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listening to cry baby unreleased makes me WISH she put colouring book on the album. Like if it got beefier production it would be such a good opener/closer

young, wild, free but most of all fucking crazy


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The music video is a mess and lacks logic like how she flying without her wings moving and we were on earth in some scenes? (probably for budget reasons) 

like the music video idea should have been scrapped because no cohesive story is being told and just feels like random ideas that aren't fully fleshed out

and I wouldn't be surprised if the movie was gonna be just as messy as the music videos :toofloppy:


it's very clear the budget is dwindling down with every video and I can only imagine how bad it will be once we get to WOMB (if we get there :toofunny:)


can we just skip to MM4 already?

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i didnt like portals mostly but some of the stuff that either shes pulled or the record label have done just make her seem ingenuine and money-hungry now

young, wild, free but most of all fucking crazy


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On 12/4/2024 at 9:14 AM, 13 Bitches said:

it wasn't terrible but it wasn't great either. i just don't think humans/technology/internet fit into this universe she tried to create at first (and this is the second video where she's using it). like i get that's the message of the song and melanie has never been subtle but at least she used to be creative with the metaphors. she could've incorporated the idea without using actual phones imo. it's too on the nose


i just don't get how she was supposed to make a film out of this album? there's no story, the videos are all disconnected to each other and nothing's happening in them. i also don't understand why melanie is the only non human character yet no one seems to be scared of her? wasted potential all around imo


not worth the 6 month wait imo considering it was filmed over a year ago

Here's my thoughts on this: The other characters can't see Melanie (or Crybaby) in the music video that's why no one is scared of her. She's just observing what's happening in the world.  It makes sense that she's a butterfly (bc of the first lyric in the song) but I do agree with you that all of the videos seem disconnected from each other. Also, I'd like to think that Crybaby came back to Earth as a butterfly bc that's the only way that this makes sense to me. Or that could be Crybaby in spirit form idk.

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This era had a lot of potential so what went wrong was probably all the leaks we got and her label. Probably even her if we’re being honest. Hopefully she decides to release some of those portal outtakes like fingers crossed and needle and thread. Whatever happened to menace to society that sounded amazing 

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I can't care less about Portals nowadays ngl. That unnecessary elongation of the era is so tired :bye: I'm glad she's back on the studio though, hopefully we get to never hear about Cry baby anymore. She should write off-character, it is such an unexplored field for her

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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On 12/13/2024 at 4:58 PM, Glitter Boy said:

I can't care less about Portals nowadays ngl. That unnecessary elongation of the era is so tired :bye: I'm glad she's back on the studio though, hopefully we get to never hear about Cry baby anymore. She should write off-character, it is such an unexplored field for her

1000% agree, with a lot of portals outtakes its clear that she was writing about herself and not about crybaby. Even throughout released portals tracks. (light shower, magnets, etc) really hoping for some more love songs/having portals outtakes on mm4.. Magnets was wayy too good to stay unreleased......

Edited by Leechessoiree
bad grammar

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On 12/13/2024 at 4:58 PM, Honeymoonwitch said:

This era had a lot of potential so what went wrong was probably all the leaks we got and her label. Probably even her if we’re being honest. Hopefully she decides to release some of those portal outtakes like fingers crossed and needle and thread. Whatever happened to menace to society that sounded amazing 

fr, menace to society sounds 1000x better than half of portals.. Just release all of the portals unreleased and skip right to mm4. Nobody wants these low quality mvs anymore

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1 hour ago, Leechessoiree said:

fr, menace to society sounds 1000x better than half of portals.. Just release all of the portals unreleased and skip right to mm4. Nobody wants these low quality mvs anymore

i cant lie i love the lq music videos. the shitty cgi just makes it feel like some indie 80s puppet film. not sure if that was her intention but it matches the music so well


still waiting for a video to top void's though :teehee:

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5 minutes ago, viv said:

i cant lie i love the lq music videos. the shitty cgi just makes it feel like some indie 80s puppet film. not sure if that was her intention but it matches the music so well


still waiting for a video to top void's though :teehee:

Death and void were peak. Faerie soiree was good too. I’m honestly just waiting for menace to society to leak. Apparently an extended snippet leaked yesterday 

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17 hours ago, Honeymoonwitch said:

Death and void were peak. Faerie soiree was good too. I’m honestly just waiting for menace to society to leak. Apparently an extended snippet leaked yesterday 

i agree. spider webs also growing on me but its not on the same level as the three you mentioned. i would rather forget about tunnel vision and light shower

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