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Say Yes to Heaven

Lana Del Rey Posts Teaser of Something on Old Twitter Account

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I fucking love that she still has access to this gem


my favorite lizzy tweet 

"LiZZy...U-R-2-MuSiC...WoT...Jim Jarmusch...iZ-2-FiLm...A-TrUe-ArTisT...KUDOS"



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Does this mean she is playing the relatively new amphitheater at Coney Island which would make a helleva  lot of more sense than Jones Beach and LiveNation runs the concerts as they do the House of Blues

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Actually using this tweet generator with @missdaytona you can't even tell that the tweets are fake im laughing 




i tried tht and


What people suffer from. A BITCH Lana Del Rey said cops sprinkle crack on her legs crossed? I'm so that.

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I thought she had forgotten her password?? xD

Actually using this tweet generator with @missdaytona you can't even tell that the tweets are fake im laughing 



Sooo I got this... :P


Nothin more Gorgeous than a fat nose GAY PRIDE PARADE!!!!!!! Oooh ok! you guys are the same time to feel.

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i tried tht and


What people suffer from. A BITCH Lana Del Rey said cops sprinkle crack on her legs crossed? I'm so that.

HAHAH This is mine 


Oooh ok! you could see angels, Mickey. They're comin' down on your eyes I'm Wicked into mine. Atlantic!


This is really something Lana would post, even now  :toofunny:

HAHAH This is mine 


Oooh ok! you could see angels, Mickey. They're comin' down on your eyes I'm Wicked into mine. Atlantic!


This is really something Lana would post, even now  :toofunny:

OILKMGM The Lana ones are better


Honestcapablebeautifulstable Ty very much fun as much Mexico. Won't forget it anytime soon. Hasta luego.


K Callutomorrowhoes Gimme ur phone number w my mind Elle Uk The beautiful, charming and get ready: will.


Ireland! You are now available in San Diego on today at 8 AM West Coast time.... I just want to Texas!


Ty very excited to you need is now gathered in 'Love' video: New song: Coachella- Woodstock in Montreal.


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