Daisy Hearted 1,727 Posted May 23, 2017 I wish the media would cover what is happening in the Philippines, it's horrifying from what I heard! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HunterSThompson 4,646 Posted May 23, 2017 Started reading parts of this thread, but my I don't think I can bring myself to do it. Without knowing if this was previously mentioned, here are some friendly reminders: 1. Terrorism ≠ Islam so not all terrorists are Muslim, and not all Muslims are terrorists. ISIS is the furthest thing from representing anything truly Islamic; they've taken points of the Qur'an and transmogrified it to something sinister. Again, the religion of Islam is not inherently sinister. 2. "Christian terrorism" is, in fact, still an issue. I posted earlier in this thread some recent incidents (in the US). Like I said before, terrorism is not specific to one ideology or one misconstrued interpretation of a certain faith. 3. Finally, please understand that your words (yes, even online ones in our haven of Lanaboards) have real-world consequences. I briefly scrolled past accusations of a user being labelled as a "terrorist sympathizer." That's harsh, and probably wrong. It's so hard to understand the intention of one's argument/words, especially online... so please, guys, be a little more kind <3 I know terrorism is a serious threat that has been around since the beginning of time, and sometimes, it feels like no matter what we do it just won't stop. I feel that, too. Hard. A lot. I study politics and I feel drained after classes each day. Learning about this stuff every semester makes me look at the world in a dark way sometimes. It's so hard to fathom that we live in a world with so much hate and violence -- so please don't add to it with your words (unless u calling out a dumb bitch on here about Lana stuff). Being divisive about Islam and other faiths that have been wrongfully accused of being a hub for terrorism is playing into the hands of terrorists. Don't let them fool you into being fearful. Fear is lethal... But love and togetherness are lethal, too, because it's lethal for hate. Sorry if I sound cheesy, y'all, I just hate seeing this divisiveness. Love more <3 love and kindness (again, except when a bitch is being salty on the LFL thread) is so important. Imagine what Lana -- a woman we all love -- would think seeing us rip into each other, especially at a time like this? Sorry if this is sounding like I'm trying to maintain some moral highground, I promise that's not what I'm doing. I just want to see more love here, that's all. Well...that's all from me today, folks. If anyone wants to chat about this stuff, or anything else, I'm here always. I love you all dearly x PS @sexwithme YOU LIVE NEAR AC? My whole family lives in Ocean City (like 10 minutes away) and tons of my family works in AC! That's so cool that you, presumably, live close to there ahh xxxx I was at the concert last night guys, worst thing I've ever experienced! Glad to be home now. Hope all is well with you. I've been praying for everyone & you're in my constant thoughts. PM me if you want to chat about it and sort things out. I can't imagine what it must feel like but I am here if you need a listener x 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summersault 825 Posted May 23, 2017 My thoughts go out to the victims and their families in Manchester and the Philliphines being affected right now. What a sad couple of days In regard to the Islam debate, I think that we can and SHOULD criticize Islam as a belief system/ideology, as it is absolutely part of the problem,with fundamentalist terrorism. You can't read this and say that Islam isn't connected to the radicalization of the perpetrator: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/may/23/manchester-arena-attacker-named-salman-abedi-suicide-attack-ariana-grande As Ayaan Hirsi Ali said so well: No mono-theistic religion is a religion of peace. They all contain the seed of violence as they divide people into categories and claim the truth. Criticizing Islam as an oppressive structure is not the same as criticizing every single muslim practicing their faith, many of whom are victims of terrorism themselves. Saying that there currently is a greater need for seculiarization within Islam than Christianity and Judaism is not the same as saying that Christianity and Judaism hasn't been (or still aren't) oppressive structures as well. /my Hot Take 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted May 23, 2017 My thoughts go out to the victims and their families in Manchester and the Philliphines being affected right now. What a sad couple of days In regard to the Islam debate, I think that we can and SHOULD criticize Islam as a belief system/ideology, as it is absolutely part of the problem,with fundamentalist terrorism. You can't read this and say that Islam isn't connected to the radicalization of the perpetrator: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/may/23/manchester-arena-attacker-named-salman-abedi-suicide-attack-ariana-grande As Ayaan Hirsi Ali said so well: No mono-theistic religion is a religion of peace. They all contain the seed of violence as they divide people into categories and claim the truth. Criticizing Islam as an oppressive structure is not the same as criticizing every single muslim practicing their faith, many of whom are victims of terrorism themselves. Saying that there currently is a greater need for seculiarization within Islam than Christianity and Judaism is not the same as saying that Christianity and Judaism hasn't been (and still are) oppressive structures as well. /my Hot Take what is this ? reasonable arguments ? what are you doing on LB 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summersault 825 Posted May 23, 2017 what is this ? reasonable arguments ? what are you doing on LB You're right, I'm too old for this s**t 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carino 16 Posted May 23, 2017 A lot of people who post in this thread think they know why attacks like in Manchester happen. Let's see what ISIS says. This is from the Islamic State Magazin Dabiq. You can download it here https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/what-do-jihadists-really-want Sorry for the long post but I think this is important. Shortly following the blessed attack on a sodomite, Crusader nightclub by the mujahid Omar Mateen , American politicians were quick to jump into the