Baby V Alex 2,868 Posted July 31, 2015 me n u If you don't care for it being from Japan I can trade you one, don't be so rude. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harlem 1,942 Posted July 31, 2015 If you don't care for it being from Japan I can trade you one, don't be so rude. Oh yeah idc about it being from Japan, I have a ton of event pokemon from japan u do realize the gif was a joke 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baby V Alex 2,868 Posted July 31, 2015 Oh yeah idc about it being from Japan, I have a ton of event pokemon from japan u do realize the gif was a joke All this time, and you failed me shoot me you FC 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tommi 813 Posted August 1, 2015 Y'all need to list your FCs, I need more active people to play with 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harlem 1,942 Posted October 24, 2015 We start getting Hoopa here in the UK from yesterday raise da roof 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lirazel 700 Posted November 11, 2015 I know this is about 3DS Pokemon, but I don't see any other thread, so... I just came to a realization that I'm such a poketrash, at least regarding gen1 and gen2 games. Recently, I got addicted to buying cheap Pokemon merch from the late 90's-early 00's. The worst thing is that seeing cute trading cards made me want to start collecting them too, and I don't have money at all! A month ago I started playing Heartgold and I LOVE IT. Don't care if it's old news at this point. It's all new to me! (well, except for the whole "remake of a game you playes 10 years ago" thing...). I also tried to play Black/White, but I can't stand the new Pokemon designs! My bestfriend and a certified poketrash (she has played all the games and bought DS, 3DS etc. JUST for Pokemon, even though she also enjoys other games) has shown me the national dex website and I can appreciate 2-5 Pokemon from each gen older than gen1 and 2, but that's it... I mean, what the fuck is this ugly piece of shit? wHAT WERE THEY THINKING???? (my poketrash friend also hates this...thing). I hate to be such a genwunner (no hate towards people who enjoy new pokedesigns), but the ugliness of new Pokemon ruins the fun of updated game mechanics. 0 Quote i am nothing and should be everything Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valentino 887 Posted November 14, 2015 I wish they would have added online capabilities for the VC RBY. How awesome would that have been? But something is better than nothing. Also that Pokken thing looks sick. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creyk 11,833 Posted November 14, 2015 Oh wow, I did not realize we had a Pokemon thread on here. I play the games, although I didn't touch my copy of ORAS in months. I just completed everything already, even beat hundreds of players in online battles, which is my favorite part of the games. I have a powersave so if one of you people wants a shiny or an event legend I can help you out 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James Dean 950 Posted February 9, 2016 Hey PLEASE I BEG YOU HELP ME IN THIS 2016 MYTHICAL DISTRIBUTIONS 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sucker 7,932 Posted February 11, 2016 new pokemon was announced yesterday. it's kinda cute 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YUNGATA 14,959 Posted February 21, 2016 guys i've been shiny breeding and as a result have a shitton of bulbasaurs (like over 60) lemme kno if u want 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoneymoonSwan 3,106 Posted November 13, 2016 So I've recently been posting on the status updates about Pokémon Sun & Moon, and I've noticed a lot of you have also been talking about it. I decided to make a thread where we can all discuss the games, and we can talk about our opinions. If you aren't a fan, you should probably join the fandom this generation, since these two games are going to be a fresh take on the games! (Also I was creating this thread, and my browser stopped working, and I lost everything, so please respect this. Thanks ) Here's some trailers if you haven't bee keeping up with the news: Yesterday, I pre-ordered both of the games, and I'm so hyped. They might actually take the place as my favorite games since Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum (aka the holy trinity) I love everything about this new generation. It's a very fresh breath of air, after constantly having one purpose, and one purpose only, Collecting Gym Badges. I love the area, the names, the legendary Pokémon, and also all the new Pokémon. This is very exciting, especially if you've been a long time fan. I was a fan growing up, so I've played all the games, and I'm ready for a new start. Questions (I'm curious, and I'll also answer ) 1. Which starter Pokémon will you choose? I plan on picking Popplio for Sun, and Rowlet for moon. (Their evolutions are the best imo) 2. What Pokémon are you most excited for? I'm mostly excited for Rockruff, Lurantis, Comfey, and Turtonator. 3. What are your goals? Completing all the trials, or completing the Alolan Poké Dex? Since this game is so huge, I'm probably going to try, and accomplish all that I can. 4. Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, or Alolan Forms? (Which are you most excited for?) Z-Moves. They are so goofy to me, and I love it. It really brings out the Hawaiian Culture. 5. Opinion on Ultra Beast? I have a feeling they will be some type of Boss. Like I've been saying this generation is a new take on the games, and I wouldn't be surprised if Ultra Beast were their way of giving us a new challenge. We know from the leaks that they are from a different universe, and will be catchable. Also will you guys be watching the tv series? What's your opinion on that? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harlem 1,942 Posted November 13, 2016 They might actually take the place as my favorite games since Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum (aka the holy trinity) Absolute mess that anyone could even think these games could come anywhere near close to what DP&P were 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoneymoonSwan 3,106 Posted November 13, 2016 Absolute mess that anyone could even think these games could come anywhere near close to what DP&P were Haha! I love those games so much, and they've been my favorites since they first came out. I see a lot of potential in S&M though, and I think they will be great. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harlem 1,942 Posted November 13, 2016 Haha! I love those games so much, and they've been my favorites since they first came out. I see a lot of potential in S&M though, and I think they will be great. Yeah I don't see why they're so unpopular compared to other gens, they were insanely good, couldn't fault anything, I couldn't even imagine the amount of hours logged in on them. Whereas with Sun & Moon.... eh... headache. I'm not too hooked on them, for me it's like they're trying to do TOO much, Z moves, changing up gyms, tiki battles, all that crap. The thing that annoys me the most is the fact that Zygarde is being brought over into this game, that should've been finished in X/Y, ridiculous that it's still not been given to us, that and the fact they found Hoopa, Diancie & Volcanion when XY came out and we didn't even get them all until this year. Now we get ultra beasts instead of some actual legendaries (like every legendary in S&G / R&S / D&P / B&W were FLAWLESS), XY we got barely anything, S&M we get ultra beasts (i'm assuming they're the 'legendaries' we're gonna get) and they're all just lackluster. I really miss the days of the fixed pokedex lineup ugh 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoneymoonSwan 3,106 Posted November 13, 2016 Yeah I don't see why they're so unpopular compared to other gens, they were insanely good, couldn't fault anything, I couldn't even imagine the amount of hours logged in on them. Whereas with Sun & Moon.... eh... headache. I'm not too hooked on them, for me it's like they're trying to do TOO much, Z moves, changing up gyms, tiki battles, all that crap. The thing that annoys me the most is the fact that Zygarde is being brought over into this game, that should've been finished in X/Y, ridiculous that it's still not been given to us, that and the fact they found Hoopa, Diancie & Volcanion when XY came out and we didn't even get them all until this year. Now we get ultra beasts instead of some actual legendaries (like every legendary in S&G / R&S / D&P / B&W were FLAWLESS), XY we got barely anything, S&M we get ultra beasts (i'm assuming they're the 'legendaries' we're gonna get) and they're all just lackluster. I really miss the days of the fixed pokedex lineup ugh Yeah, I really hate that Zygarde is being brought into S&M, and I really hate that a lot of legendaries that should have been left in XY (they honestly should have just made a Pokemon Z, since it's supposed to be an important Pokemon), especially Magearna. I felt that DP&P were the best games, and they have really been swept under the dust. It had the best Pokemon, and it had SO MANY legendary Pokemon and they all made sense. Recently, all the legendaries that have been released have only felt like they were released so they could make money off the movies. DP&P also had the best animated series, and it was ahead of its time. I'm here for a 3D remake after S&M are released. Also I'm not here for the Kanto love. I understand that it's nice to have nostalgia and all that mess. The first generation isn't that good though, and don't even get me started about the GameBoy remakes. I just hate everything about Gen 1, and it makes me want to barf. Especially when I have a rule about not using older gen Pokemon in the newer games, and you get to like the first route, and all you can find is a fucking pidgey that doesn't even belong in that game. #UNPOPULAROPINION 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Homogenic 1,148 Posted November 13, 2016 I can't wait for these!!! 1. Which starter Pokémon will you choose? Popplio for sure 2. What Pokémon are you most excited for? Mimikyu my poor misunderstood son. Or Alolan Meowth 3. What are your goals? Completing all the trials, or completing the Alolan Poké Dex? Getting through the main story, but until I actually play, I'm not sure. 4. Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, or Alolan Forms? (Which are you most excited for?) Alolan Forms! Dugtrio cracks me the fuck up lmfao 5. Opinion on Ultra Beast? No opinion tbh lol 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoneymoonSwan 3,106 Posted November 13, 2016 I can't wait for these!!! SAME! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YUNGATA 14,959 Posted November 14, 2016 i'm so hype for this game, it honestly looks incredible ) 1. Which starter Pokémon will you choose? Rowlet look at the lil fella, i love him so much. 2. What Pokémon are you most excited for? Rockruff and Lycanthorpe. Alolan form Vulpix + Ninetales 3. What are your goals? Completing all the trials, or completing the Alolan Poké Dex? I'm a dex completer and a shiny hunter, assuming masuda method is in the games I'll just be breeding for shinies. 4. Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, or Alolan Forms? (Which are you most excited for?) Alolan forms. I really like the idea and designs, feels like a nice way to recelebrate gen 1. 5. Opinion on Ultra Beast? Not sure what it's gonna be... excited to know 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creyk 11,833 Posted November 14, 2016 i'm so hype for this game, it honestly looks incredible <3 I'm getting Sun ) Finally someone else who also gets sun, almost everyone I know is buying Sun. I prefer Solgaleo's design by a lot. 1. Which starter Pokémon will you choose? Litten. That beefy cat is beautiful, it was love at first sight when the design leaked months ago. I prayed so hard for it to be real and then it was. I love it. 2. What Pokémon are you most excited for? Lurantis, Comfey, and Gollisopod. 3. What are your goals? Completing all the trials, or completing the Alolan Poké Dex? Complete the dex, it should be easy since I did it in XY already. Then make competitve teams and crush everyone in online battles. 4. Z-Moves, Mega Evolution, or Alolan Forms? (Which are you most excited for?) Mega Evolution is the best. Alolan forms are under utilized and not so interesting. Z moves are okay. 5. Opinion on Ultra Beast? They are great. The mosquito one is very sexy. They look better in game than in pictures found on the internet. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites