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The Paradise and the esoteric origin of mankind

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Tropico is:

Mary : John
Eve : Adam

"West Coast" is:


Lana : Daddy
Lana : Bradley

So it would be better to say that they symbolize her in simultaneous "fallen" (i.e. active in the world) and "unfallen" aspects ("I believe in the person I want to become"), praying the rosary for her broken mind

Hollywood and New York, mister major
And there's me
Little queen of the stage, yeah
He's a god
One the stars, call creator

Hail the king of the industry players
Take off your business suit
Sitting in your lap for my interview

The union of Yahweh and Israel becomes John's love letter to Miss America, or Rob taking care of his little princess (You can be my higher power, baby)


Always about her Father's business, Tropico shirts in Paradise

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^ I agree that the beach scenes are pre-Fall and the car scenes are post-Fall.


And I remember when I met him, it was so clear that
he was the only one for me.
We both knew it, right away.
And as the years went on, things got more difficult --
we were faced with more challenges.
I begged him to stay. Try to remember what
we had at the beginning.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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1963 as Zep Tepi Gnostic Paradise, killing the King in his West journey


YHWH = Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh


Yod: John (Daddy), Chokmah

Heh: Mary (Lana in white), Binah

Vau: Adam (Bradley), Tiphareth

Heh: Eve (Lana in red/Slayty Purry), Malkuth


If she doesn't know Kabbalah, she sure does a good job of faking it ... eat yr heart out, Madge

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Lana's father putting West and East Coasts together again...




From the song Ultraviolence it appears that New York is coming to symbolize an origin of sorts, a place of original harmony (We could go back to New York 'cause loving you is really hard) but also a place where individual identities are not yet fully developed (where they don't know who we are). The short snippet of Brooklyn Baby suggests a happy and carefree time.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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Yes, Brooklyn as the symbolic East after the night-journey in the West of LA (land of fallen angels)


To "go back" as a re-entry into Zep Tepi and Paradise


Brooklyn Baby, "heaven is my baby"?


I think you're talking about this one from 2012. On page 3 the interviewer mentions that she put Yayo on the Paradise Edition and asks Lana if she plans to rerelease AKA.


my Translation: "Like I did with Yayo I'd like to rework some of these songs, like Kill Kill or Mermaid Motel. They mean a lot to me, they talk about my life more than all others, my trips to Coney Island where I went to relax...But I don't like their production, I couldn't release them like they are. I've registered them 6 years ago, an eternity... Yayo, it's a fundamental moment of my life. An epiphany. My first video...very funny."


"Ultraviolence" ties into "Yayo" as a description of her esoteric "epiphany" (her words). Deadly Nightshade, Poison Ivy ... these are aspects of the blackness of the Prima Materia. Jim is her Holy Guardian Angel (Forever) as the man of Tiphareth whom she weds when he carries her on his black motorcycle over the Abyss of the dark night.


I love you the first time
I love you the last time
Yo soy la princesa, comprende these white lines
Cause I'm your jazz singer
And you're my cult leader




Put me onto your black motorcycle
50’s baby doll dress for my "I do"
It only takes two hours to Nevada
I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama

Let me put on a show for you, daddy ...

Hello, heaven, you are a tunnel-lined
With yellow lights on a dark night


The Princesa in Malkuth is "raised" to Binah ("your mama") ... Lana is quite underrated as a metaphysician :justride2:




The cross of antifeminist reached... 
Yes , some believed transmitting a harmful message to women , but I was talking about my feelings. I have a wonderful relationship with men. The male energy is a great inspiration to me....
Or hate it or love it. Why do you think that is?
Maybe my posts will result confusing. I don't do pop, my creative process is more psychological. When people began to listen, spent ten years writing and had a very deep psychological universe.



"Shades of Cool" is a deconstruction of the masculine ego, stoic and impenetrable to higher pneumatic influences.


And when he calls
He calls for me and not for you
He prays for love, he prays for peace
And maybe someone new


Man lives in a state of duality and separation, chasing after a woman in the world of images that he will never truly possess. When he turns away from these things, Lana will be there as the Other Woman (the High Priestess of Soul as a lonely queen), calling him back to her from a space of millions of years. Compare to "She's Not Me."


And when her own man comes to call on her
He'll find her waiting like a lonesome queen
Cos when she's by his side
It's such a change from old routine


Singing Lou Reed -- "take a walk on the wild side"

The explanation of the coniunctio here is a bit mangled but has some good points:



The next level of symbolism comes from Alchemy, specifically, the 'Conjunctio', the conjoining or 'sacred marriage' of the alchemical King/Sun/Solar Consciousness/Soul and the alchemical Queen/Moon/Lunar Consciousness/ego [? sic!]. This is an essential stage in the production of the ultimate goal of Alchemy: the alchemical 'Gold', the Unus Mundus (Unified World), or Philosopher's Stone. This unification/integration of Sun/Moon, King/Queen, Soul/ego is also a central goal of Qabalah, represented by the symbol of Solomon's Seal, the union of upward and downward-pointing triangles.


There is a tradition that when the Tree of Life was first created, the first and highest sephira, Kether/Crown, representing Transcendent Unity, emanated the second highest sephira, Chokmah/Father/Wisdom/Force, which emanated the third highest sephira, Binah/Mother/Understanding/Form. These three transcendent sephiroth represent the Creative Force of the Supernal Triad/Godhead. The union of Chokmah/Father/Force and Binah/Mother/Form then created a fourth sephira, Malkuth, the Daughter. As symbolized in the myth of the Garden of Eden, Malkuth 'fell' from its original state of transcendent Unity with the Divine into a state of created duality, ...


Tradition holds that in the process of the 'Fall', the Garden of Eden's Tree of Knowledge became the left-hand Pillar of Severity/Form, and the original Tree of Life became the right-hand Pillar of Mercy/Force. [West and East!] ...


After the 'Fall', the transcendent sephiroth of the Supernal Triad were separated from the rest of the Tree by a barrier called the Abyss. In the center of the Abyss, in the place from which Malkuth fell, the diagram of the Tree shows a circle usually made of dotted lines, with no number, which represents the 'non-sephira' called Daath/Knowledge. Binah/Mother (the last Transcendent sephira above the Abyss), the non-sephira Daath, and the Abyss are all associated with the color black. ... There is a tradition that it is the destiny of Malkuth, also called the Kingdom and the Bride, to one day 'sit upon the Throne of Binah', :notamused: which would bridge the Abyss and restore both the Kingdom and the Tree itself to its original state of Unity....


Ego is wed to Soul, and the disciple of the engraving, the common person of Malkuth, having 'leaped over' Tiphareth/the King to the superior former position of Daath on the Tree, "surpasses the master"....


Before this redemptive Conjunctio is possible, before Malkuth can bridge the Abyss, symbolically wedding 'Earth' (realm of ego/Soul) to 'Heaven' (realm of Transcendent Spirit), the Soul/ego consciousness must be capable of crossing the Abyss. Once all of the lower centers have been developed and balanced, there is only one obstacle which can prevent this crossing and it is symbolized by the same Tree of Knowledge that was the original symbolic cause of the 'Fall'. The intellectual power of the ego is based on duality, and cannot make the crossing back into the realm of Unity. In order to cross the Abyss, the Soul/ego must give up its insistence on intellectually understanding, on 'knowing' its experience in terms of duality....


What the Soul experiences as blissful union with the Love/Light of Heaven is to the intellect/ego a 'via negativa', a passage into the darkness of 'unknowing'.




The unheard music hidden in the shrubbery,
And the unseen eyebeam crossed, for the roses
Had the look of flowers that are looked at
. --TS Eliot, "Burnt Norton"


The consciousness which passes beyond the Veil ... comes to a point of union with the central balance point of the Soul, Tiphareth. Here the lower feeling experience of emotional 'ups' and 'downs' as experienced by the figures on the outer rim of the Wheel gives way to the Higher Feeling state of serenity which comes with the view from the center of the Wheel. This is the 'still point' which T. S. Eliot famously wrote of in his poem 'Burnt Norton':


"At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;

Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,

But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity,

Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards,

Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point,

There would be no dance, and there is only the dance."

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Deadly Nightshade, Poison Ivy ... these are aspects of the blackness of the Prima Materia. Jim is her Holy Guardian Angel (Forever) as the man of Tiphareth whom she weds when he carries her on his black motorcycle over the Abyss of the dark night.


