in the way that I have a strong sense of who I am but not a clear idea of where I'm going."

"I definitely don't need a persona to create music. It's not a David Bowie type of thing necessarily (maybe that's not a good reference, he may be completely as I imagine him to be). I just put music out under a different name with a fully realised sound and texture."

People really have a hard time with the idea that she isn't acting out a deliberately constructed persona (except perhaps in the sense that we all do), don't they?



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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People really have a hard time with the idea that she isn't acting out a deliberately constructed persona (except perhaps in the sense that we all do), don't they?


acceptance of her tru perfection would be damaging to a large proportion of said constructs 




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There's such a timeless, intensely personal, glamour fantasy element to your music. How plugged into 'real life' stuff are you? Did you follow what was happening in Ferguson [the protests and riots following the fatal shooting of a young black man by a police officer] last year, for example?

"There is a high fantasy element in the music, but I'm incredibly plugged into what's going on politically, socially and pretty much in every way except pop-culturally. I've had a very real life, and there have been a lot of things that took a lot of strength and wherewithal to figure out... things I'm still figuring out. That's probably why the music has such an element of escapism to it."


Asked about Ferguson. Dodges the question. Cue Iggy Azalea backlash levels of outrage. "I'm incredibly plugged into what's going on politically, socially and pretty much in every way." LOL. Sorry, but I suspect Lana's either too navel-gazing or too star-gazing (in the cosmic sense) to have intelligent thoughts about subjects like that.

She kind of implies she uses her music and singing to escape the reality she's plugged into. Not exactly a dodge, and TBH it's a crummy question, as "yes, I'm plugged in" [and therefore, I've heard of Ferguson] answers both questions, and why should she talk about something that doesn't even relate to her art? So by not saying anything specific about Ferguson, she may be taking a stand on the whack nature of the question for *her* type of pop culture (i.e., she had time to google Ferguson, certainly, so she knows about it, and it's not like she's Kendrick Lamar, or Peter Gabriel). On the other hand, I think it will be interesting to see what LDR does or says (activism-wise) in the future, if it turns out to be Donald vs. Hillary in the US presidential race. I rather wish the interviewer had asked a question about that, as her being dodgey (or not) would have been much more informative for me.

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You've expressed an interest in "intergalactic possibilities". How serious is that interest?

"It's not only intergalactic possibilities that interest me, it's the exciting technological horizon we're looking at right now. There are a lot of people I'm interested in, but I like what Sergey Brin, Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg are doing with the Breakthrough Prize Awards in fundamental physics and life sciences. I think it's important to have the same amount of attention, focus and glamour (if that's what's needed) to bring science to the forefront of people's everyday lives in the same way that politics or celebrity culture do now."



It's cool that Lana's a science fangirl, but I doubt she has a very deep understanding of anything she talks about.

Interesting that she didn't mention she was asked to perform at the Breathrough Prize awards (in 2014?) and also attends them w/o performing (2015?).

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honestly there's no way that lana is as ~plugged in~ to the social / political / economic climate in any meaningful manner; certainly not to the degree that she's implying. no person that's genuinely involved or interested has to explicitly state it in that manner. she's always attempting to *sound* intelligent (and she totally is), but its obvious that her interests aren't directed in those areas (to any significant degree). i'm not shitting on her though in any way -- she's just clearly attuned to elements that are more abstract, so naturally her energies are going to be fleshed out in more artistic (i.e personal) / metaphysical ( :creep:) / emotional / psychological / philosophical territories. basically i'd say that she's far too self absorbed to be attuned to the external (at least in those spheres existing that far outside herself) -- but that's beneficial for us because we wouldn't have all of this music or these videos otherwise 


i'm sure in a way its similar to that comment on feminism; it seems so innately obvious to her that all people deserve equality. why bother debating the issue, when there really are equally (if not more) pressing issues existing on other planes (whether earthly, or ~intergalactic~). i don't blame her for her response -- she has to be careful about what comes out of her mouth considering her public position (and her ego, too) 


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I don't agree that lana is necessarily too self absorbed to really think about politics or science, or whatever. I always thought her Lizzy Grant songs had this political element - like criminals run the world and children of the bad revolution. There's also the fact that she tweeted a video of Father John Misty performing Bored in The USA on the night of the American congressional elections last year. And then tweeted "so fitting"

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