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Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant  

293 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant?

    • Kill Kill
    • Queen of the Gas Station
    • Oh Say Can You See
    • Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)
    • For K Part 2
    • Jump
    • Mermaid Motel
    • Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)
    • Pawn Shop Blues
    • Brite Lites
    • Put Me in a Movie (Little Girls)
    • Smarty
    • Yayo

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So, if Jimmy Gnecco was produced by David Khane, it shouldn't be part of the No Kung Fu EP (If that's even a thing), unless there's a studio version still out there :creep:


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So, if Jimmy Gnecco was produced by David Khane, it shouldn't be part of the No Kung Fu EP (If that's even a thing), unless there's a studio version still out there :creep:


I believe that's the implication-- there's still an existing version! Which doesn't surprise me, with all the unleaked Kahne tracks: Lemonade Motorcycle Heaven, Ben, Bounce, Coconut and Keylime Pie, etc. I bet a lot of the tracks have similar sounds to AKA, which is so exciting! 


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Do you guys like the Kill Kill studio version or the demo better? I think both are great :)

KILL KILL is superior but the ocean is a nice calm before the storm. it reminds me of when owl city first released saltwater room and then released his official first album with a new mix of it. i prefer what we had, not what we got.  :smokes:

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can we assume pin up galore was on the mertens AKA? could there be a kahne pin up galore? also could kahne be playing guitar in roller dirby?

i am the queen of the universe. the waves part, and they engulf me, and the water is warm.   



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Do you guys like the Kill Kill studio version or the demo better? I think both are great :)

It's not that I ever disliked Kill Kill, but it's not my favorite from AKA if I'm being honest... however, the demo version has completely transfixed me! It's something about how slow that second verse is after the chorus and the lyrics about the ocean that really takes me somewhere unique. Reminds me a little of West Coast with its so wrong it's right cadence and sort of desperate feeling to the whole thing. 

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In light of the recent leak (thank you @!), I thought this thread would be an appropriate spot to list all the AKA demos, along with what information we know about them. PLEASE feel free to add/correct anything which I'm either wrong about or haven't included! I'll also list this in the OP. 


Listed by their corresponding song on the Lana Del Ray tracklist:


Kill Kill:

- 3:51 demo, originating from a CD burned by Lana in 2008. Almost certainly produced by David Kahne, the demo features several changes from the finished track, including changes in tempo and a verse notably absent from the album version. The additional verse better explains Lana's original title for the track, "The Ocean", however, Lana's title for the demo remains "Kill Kill", as evidenced by her writing on the CD. This is the only alternate version of "Kill Kill" to surface as of yet.


Queen of the Gas Station: 

- 3:12 demo, acoustic, most likely home-recorded by Lana. This demo features multi-layered vocals and slightly different lyrics ("Cap (?) casino, Indian reservations", "...maybe with a post office attached to it, with chickens running in and out of it. Saw one like that in New Mexico, Route 66..."), and likely stems from 2007/8, prior to the recording of the album with David Kahne.


- 4:34 demo, likely produced by David Kahne. Aside from sharing an extra lyric with the acoustic demo, this demo bears close resemblance to the album version of QOTGS. This version can be assumed to be from 2008, recorded during sessions with Kahne for the album. 


Oh Say Can You See: 

- 4:37 demo, originating from a 2007 session with Steven Mertens-- the same session that produced demos of "For K, Pt. 2" and "Raise Me Up". As with the other tracks from this session, the instrumentation is fairly sparse, and the sound lends to a rawer, more 'live' feel than the final, fully orchestrated and produced version of the track. Note that this demo was leaked with the title "O Say Can U See". 


Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven): 

- Two "early mixes" of "Gramma" have surfaced, subtitled "Mix 3" and "Mix 5", both with a duration of 4:04. Originating from 2008, both are decidedly similar to the album version, with subtle changes by producer David Kahne. No "demos" of "Gramma" have surfaced, as neither have the other mixes implied by the "Mix 3" and "Mix 5" titles. 


For K, Pt. 2:

- 4:54 demo, originating from the same 2007 sessions with Steven Mertens as the demos of "Oh Say Can You See" and "Raise Me Up". Like these other demos, it is a much rawer version of the song. 


- 3:36 demo, originating from 2007/8. This version, unlike the earlier demo, is produced and polished to some extent, although the producer is unclear-- likely either Steven Mertens or David Kahne, though I am unsure which. Any knowledge on this matter is welcome! This demo is also known under the title "Rehab", as it was titled on the Lizzy Grant and the Phenomena ReverbNation account. 



- 2:54 demo, originating from the unofficial "No Kung Fu" EP, recorded in 2007. This track, like all of the other "No Kung Fu" tracks (save for "Ruby"), is a fairly stripped-down demo of the song, but still has elements of advanced production, unlike the 2007 session listed above. Producer is unclear-- possibly Steven Mertens, possibly David Kahne-- if anyone knows, please share! (I personally lean towards Mertens' production on these tracks, but can't verify.)


Mermaid Motel:

- No demos or alternate versions of "Mermaid Motel" have surfaced. 


Raise Me Up (Mississippi South): 

- 4 demos of "Raise Me Up" (with lengths of 4:00, 3:46, 3:52, and 3:54, respectively), exist from the 2007 sessions with Steven Mertens that also produced the demos of "Oh Say Can You See" and "For K, Pt. 2". Like the other tracks, these demos are rawer, less produced versions of the song. 


- 4:23 "early mix" of the song, produced by David Kahne in 2008 and bearing subtle differences from the album version. 


Pawn Shop Blues: 

-2:47 acoustic demo, likely home-recorded by Lana in 2007/8.


- While not a "demo" in the strict sense, a 3:03 live recording of "Pawn Shop Blues" from 2006 precedes the album recording by two years. 


Brite Lites: 

-3:05 demo, from the unofficial "No Kung Fu" EP, recorded in 2007. A notably more stripped-down version of the track, it's unclear as to whether this recording (and the others on the "No Kung Fu" EP) were produced by Steven Mertens or David Kahne. 


-As with the early live recording of "Pawn Shop Blues", a 3:00, incomplete live version of "Brite Lites" exists, originating from 2007, a year before the recording of the album version. 


- Snippets of a Steven Mertens-produced demo have surfaced, with a notably different sound and lyrics ("They named me Lana Rey Loreen (?)...")


Put Me in a Movie: 

- 3:47 demo, titled "Ruby", appears on both 2007's "No Kung Fu" and Lana's 2008 burned CD. Notably more produced and polished than other tracks on "No Kung Fu", the producer remains unclear. 


- 3:41 "early mix", produced by David Kahne in 2008. This version features subtle differences in sound, and an extra line featured in no other version of the track ("Feels like sugar in me...").



- No demos of "Smarty" have surfaced. 



- 4:19 demo, originating from the unofficial "No Kung Fu" EP, recorded in 2007 with uncertain production. Like other "No Kung Fu" tracks, this version of "Yayo" is fairly stripped-down. 


- 5:10 demo, possibly home-recorded by Lana. An acoustic version, this track also features multi-layered vocals and echo effects, ostensibly added by Lana herself. 


- Three live 2007 recordings of "Yayo" exist, all predating the album recording. An incomplete 2:08 recording from The Cutting Room features a drastically different, heavier version of the track, as does a 1:15 snippet from a recording session with Lana's band, The Rich Whores. An incomplete 3:00 recording from Union Pool features a more typical performance of the song, and segues into "Pawn Shop Blues". 


I hope this is helpful, and not too repetitive! I would appreciate any knowledge/corrections you all can contribute! :kiss:


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thank u for that post. i've been looking for all that info contained in one post. :) 

i am the queen of the universe. the waves part, and they engulf me, and the water is warm.   



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Isn't there a whole Steven mertens version out there Which eclipse has

so far we only know that he has brite lites? ....i hope it leaks for xmas :)



also, i thought this was relevant, i just copied and pasted this from eclipse's more snippets and big info pt1:



Bounce, Jimmy Gnecco, Lemonade Motorcycle Heaven, White Pontiac Heaven, Ben, Coconut and Key Lime Pie and a lot more* are produced by David Kahne.