I think Lana's "poisonous" character in the UV song can refer both to the soul as well as to the manifestation of the soul in a female body (female ego). As a soul she can be perceived by the ego as a threat to his autonomy and control; in a female body she can be a seductress who entrenches her male lover in matter. If interpreted in the latter sense, then Jim can be seen as a male ego (another person) or alternatively as a suppressed masculine aspect of herself, which in Jungian psychology is called animus - I guess that would be what you called her Holy Guardian Angel.


To clarify, while I generally associate ego with masculinity (in the sense of separatist/analytical/definite/conscious) and soul with femininity (in the sense of integrative/intuitive/indefinite/unconscious), the male ego is more skewed toward masculinity than the female ego. The masculine aspect suppressed in the female ego is called animus in Jungian psychology and the feminine aspect suppressed in the male ego is called anima. By the soul I mean the integrative aspect of one's identity or what Jungians call the Self, one's identity as a whole.


Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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As a soul she can be perceived by the ego as a threat to his autonomy and control

Thus the otherwise inexplicable critical animosity towards her. On an unconscious level they project their own poison and darkness onto one of the few women who is actually free (so she says in "Ride"), as she represents everything that they are not.


"Comprende these white lines," or understand YAYO--


I wear your sparkle, you call me your mama

Let me put on a show for you, daddy


A transition from the particular (the Son and Daughter) to the general (the Father and Mother)--externalized beautiful Form (Maya-shakti the jazz singer as High Priestess) creates play for the Observer (Siva the cult leader as Hierophant)--Video Games--"Don't you know you are the world?"



"I am an infirm and weak old man, surnamed the dragon; therefore am I shut up in a cave, that I may become ransomed by the kingly crown...A fiery sword inflicts great torments on me; death makes weak my flesh and bones...My soul and my spirit depart; a terrible poison, I am likened to the black raven, for that is the wages of sin; in dust and earth I lie, that out of Three may come One. O soul and spirit leave me not, that I may see again the light of day, and the hero of peace whom the whole world shall behold may arise from me..." ~ Aurelia Occulta Philosophorum

The girl in red as Body (Electric), with poison in her tar-black soul ... the cup of Babalon is filled with (Summer) Wine, (Diet Mountain) Dew and bitterness--"just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean" (as she dreams of Zep Tepi in the Urgrund of the Nun)



Jung considered that from birth every individual has an original sense of wholeness - of the Self - but that with development a separate ego-consciousness crystallizes out of the original feeling of unity

Reminded me of when we were kids


I'm very familiar with Jung ... his work on alchemy is invaluable here of course. The animus has potent negative aspects as well.


I'm not sure if I would classify L as a Thelemite, but there are certain common themes -- http://hermetic.com/crowley/book-4/aba2.html



In one, the best, system of Magick, the Absolute is called the Crown, God is called the Father, the Pure Soul is called the Mother, the Holy Guardian Angel is called the Son, and the Natural Soul is called the Daughter. The Son purifies the Daughter by wedding her; she thus becomes the Mother, the uniting of whom with the Father absorbs all into the Crown.

Son = animus, Daughter = anima. The Mother is the Lonely Queen, the Self. :pray2: :notamused: Father Yod as Jim.




I note the "empty throne" of Binah behind her ...

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Wait I understand everything that is  analyzed but what is the overall picture? 


I guess it has to do with the suppressed soul trying to break through to the modern day ego.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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litewave and deadagainst:


Thank you sooo so much for taking your time to post such interesting and detailed interpretations. :kiss2: And please keep posting! :brows: Everytime I see this thread having new posts I'm beyond excited.

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"Got my bad baby by my heavenly side
I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight"


Strength and Temperance; the wrath of a wild child quenched by the virgin


"Spotlight, bad baby, you've got a flair
For the violentest kind of love anywhere out there

Mon amour, sweet child of mine,
You're divine.
Didn't anyone ever tell you
It's OK to shine?


Without any music videos for the other songs, I can only speculate ... maybe "Ultraviolence" is just about how much she loves Jimmy Gnecco's D. But I also remember this: http://www.idolator.com/7443878/lana-del-rey-new-album-spiritual-stripped-down-dark






I guess it has to do with the suppressed soul trying to break through to the modern day ego.


"You have no room for light
Love is lost on you ...
Oh, what can I do?
To turn you on or get through to you

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From the song Ultraviolence it appears that New York is coming to symbolize an origin of sorts, a place of original harmony (We could go back to New York 'cause loving you is really hard) but also a place where individual identities are not yet fully developed (where they don't know who we are).


Apparently she also mentions Woodstock here:


We could go back to Woodstock

Where they don't know who we are


That would make sense in a number of ways. Loss of individual identity in a crowd. Woodstock was a spectacle of hippie ideals - love, peace, spirituality. And the festival was hosted by the town of Bethel, NY - same name as the ancient Israeli town of Bethel, which means "House of God".

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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Back to the East ... we can escape to the Great Sunshine


If you think about it, she starts the fire scene with her SNL awkward dancing which could be a symbol of her being burned by the critics. I love over-analyzing :teehee:







'In this series of lectures we have shown that the sky or heavens represent or stand for the "kingdom of heaven within you", and the earth and sea stand for the outer man, the man in relation to the world around him. In the Writings of Swedenborg what the Lord called the "kingdom of heaven within you", is called the internal man, and the outer man, earth, is called the external man.'


The girl in red = the "outer man"

The girl in white = the "inner man"




“There is this woman who has this outside, and then the songs she sings about represent something completely different. The two don’t really go together, and all the mystery of who she is and where she’s from, and what she’s singing about. There’s that really incredible duality, so with that, kind of framework in mind, we’ve explored different versions of that archetype--the pulling of the veneer, the search for truth in yourself and in the world around you, and ultimately being disappointed in what you have and how you find something better."



“My career isn’t about me,” she tells me at one point, lamenting the misunderstandings about her that she says have riddled her critics’ attacks. “My career is a reflection of journalism, current-day journalism. My public persona and career has nothing to do with my internal process or my personal life. It is actually just a reflection on writers’ creative processes and where they’re at in 2014. Literally has nothing to do with me. Most of anything you’ve ever read is not true.”


Thus they denounce her as "fake," but see only their own superficiality and condemn themselves http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fspiegel%2Fkulturspiegel%2Fd-89726953.html


My songs that I actually write themselves, are very intimate, and because many people seem dubious such feelings, they conclude that I must be a puppet. But that illustrates in truth only their helplessness.


The external man sees only the external woman ... the soul of the thing-in-itself is not apprehended, since like can only see like ... http://gnosis.org/naghamm/2seth.html


Those who were there punished me. And I did not die in reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by them because these are my kinsfolk. I removed the shame from me and I did not become fainthearted in the face of what happened to me at their hands. I was about to succumb to fear, and I <suffered> according to their sight and thought, in order that they may never find any word to speak about them. For my death, which they think happened, (happened) to them in their error and blindness, since they nailed their man unto their death. For their Ennoias did not see me, for they were deaf and blind. But in doing these things, they condemn themselves. Yes, they saw me; they punished me. It was another, their father, who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. I was another upon Whom they placed the crown of thorns. But I was rejoicing in the height over all the wealth of the archons and the offspring of their error, of their empty glory. And I was laughing at their ignorance.


As she moves from one character to another in her music videos, and from one type of man to another, from one recording alias to another, Lana Del Rey performs not just existential crisis but the power to blindly push through it. On Ultraviolence’s “Money Power Glory,” she sings, My life it comprises of losses and wins and fails and falls, a line immediately followed by more self-sacrifice: I can do it if you really, really like that. Even if she’s only adapting to curry favor, isn’t that what we all do? We perform identity every day, tweaking ourselves for a boyfriend and a boss. Using the very idea of malleability, Lana Del Rey has fashioned herself a superstar, setting to music the human drama of altering yourself to survive and rise.


She leaves her lover in the radio mix "for the music"; i.e. she is voluntarily crucifying herself on the stage by turning her life into a work of theurgy; a Phoenix committed to the flames. But it is only the external, bodily Lana (a china doll) that is subjected to the slings and arrows of her crucifiers; her essential Self is beyond these things.

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Gemini: the third zodiacal constellation pictorially represented as the twins Castor and Pollux



In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux were twin brothers, together known as the Dioskouri. Their mother was Leda, but Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, and Pollux the divine son of Zeus, who seduced Leda in the guise of a swan.


