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Paradise - Pre-Release Thread

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Let's talk about some of the lyrics..


In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel, looking to get fucked hard. Like a groupie incognito posing as a real singer- God + Monsters


Elvis is the best, hell yes, honey put on that party dress like whoo hoo whoo hoo whoo hoo whooooo- American



Pretty much explains some of the fan's disappointment imo :toofloppy:

Also, who is Javi??? or Holly??? in Cola lyrics


What the actual fuck? What's wrong with her?


I haven't listened to the 1:30 snippets and I'm not going to, but from the full versions that have been released, "Blue Velvet" is a pretty boring and sleepy, "Burning Desire" definitely could be better and "Ride"...is a bit boring, if I'm being honest. From everything I've heard (those songs and the teaser snippets) it seems like Lana's pretty damn horny. I mean, she's always sung about sex and all, but this EP is FULL of her wanting to fuck and the taste of her pussy.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I will of course love it. I listened through the snippets once and that's it, I don't want to spoil it.


However, when i first heard her debut of Body Electric i was completely enamoured. But the studio snippet sounded so very artificial i have to admit i lost my semi. I'm going to be optimistic and palm it off as a crappy snippet though. We'll see.



I've only listened to Ride, Body Electric and Yayo the other's are gunna be surprises:



I have loved her vocals, and emotions in Body Electric since it debut, but when I was listening to the snippet I felt the song was more artificial it wasn't raw like when she sung it live. I didn't feel that insane and freeing feeling that she portrayed on stage it kinda felt flat, and then I heard the auto-tune :what: No Words.


An amazing haunting song...what happened. :oprah: smh.


But saying this I'm gunna be completely open minded for the PE because both of the snippets were in awful quality and i grow to love her songs...




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The lyrics are cheesy and crappy.... And I love that.

I respect Lana for creating new songs for us.

The only song I was dissapointed in was Yayo


I think this re-release reflects on the album title... like.. These things hasn't happened, but she wants them to happen (she wants her pussy to taste like pepsi cola)

She can do whatever she wants and I will love it

I couldn't stand certain songs on BTD, and guess what? They ended up being my favourite

(Wheres that gif of lana doing the 'rock on' sign from the ride video)

'You're gonna love it, I'm gonna make you!'



okay that pic alone might make me love the album no matter how crappy it'll sound to me. it's lana so I guess I am forced by the lord del rey to buy it and replay it until I force myself to appreciate it

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I just hope she doesn't "sell out." I think since she has begun singing about sex and stuff, she will appeal more to the general public because that seems to be how it always goes. I do hope she releases the AKA album after this, because I think it could take her extremely far.


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I do hope she releases the AKA album after this, because I think it could take her extremely far.

I hope she doesn't because her label will just edit the fuck out of it and make her re-record in a deep voice and add a-tl which will just destroy the album altogether

Lana.pngAngel-Headed Hipster

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I hope she doesn't because her label will just edit the fuck out of it and make her re-record in a deep voice and add a-tl which will just destroy the album altogether


"You call me lavend- (boiling tea kettle)" "You call me sunshi - ah ah ah" "You say AH AH AH (Boiling tea kettle)"


It'd make me cry myself to sleep if they ruined AKA

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Judging from the snippets we have, I think that the lyrics aren't as good as they could be, and I think she could do much better. Some parts of of the songs/snippets sounds squishy, and very quickly done, production and recording vice. I'm abit dissapointed with Body Eletric, the chorus sounds really good, but the rest it just meh. And some parts sounds obviosuly autotuned to me, but I don't know if they actually are. I'm really looking forward to American, probably my favourite snippet. I don't like how they re-mastered yayo, Cola sounds slacky and lazy and Gods and Monsters sounds good, but I don't like lines such as ''Looking to ger fucked hard''


I don't think I'll like this album as much as previous ones, but I'm sure it'll be enjoyable. And we only have snippets, so we never know

*Insert awesome and creative photo of Lana with added photoshops effects here*

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I think Paradise sounds fine, except for a little bit of over production on one or two songs. Other than that, it's all fine to me.