Brite Lites demo, Trash Magic Edit and You Make Me Wanna (Let My Hair Down) came from the sessions with Steven Mertens.


The tracklist order of AKA was different in 2008, starting with For K Part 2 and finishing with Mermaid Motel.*


For K Part 2 Demo (Rehab) is also called Pretty Baby and was recorded on 25 January 2007.


i am the queen of the universe. the waves part, and they engulf me, and the water is warm.   



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Just for curiosity which cover Art do you use for No King Fu? :hooker:


This iconique cover :hooker::




I normally don't like using fanmade covers unless they correspond w/the timeframe of the music (like... typically, for something recorded in 2007, I'd use a cover that has a 2007 or before photoshoot), but this one's an exception. Even though it's a 2010 photoshoot, this was one of the first fanmade covers I saw (and was the cover that was w/NKF when I first downloaded it) and now i can't separate them :defeated:


Isn't there a whole Steven mertens version out there Which eclipse has


There is, apparently! However, if I recall, Eclipse once told me that even *he* didn't have Mertens' AKA. This was before he leaked the Brite Lites snippets, though, so perhaps that changed  :judgingu3:


(really, really, REALLY hoping someone does have it and will choose to be generous if they can... i am such a slut for AKA so it would probably put me in an early grave ngl)


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Seven years ago today, Lana's official debut album was released. 

May it continue to "raise us up".




(I'm a little late, lol. Also, credit to adoringlana on tumblr for these beautiful gifs!)


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Seven years ago today, Lana's official debut album was released. 

May it continue to "raise us up".




(I'm a little late, lol. Also, credit to adoringlana on tumblr for these beautiful gifs!)



I missed it too! Such an incredible album :oprah: #LeakMertensAKA2K17 :creep:


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In light of the recent leak (thank you @!), I thought this thread would be an appropriate spot to list all the AKA demos, along with what information we know about them. PLEASE feel free to add/correct anything which I'm either wrong about or haven't included! I'll also list this in the OP. 


Listed by their corresponding song on the Lana Del Ray tracklist:


Kill Kill:

- 3:51 demo, originating from a CD burned by Lana in 2008. Almost certainly produced by David Kahne, the demo features several changes from the finished track, including changes in tempo and a verse notably absent from the album version. The additional verse better explains Lana's original title for the track, "The Ocean", however, Lana's title for the demo remains "Kill Kill", as evidenced by her writing on the CD. This is the only alternate version of "Kill Kill" to surface as of yet.


Queen of the Gas Station: 

- 3:12 demo, acoustic, most likely home-recorded by Lana. This demo features multi-layered vocals and slightly different lyrics ("Cap (?) casino, Indian reservations", "...maybe with a post office attached to it, with chickens running in and out of it. Saw one like that in New Mexico, Route 66..."), and likely stems from 2007/8, prior to the recording of the album with David Kahne.


- 4:34 demo, likely produced by David Kahne. Aside from sharing an extra lyric with the acoustic demo, this demo bears close resemblance to the album version of QOTGS. This version can be assumed to be from 2008, recorded during sessions with Kahne for the album. 


Oh Say Can You See: 

- 4:37 demo, originating from a 2007 session with Steven Mertens-- the same session that produced demos of "For K, Pt. 2" and "Raise Me Up". As with the other tracks from this session, the instrumentation is fairly sparse, and the sound lends to a rawer, more 'live' feel than the final, fully orchestrated and produced version of the track. Note that this demo was leaked with the title "O Say Can U See". 


Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven): 

- Two "early mixes" of "Gramma" have surfaced, subtitled "Mix 3" and "Mix 5", both with a duration of 4:04. Originating from 2008, both are decidedly similar to the album version, with subtle changes by producer David Kahne. No "demos" of "Gramma" have surfaced, as neither have the other mixes implied by the "Mix 3" and "Mix 5" titles. 