When Castor was killed, Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together, and they were transformed into the constellation Gemini.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castor_and_Pollux (emphasis mine)

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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Here is a few instances when Lana explained the meaning of the word "ultraviolence":


Ultraviolence is about the male that meets the female. But before the actual sense, I just like the word. It has become the space of a sonorous world that I wanted to make.”



"It's a matter of musicality. Ultra is a sweet sound that contrast with the meaning of the next word. I relate to that: my essence is sweet but inside me there's also a violent spirit who came out in the last 4 years."



"The juxtaposition of "ultra", which gives a certain idea of luxury; and "violence" which, to me, reflects the sound of the album really well — it's chaotic but also street music, melodic and sophisticating. Altogether then, [the word] Ultraviolence also means that I've lived between these two states; in my private life, a serene kind of love; in my professional life, a lot of negative press, in my opinion..."



This shows that besides associating the word "ultraviolence" with a relationship between a male and a female, she also associates it with a duality within herself or in her life: sweet serene love on the one hand and a violent, critical spirit on the other.

Watching all our friends fall in and out of Old Paul's, this is my idea of fun

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Baby getting a tarrot reading :flutter:

:flutter: :flutter: :flutter:




The "cult leader" is the Hierophant of the Tarot




The "Born to Die" video shows her as the High Priestess (flanked by two Beasts--Gemini twins) and Bradley as the Hanged Man, and thus proves she is no stranger to employing such symbolism . . .


“Ultraviolence” look back on my time in New York. I was for a while part of a sloping underground scene, which was dominated by a guru. He believed in the concept, finished close people first and then rebuild. I fell for him because that time I longed for security.

Lana's sadistic guru figure mirrors the process of esoteric Initiation, of being alchemically "broken down" before being "raised"; the Janus-faced nature of the Beast



On a more personal level, the Hierophant is also a teacher or a mentor. One major role of a spiritual leader is to initiate others into the community and teach them the ways of the group. Obviously one who holds the secrets and is entrusted with the traditions of the group is a prime candidate to teach them to others, and the Hierophant plays this role well. Though his approach to teaching is one that centers on conformity and shuns individual expression for the moment, this can be helpful. Only once the student has mastered the ways of the group can he or she properly decide whether to remain or leave.

= "I pledge allegiance to my dad for teaching me everything he knows"



Symbolism is an opened-ended system and new interpretations are always emerging. For instance, at the end of the 1960s and through the ’70s the Emperor and, even more, the Hierophant, took on very negative connotations of an oppressive patriarchy and a dogmatic, repressive religion. They stood for values that needed to be questioned and even rebelled against. By contrast, Waite believed the culmination of the work in his mystical Order was the marriage of the Hierophant with the Shekinah (Divine Feminine) in the inner temple found in the heart.

"... I was filled with poison

But blessed with beauty and rage"




"Had a face like an angel but inside my heart,

Was as black as a broke movie screen, [= Deadly Nightshade]

(It was pretty sad).


But when I saw you standing there,

Like a millionaire, give me your number,

Call me before I get stupid.

Make me uncrazy, like you did. [Jim raised me up]


Look at me now, I have everything,

You gave to me and my heart can sing."


The riddle of Ultraviolence and hitting like a kiss. The pontifex, again attributed to Tiphareth, is the bridge-builder that raises up the Daughter to the throne of the Mother (Mississippi South to Mississippi North), the Vav = 666, the Ultraviolent Beast as the Son (a bad baby by Binah's heavenly side)

"Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given" (Book of the Law)

The Beast and Scarlet Woman, or Hierophant and High Priestess -- Ultraviolence, released 6/16, the other number of the Beast ("your little scarlet starlet")


"Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines

Cause I'm your jazz singer

And you're my cult leader"


Refer to the statement about the Tetragrammaton above -- http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Q0JCUgKECZUJ:www.archidox.org/Theosophical%2520Zohar-Cap%25207-The%2520Shekinah.docx+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

The IH of the Tetragrammaton is the divine father/mother and the V then is the Son/Logos, ... contained in the letter V. Note that V is Atu V: The Heirophant and the V or Vau is translated as a nail. This is why ... Jesus, had to be nailed or permanently affixed to the Cross of L.V.X and Life.... The final H then is this Lower Shekinah unto whom the Hierophant (H) adores ... The Earth yet is Virgin unto the Godhead; not having yet united, except by the work of the Hierophant, humanity, in the Great Work.

"Blessed is this, this union"

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