I think lyrically, she's still singing about the things she's always sang about: Sex, daddy issues, Celebrities, "Classical" America, God, and L.A., she's just doing it more openly. For example, she's stating names of celebrities this time around and even including their lyrics in the songs. something she didn't do on Born To Die, it's all rather interesting, just a few mentions are Elvis, Jim Morrison, Marilyn Monroe, "Sweet Child O' Mine," and the Tom Petty lyrics "Honey, put on that party dress," which she also used in Dangerous Girl. It's like with Born To Die she was inching her way toward the general public, like she didn't want to mess things up with them, now the public has recognized her and she's pushing it a little further by talking about all these great musicians, now that she's comfortable. Paradise is a representation of what it's like for Lana right now, she's past the crash or burn stage of her career, now she's in paradise.

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I hope she doesn't because her label will just edit the fuck out of it and make her re-record in a deep voice and add a-tl which will just destroy the album altogether


This is true, but I didn't necessarily mean that they should redo it.


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As far as the images in the box set go, don't get riled up just yet about them re-using things. That is just a digital mockup, and a lot of times, they photoshop random, already released images onto the vinyls and whatnot so as not to give away the surprise.


Can't guarantee they'll be using new images here, but I've got a pretty good feeling they will. But Blue Velvet also does seem that it was done for H&M and then included on the album, so it wouldn't be completely unfitting to use that image for the vinyl.


We'll just have to wait until someone gets the physical set to see what images they've included. I'd say that chances are high that there are at least a couple new photos. Gaga did the same thing when she released the vinyl box set for Born This Way. It was just a digital mockup with old images when you pre-ordered it, but when it came, they had multiple brand new images printed onto the vinyls.




^ That one on the lower right is from a random magazine photoshoot, not an album shoot. :toofloppy: So don't worry, there's still hope.


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I just want to remind folks that Lana Del Rey has given many subtle and not-so-subtle indications that she is not entirely happy with the way the AKA album turned out as a whole.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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I just want to remind folks that Lana Del Rey has given many subtle and not-so-subtle indications that she is not entirely happy with the way the AKA album turned out as a whole.


Like what? I only know she wasn't happy with Yayo - what else has she said/done to suggest it?

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What are your thoughts on the upcoming album? I think it's gonna be amazing tbh.

Am I the only one who actually likes American? I love it!


Am I the only one who doesn't like Gods & Monsters? Well, I love it lol.

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auto tune-loon


I just want to remind folks that Lana Del Rey has given many subtle and not-so-subtle indications that she is not entirely happy with the way the AKA album turned out as a whole.

this is so true! also lana does have complete creative control over all music she releases, so i know some of us (including me) are a bit iffy on some of the new material (hint *Yayo*), but for her the songs are perfect or she wouldn't have released any of them. This might be a really unpopular opinion but i think that the music lana is making now is the music she has always wanted to make, she has all the resources she needs and this is what she's producing. I really do love LgAKALdr but i think BTD and PE is the kind of music we'll be seeing released in the future!




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Lana has said many times that she didn't expect to be so famous from all this, that she does it for herself and her fans, and if you actually stop and think about how much she hates touring and performing, it should be pretty obvious that she isn't going to sell out. I really can't believe how little faith some of you have in her.




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I just want to remind folks that Lana Del Rey has given many subtle and not-so-subtle indications that she is not entirely happy with the way the AKA album turned out as a whole.


The statement that stands out to me the most is where she mentioned that she and David didn't always argree on the vocals for the album. She wanted to be a bit more experimental with the vocals.


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I could have been more accurate with my initial statement. What i said is true, but i should have been more thorough and specified that she has given mixed/conflicting opinions on the AKA album. Sure, there are youtube comments and some interviews where she has mentioned that she is proud of the record, but there are also a handful of other interviews (we need that interviews section--evilentity could probably step up here and fill in the blanks because i don't keep track of this sort of information) where she has suggested that it wasn't entirely what she wanted and that she and Kahne butted heads some. It's a rather unfortunate thing to learn and accept because that album is so great and, in the opinion of many people including mine, easily her best work. And you know, she could have also been in the middle of a big artistic growth spurt at that point and still trying to figure out what exactly she wanted. But as mentioned above, she has all the resources now that she most likely wanted all along. That is a big factor to take into consideration.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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