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I just listened through her latest album for the first time, Time Is Up is my favorite atm because of the synthwave vibes. Also Am I A Girl? and Play Destroy stood out.

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Noah fence to the Poppy stans but does anyone else feel like Poppy is... super pretentious in a gross way? 


I feel like her making "satire pop", and especially to the extent that she takes it to is so insulting to ACTUAL pop artists/fans. And to reduce it to something so belittling when in reality, there are plenty of POP artists (some of which that she probably takes inspiration to mock) who have made FAR better and "real" music than her, is probably the most ironic thing to come out of her little project. 


It almost feels like she's pandering to the same crowd of early PC music fans that would justify them liking it with the "bUt thEir PARODYING POP sO it'S OKAY !!!!111" card. 

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The fact she got Garibay to recreate Alejandro so well that I even forgot the original was made by RedOne... wow. I don't follow her at all but this + Play Destroy were cute songs after the whole "poppy.computer" mess


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Noah fence to the Poppy stans but does anyone else feel like Poppy is... super pretentious in a gross way? 


I feel like her making "satire pop", and especially to the extent that she takes it to is so insulting to ACTUAL pop artists/fans. And to reduce it to something so belittling when in reality, there are plenty of POP artists (some of which that she probably takes inspiration to mock) who have made FAR better and "real" music than her, is probably the most ironic thing to come out of her little project. 


It almost feels like she's pandering to the same crowd of early PC music fans that would justify them liking it with the "bUt thEir PARODYING POP sO it'S OKAY !!!!111" card. 


there's nothing "insulting" about satire (as long as it is genuine). It may be poorly made, which is the case (neither Poppy nor Felonic Rapeair are genuises) but like... go as far as to insult "ACTUAL" music fans... what? lmao

of course there are loads of artists who make better music than she does, but I don't think this undermines her "project". Poppy is faulty on its own, not because it fails to be better than what it's trying to criticize/make fun of. And I'm pretty sure the satiric aspect to the whole Poppy shtick has kinda faded in the background and now she's too busy making c01nZ to be bothered to take jabs at Mars Argo for all they care. 

Poppy will not go down in history and that's all. Thanks for coming to my TEDxLanaBoards talk 

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I've been seriously addicted to Time Is Up lately, so much that I actually ended up ordering the CD although I haven't really listened to it that much  :defeated: I thought about the vinyl too because it looks cool af but I thought the CD is a better deal since it's cheaper lol 

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So she's releasing a graphic novel that comes with a new album in July


Genesis One



                                                                                                                                                ♡ I had a dream that I was fine, I wasn't crazy, I was divine ♡                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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New single Voicemail on Thursday. And apparently the album that comes out in July with the manga comic book is just an ambient one you can listen to while reading the comic... :crossed:

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I kind of liked this up until the part where she was like BABY WANTS TO COME HOME TO DADDY BZXHYGFWTYI$KRNESHY&3^$YYQUJER

I was a bit underwhelmed when I first watched it in the morning but here I am playing it on repeat, I wanna come home to daddy too  :hawt: Also why is this still not available on Play store or at least Spotify???

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I kind of liked this up until the part where she was like BABY WANTS TO COME HOME TO DADDY BZXHYGFWTYI$KRNESHY&3^$YYQUJER


what in gods name happened to her music pdlskjfkjdfldf crazy how different the whole bubblebath ep was


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