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Candy Galore

Are you still attending the world tour?

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So, Lana Del Rey is going on her world tour in 2018 and some people already shared how much certain tickets are going to cost because they had the right to buy presale tickets. I remember that the general admission fee is around 150 dollar and the most expensive VIP package is around 400 euro. So, are you still going to attend the world tour? Personally, I can only attend the world tour if she’s going to release the European dates this week and announce she’s performing in Amsterdam, and if she’s lowering the price of the tickets. Because to be honest, 150 euro for general admission is just bizarre when you pay 70 for Lady Gaga, someone who’s dancing, singing, and the stage production and pay 100 for Madonna. I love Lana so much but I’m afraid that if there’s not cheaper tickets available, I am just not able to come because of the price of these tickets And it’s unfortunate. I have been a fan since 2013 and she hasn’t been here since like 2011. That’s six years.

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I have no idea how much Australian tickets will cost but I'm prepared for anything up to $300, since I work now but don’t pay so can afford it without struggling. Had I not gotten this job though, my budget would be like $100

I think three hundred dollars is quite a lot of money. I think it really depends on what kind of artist you are and how famous you are when it comes to ticket prices. For example as I said earlier in my other post you can get away with asking for a ticket price of 70 and 100 dollars when you’re Lady Gaga or Madonna, but when you are an B list celebrity or artist asking 150 dollars or even more for a ticket is outrageous. I know an singer that made multiple hit songs in the eighties and has a worldwide hit and she only asked forty dollars for her tickets. To be honest I’m disappointed in her management when I see they ask such high prices because it’s not fair towards her fans. To a point it only feels like they are using her as a cash cow because it isn’t like she’s going to extremely dance, sing and do that stuff for three hours long like other artists. Even though I respect her a lot she’s probably going to walk around the stage, smoke a few cigarettes, sing her songs and sign some stuff and take selfies with people on the front row. If her team is going to offer cheap packages and it means you have to sit, I’ll sit. But having to pay 150 dollar for a ticket, and then 20 or 30 dollar for public transit means I have barely any money left for a whole month.

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I think three hundred dollars is quite a lot of money. I think it really depends on what kind of artist you are and how famous you are when it comes to ticket prices. For example as I said earlier in my other post you can get away with asking for a ticket price of 70 and 100 dollars when you’re Lady Gaga or Madonna, but when you are an B list celebrity or artist asking 150 dollars or even more for a ticket is outrageous. I know an singer that made multiple hit songs in the eighties and has a worldwide hit and she only asked forty dollars for her tickets. To be honest I’m disappointed in her management when I see they ask such high prices because it’s not fair towards her fans. To a point it only feels like they are using her as a cash cow because it isn’t like she’s going to extremely dance, sing and do that stuff for three hours long like other artists. Even though I respect her a lot she’s probably going to walk around the stage, smoke a few cigarettes, sing her songs and sign some stuff and take selfies with people on the front row. If her team is going to offer cheap packages and it means you have to sit, I’ll sit. But having to pay 150 dollar for a ticket, and then 20 or 30 dollar for public transit means I have barely any money left for a whole month.

Well I don't mind leaving on my bread and oranges lol

Jk the prices are soo high and I can't understand the reason behind it..maybe she is bringing the moon together or she just wants to buy another house lol

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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I doubt ticket prices in Europe will be on the same level as in the USA - it would be pretty unusual to demand a price above 100 € for an artist of her status. I'd probably go to one of her shows even at 150 € (since I know her concerts are phantastic) but it would lessen the fun a bit... I expect prices to be around 70 to 80 € (in Germany; if she's coming to Berlin or Hamburg). Depending on the venues she's booking because big venues are always expensive.

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150€ for general admission??? Bye ain't paying that much unless she's actually playing in the colloseo or on top of the acropolis.

I thought the ~80 tickets for the festivals were kinda expensive for seein one act (lana) only.


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I really want to but I'm broke beyond belief and I already saw her twice :/ At the same time I never saw Lana outside a festival so I'm ready to pay that much for her alone. I guess it depends of the setlist


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:O  :O  :O



I never thought that the prices are so high for her!

I mean... even 100 euros seems too much



I was 2 weeks ago at Tori Amos concert in Milano, Italy. The tickets were from 39 to 69 euros.

OK, she is not as famous as she was in the 90's and 00's but still... she has a solid fan base. She is similar to Lana Del Rey in a way that she only plays 2 pianos at her concerts - while Lana Del Rey only spins a bit 



no costume change or anything else at the stage.


I've been to Madonna, Beyonce, Skakira... and prices were way lower





So true for Tori. Im seeing her soon too and I couldn't agree more. She's more of a legend and she is cheaper.

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Does someone remember/know the Endless Summer Tour prices?

I tried looking for them on lanapedia but I can't find them anywhere, not on the internet either. I wish I could see her back then though, I'd love to see Grimes or Courtney Love being their opening act.

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Last time she played in Hamburg (2013) it was around 50 euro. Will they really double or triple the price this time? I don't hope so.

That's not really expensive, to be honest, if the price is just fifty euro, I'd buy the tickets instantly. Was that ticket a general admission ticket? I think I should keep my fingers crossed if she's even going to come to my country. I assume probably not.

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I think three hundred dollars is quite a lot of money. I think it really depends on what kind of artist you are and how famous you are when it comes to ticket prices. For example as I said earlier in my other post you can get away with asking for a ticket price of 70 and 100 dollars when you’re Lady Gaga or Madonna, but when you are an B list celebrity or artist asking 150 dollars or even more for a ticket is outrageous. I know an singer that made multiple hit songs in the eighties and has a worldwide hit and she only asked forty dollars for her tickets. To be honest I’m disappointed in her management when I see they ask such high prices because it’s not fair towards her fans. To a point it only feels like they are using her as a cash cow because it isn’t like she’s going to extremely dance, sing and do that stuff for three hours long like other artists. Even though I respect her a lot she’s probably going to walk around the stage, smoke a few cigarettes, sing her songs and sign some stuff and take selfies with people on the front row. If her team is going to offer cheap packages and it means you have to sit, I’ll sit. But having to pay 150 dollar for a ticket, and then 20 or 30 dollar for public transit means I have barely any money left for a whole month.

You see over never been to any concert besides music festivals so I have no idea about prices.  I willingly pay $150 for a day of musical festival but then again that is for multiple artists.  

I guess you're right and I see how ridiculous her prices are now -_- 

I'll keep all that in mind and it is disappointing but I'll do anything to see my favourite artist for once!  

Gotta get the tickets now before I possibly move out in a month and have to pay bills and rent

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