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Billboard magazine and other media in USA is reporting Prince has died in his home at age 57



Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I mentioned him during my Literature class yesterday and a friend was playing Madonna's Like a Prayer today (Prince plays guitar on the song). This is so so crazy... RIP.

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meh. RIP though.

He has (had) about as many studio albums as Bob Dylan right now (maybe a few more), and his career was cut at 17 years shy of what Dylan's career now spans. I think he was pretty much true to funk/R&B the whole time and ended up expanding the genre quite a bit, as well as adapting to new trends. He wrote some very catchy tunes that anybody would like as well as challenging complex music, and he played, arranged, and produced his music. Are there any people like him out there today? And besides all that, he was a real character to the media and in movies. I'm not saying you should automatically love his music, but "meh" just doesn't describe him.
I wish more of his straight-on jazz/funk were familiar to me, or is it even released/in print? 

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including disrespecting an absolute legend on the day of his passing? i think not.


if expressing indifference towards a dead celebrity's accomplishments/persona while still wishing them eternal rest is disrespectful now, la de fucking da. anyway, he's dead, so i'm pretty damn sure he's not offended. if you are, that's your own problem.


and that's the last i'll say on this matter.

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Freedom of speech is so, so important nowadays. You can say whatever shit you like without any consideration for important human traditions, like respect for the dead. Cavemen had more class.


The point is: you don't have to force yourself to be sad about his death. The point is to have basic respect for legend artists like him, who made it possible for weirdos (like many of us here) not to have to live secluded in a shack in the middle of the woods for the rest of our lives. And they inspired modern artists that you like to be true to themselves.

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if expressing indifference towards a dead celebrity's accomplishments/persona while still wishing them eternal rest is disrespectful now, la de fucking da. anyway, he's dead, so i'm pretty damn sure he's not offended. if you are, that's your own problem.


and that's the last i'll say on this matter.

you're a disgusting human being, rot in hell you evil cunt


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including disrespecting an absolute legend on the day of his passing? i think not.

your complete over-REACT™-ion is ridiculous... They don't like his music let them enjoy what they enjoy they still said RIP in respect so it's really dumb of you to try and get pissed


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