For K, Pt. 2:

- 4:54 demo, originating from the same 2007 sessions with Steven Mertens as the demos of "Oh Say Can You See" and "Raise Me Up". Like these other demos, it is a much rawer version of the song. 


- 3:36 demo, originating from 2007/8. This version, unlike the earlier demo, is produced and polished to some extent, although the producer is unclear-- likely either Steven Mertens or David Kahne, though I am unsure which. Any knowledge on this matter is welcome! This demo is also known under the title "Rehab", as it was titled on the Lizzy Grant and the Phenomena ReverbNation account. 



- 2:54 demo, originating from the unofficial "No Kung Fu" EP, recorded in 2007. This track, like all of the other "No Kung Fu" tracks (save for "Ruby"), is a fairly stripped-down demo of the song, but still has elements of advanced production, unlike the 2007 session listed above. Producer is unclear-- possibly Steven Mertens, possibly David Kahne-- if anyone knows, please share! (I personally lean towards Mertens' production on these tracks, but can't verify.)


Mermaid Motel:

- No demos or alternate versions of "Mermaid Motel" have surfaced. 


Raise Me Up (Mississippi South): 

- 4 demos of "Raise Me Up" (with lengths of 4:00, 3:46, 3:52, and 3:54, respectively), exist from the 2007 sessions with Steven Mertens that also produced the demos of "Oh Say Can You See" and "For K, Pt. 2". Like the other tracks, these demos are rawer, less produced versions of the song. 


- 4:23 "early mix" of the song, produced by David Kahne in 2008 and bearing subtle differences from the album version. 


Pawn Shop Blues: 

-2:47 acoustic demo, likely home-recorded by Lana in 2007/8.


- While not a "demo" in the strict sense, a 3:03 live recording of "Pawn Shop Blues" from 2006 precedes the album recording by two years. 


Brite Lites: 

-3:05 demo, from the unofficial "No Kung Fu" EP, recorded in 2007. A notably more stripped-down version of the track, it's unclear as to whether this recording (and the others on the "No Kung Fu" EP) were produced by Steven Mertens or David Kahne. 


-As with the early live recording of "Pawn Shop Blues", a 3:00, incomplete live version of "Brite Lites" exists, originating from 2007, a year before the recording of the album version. 


- Snippets of a Steven Mertens-produced demo have surfaced, with a notably different sound and lyrics ("They named me Lana Rey Loreen (?)...")


Put Me in a Movie: 

- 3:47 demo, titled "Ruby", appears on both 2007's "No Kung Fu" and Lana's 2008 burned CD. Notably more produced and polished than other tracks on "No Kung Fu", the producer remains unclear. 


- 3:41 "early mix", produced by David Kahne in 2008. This version features subtle differences in sound, and an extra line featured in no other version of the track ("Feels like sugar in me...").



- No demos of "Smarty" have surfaced. 



- 4:19 demo, originating from the unofficial "No Kung Fu" EP, recorded in 2007 with uncertain production. Like other "No Kung Fu" tracks, this version of "Yayo" is fairly stripped-down. 


- 5:10 demo, possibly home-recorded by Lana. An acoustic version, this track also features multi-layered vocals and echo effects, ostensibly added by Lana herself. 


- Three live 2007 recordings of "Yayo" exist, all predating the album recording. An incomplete 2:08 recording from The Cutting Room features a drastically different, heavier version of the track, as does a 1:15 snippet from a recording session with Lana's band, The Rich Whores. An incomplete 3:00 recording from Union Pool features a more typical performance of the song, and segues into "Pawn Shop Blues". 


I hope this is helpful, and not too repetitive! I would appreciate any knowledge/corrections you all can contribute! :kiss:


Cleaned this up just a little by authenticating alternate titles for the "Rehab" demo of "For K, Pt. 2" and the "O Say Can U See" demo. 


Also, I could still use the help of anyone who can work with me to solidify some information in this post! Any members who are knowledgeable about demos/unreleased/alt. versions/general Lana knowledge, shoot me a PM if you can help! :heart:


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