spotlight and denounce the shooting, declaring it a hate crime, an act of terrorism, and an act of senseless violence. A hate crime? Yes. Muslims undoubtedly hate liberalist sodomites, as does anyone else with any shred of their fitrah (inborn human nature) still intact. An act of terrorism? Most definitely. Muslims have been commanded to terrorize the disbelieving enemies of Allah. But an act of senseless violence? One would think that the average Westerner, by now, would have abandoned the tired claim that the actions of the mujahidin – who have repeatedly stated their goals, intentions, and motivations – don’t make sense. Unless you truly – and naively – believe that the crimes of the West against Islam and the Muslims, whether insulting the Prophet g, burning the Quran, or waging war against the Caliphate, won’t prompt brutal retaliation from the mujahidin, you know full well that the likes of the attacks carried out by Omar Mateen, Larossi Aballa, and many others before and after them in revenge for Islam and the Muslims make complete sense. The only thing senseless would be for there to be no violent, fierce retaliation in the first place! Many Westerners, however, are already aware that claiming the attacks of the mujahidin to be senseless and questioning incessantly as to why we hate the West and why we fight them is nothing more than a political act and a propaganda tool. The politicians will say it regardless of how much it stands in opposition to facts and common sense just to garner as many votes as they can for the next election cycle. The analysts and journalists will say it in order to keep themselves from becoming a target for saying something that the masses deem to be “politically incorrect.” The apostate “imams” in the West will adhere to the same tired cliché in order to avoid a backlash from the disbelieving societies in which they’ve chosen to reside. The point is, people know that it’s foolish, but they keep repeating it regardless because they’re afraid of the consequences of deviating from the script. We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; ... Furthermore, just as your disbelief is the primary reason we hate you, your disbelief is the primary reason we fight you, as we have been commanded to fight the disbelievers until they submit to the authority of Islam, either by becoming Muslims, or by paying jizyah – for those afforded this option – and living in humiliation under the rule of the Muslims. Thus, even if you were to stop fighting us, your best-case scenario in a state of war would be that we would suspend our attacks against you – if we deemed it necessary – in order to focus on the closer and more immediate threats, before eventually resuming our campaigns against you. Apart from the option of a temporary truce, this is the only likely scenario that would bring you fleeting respite from our attacks. So in the end, you cannot bring an indefinite halt to our war against you. At most, you could only delay it temporarily. “And fight them until there is no fitnah [paganism] and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah” (Al-Baqarah 193). 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toshi 948 Posted May 23, 2017 Hope all is well with you. I've been praying for everyone & you're in my constant thoughts. PM me if you want to chat about it and sort things out. I can't imagine what it must feel like but I am here if you need a listener x Thankyou!!!! Just relaxing today and trying to not think about everything too much, friends have been amazing so I'm very lucky in that respect. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeautifulAnywhere 5,424 Posted May 23, 2017 In my opinion, every religion both has a good & bad side too it. I do not condemn any religion for doing terrible things. If I did I'd have to condemn every other religion there is. The problem with religion is the way people tend to interpret the beliefs. It's not about the book, but rather the person holding it. Especially since, we all interpret things differently. Catholics have done terrible things. But so have Christans. It's usually extremists who do these things too. Not a normal person. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carino 16 Posted May 24, 2017 In my opinion, every religion both has a good & bad side too it. I do not condemn any religion for doing terrible things. If I did I'd have to condemn every other religion there is. The problem with religion is the way people tend to interpret the beliefs. It's not about the book, but rather the person holding it. Especially since, we all interpret things differently. Catholics have done terrible things. But so have Christans. It's usually extremists who do these things too. Not a normal person. You can't condemn a religion/ideology that killed 270 million people in 1400 years of Jihad? A Jihadist is not an extremist, he is just an orthodox Muslim, peaceful Muslims have a twisted view of Islam, not ISIS. They just follow the rules of the Quran, the Quran is not chronological, so when there are differing surahs regarding one topic you have to look what was written last, long story short: the peaceful surahs have been abrogated. And Mohammed lived that way. You really can't compare Islam with other religions. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeautifulAnywhere 5,424 Posted May 24, 2017 You can't condemn a religion/ideology that killed 270 million people in 1400 years of Jihad? A Jihadist is not an extremist, he is just an orthodox Muslim, peaceful Muslims have a twisted view of Islam, not ISIS. They just follow the rules of the Quran, the Quran is not chronological, so when there are differing surahs regarding one topic you have to look what was written last, long story short: the peaceful surahs have been abrogated. And Mohammed lived that way. You really can't compare Islam with other religions. In that sense, could i not condemn the crusades done in the past? & even though there have been people who've done terrible things in every religion you have to give them the benefit of the doubt. How can you be sure all of the peaceful surahs have been done away with too? Just because these are gone in modern incarnations doesn't mean they can't be brought back. I try to be kind, & give people that benefit. & just because i don't condemn religions does not mean i don't condemn people & the perpetrators of crimes. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carino 16 Posted May 24, 2017 In that sense, could i not condemn the crusades done in the past? & even though there have been people who've done terrible things in every religion you have to give them the benefit of the doubt. How can you be sure all of the peaceful surahs have been done away with too? Just because these are gone in modern incarnations doesn't mean they can't be brought back. I try to be kind, & give people that benefit. & just because i don't condemn religions does not mean i don't condemn people & the perpetrators of crimes. The crusades were a reaction to the violent expansion of Islam, but you are right, other religions have done stupid stuff in the past too. In the past, and they pale in comparison. It's still going on with Islam. Here are the surahs: “None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?” Surah 2: 106 “When We substitute one revelation for another, and Allah knows best what He reveals (in stages), they say, “Thou art but a forger”: but most of them understand not.” Surah 16:101 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evilentity 13,358 Posted May 24, 2017 I was gonna respond at length and specifically to a lot of the bad arguments and double standards in this thread, but then I remembered that Mehdi Hasan already covered most of these bases. And YouTube videos in a confrontational style seems to be this forum's speed anyway. (FWIW, I would quibble slightly with some points. Political motivations for terrorism are generally underappreciated and his emphasis on them is a necessary corrective, but I think he underplays religious motivation a tiny bit too much. But in any case, his larger point, his insistence that a double standard not be applied to Islam, still stands.) Also, amusingly, one of his opponents, Anne Marie Waters, who took offense at him suggesting her views would be welcome in UKIP or the BNP, did in fact join UKIP. A separate point I should note is this is an international forum. There are many members from a Muslim background, including among the mod staff. Please bear that in mind before making sweeping generalizations about Muslims or Islam. 2 Quote Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HEARTCORE 18,980 Posted May 24, 2017 Have been feeling really down about the Manchester attack 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flowerbomb 65,602 Posted May 24, 2017 Extra Info The attack was carried out by 22-year-old Salman Abedi. Abedi was a lone male suicide bomber who detonated an improvised explosive device. 22 people have been killed and 59 were taken to hospital following the blast. 119 people were injured in total. Children are among the dead. The youngest named victim was eight years old. The lone attacker died at the arena. Police are investigating whether he acted alone or was part of a network. It is the worst terrorist attack in the UK since 56 people were killed in the 7/7 London bombings in 2005. The explosion rocked the Manchester Arena at the conclusion of a performance by the American star Ariana Grande. Manchester Arena said the explosion happened outside the venue, as people began streaming from the doors. Greater Manchester Police said they were called to the venue at around 10.33pm and approach roads were closed. The blast is being treated as a terrorist incident. More than 400 officers were deployed on the operation throughout Monday night. Manchester Victoria station was evacuated and trains cancelled. The victims are being treated at eight hospitals across Greater Manchester, Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said. The Prime Minister condemned what was being treated as an ‘appalling terrorist attack’ and said she would chair a meeting of the Government’s emergency Cobra committee on Tuesday. All national General Election campaigning was suspended after the explosion. A controlled explosion was carried out by police at the Cathedral Gardens area near Manchester Arena shortly after 1.30am. Police said the suspicious item at the centre of the controlled explosion was just abandoned clothing. The first victim of the Manchester terror attack has been named as Georgina Callender. Two more victims have since been named – 26-year-old John Atkinson, and eight-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos. Police have arrested a man, 23, in connection with the terror attack at Manchester Arena. Vigils were held in cities all over the country the next day, May 23. Theresa May has raised the UK’s terror threat level from ‘severe’ to ‘critical’ – the highest level. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belladonna 2,406 Posted May 24, 2017 Please share. https://twitter.com/snowsnjh/status/867136667337060352 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
My Sparrow Blue 689 Posted May 24, 2017 Have been feeling really down about the Manchester attack Me too sis The world is such a nasty place sometimes. I always think that it is okay to have this sadness stay with you, but not control you. I try to think about all the good things people have done in response to this incident - adults protecting kids at the incident, people supporting campaigns to find lost other lost people. Things like that restore my faith in humanity. Also doing very kind things for other people yourself can really help your own sadness and the sadness of others I find. But if course it is okay to feel sad, just don't let it be the start of a spiral. There is a lot of beauty and joy in the world too 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carino 16 Posted May 26, 2017 We do know why this happens 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lanas honey pot 1,370 Posted May 26, 2017 wtf is their point ? kill children for what ?? what is that going to change 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carino 16 Posted May 27, 2017 Full length discussion where the audience gets polled. I was toying with the idea of posting every Jihad attack on this site but decided it would be too tedious. Luckily there is this sitehttp://thereligionofpeace.comI don't quite remember who did it, I think it was a British newspaper, they made an investigation for one month and they found even more. So the number of Jihadi attacks (30,891) since 9/11 might be a little too low.If someone needs help with his Western guilt fixation, scroll down on the site, on the left there's a column called“Put the Numbers in Perspective“. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites