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Baby V Alex

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  1. hayden del rey liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Now I have a question...
    do we have a full footage of her show at the living room?
  2. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    General and fact-based Lana-related questions that are easily answered and not intended for their own discussion.
    “Which interview was it where Lana mentioned being a fan of David Lynch?"
    "What performance was it where Lizzy did the cover of The Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A.?"
    “What’s Lana’s brother’s name?”
    “What was the name of that boarding school that Lana attended?”
    You know, stuff like that.
    --Any questions about specific discussion topics that already have a home somewhere on the forum, such as individual songs in the Lyrics section, past photo shoots in the Gallery, unreleased/demo songs in the Audio section. Questions pertaining to specific subjects such as these can still be directed to those existing threads.
    --Discussion type of questions that are a matter of opinion. Eg: “Who do you prefer, Lana or Lizzy?" or “What do you think would happen if Lana went on SNL again?” Those are opinion-based topics for on-going discussion that are not appropriate for this thread, and are better suited for their own thread.
    ***Before you ask your question, have a look here at the thread dedicated to rumors and debunked myths about Lana Del Rey, as the answer to your question might very well already be there.
  3. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Monicker in The Clusterfuck Thread   
    Perhaps i should have said a few more things about the idea for a thread like this when i made my initial suggestion. First of all, i myself have never liked the “Insignificant” part of the title, so i wouldn’t be opposed at all to removing that. Maybe “Smaller” Questions rather than “Insignificant” questions? Or “General” Questions? Second, i think a thread like this could only work for the sort of one-off questions related to Lana that will either yield a quick answer (if anyone has it) or will just fall by the wayside (because it has no answer), making one less dormant thread just sitting around. The point is to just have a place to drop in for quick little GENERAL questions that have probably been answered already and are unlikely to create a long discussion. I guess some discretion would be required there.
    “What was that interview where Lana mentioned ______?”
    “What’s Lana’s brother’s name?”
    “What was the name of that boarding school Lana went to?”
    “Does anyone know where Lana recorded Sirens?”
    You know, stuff like that.
    Things that wouldn’t really work for this thread:
    --Any questions about very specific topics that already have a home somewhere on the forum (for example: each song has its own thread in the lyrics section; photo shoots have their own threads; unreleased/demo songs have their own thread, so questions pertaining to those things could still be directed to those existing threads).
    --Open-ended type of questions that are a matter of opinion. Eg: “Who do you think has the stronger voice, Lana or Adele?” or “What if Lana went on SNL again?” Those sort of questions spark long, on-going discussions, and have nothing to do with anything factual and have no place in a thread like this.
    I don’t know, perhaps a thread like this doesn’t even make much sense with an artist as relatively new as Lana, who doesn’t have that much info even known about her. I took this idea from a forum dedicated to a group that has been around for 50 years and has a slew of actual historians who are walking encyclopedias of knowledge on the subject. So my bad, maybe it's just a half baked idea for this forum.
    I just wanted to make a suggestion for the kind of thing that happened yesterday, and that i see happen a lot from time to time, where a new person just comes into the forum and starts creating threads for minor questions that HAVE been answered here before, and then the forum just ends up cluttered and unmanageable. Also, i don’t want to be held responsible for this thread being created too hastily, and for having a bunch of wayward threads suddenly dumped in here and pissing people off because HDB is thread-merging-happy
    EDIT: Also, merging existing threads is clearly not working because it's mixing up different posts from different threads so that this thread doesn't have any flow!
  4. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in The Clusterfuck Thread   
    That's not the point. Don't talk down to me, a moderator who earned his title, when you can't even follow the rules set for members. The title of the thread came from a post Monicker made, which is in this thread, if you would bother to read it. It wasn't a personal attack on you, if you went and read Monicker's post, the thread title was a suggestion of his (which came from another forum, i might add) for a wide variety of questions that aren't going to spark much discussion. Also *could have, not could of.*
    It doesn't matter if you're new, you need to read the rules set for every member and follow them.
  5. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in The Clusterfuck Thread   
    Moderators like me? Could you please explain in good detail what that means? Because it seems to me that I'm much more capable of moderating than you.
  6. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in The Clusterfuck Thread   
    I would die if she started to sing about the 'way things used to be' in some European country. :3 There's so much more history in Europe than here in the U.S., and even though it's absurd to think she would, it would be hilarious.
    A ballad about the Holocaust in Austria? A upbeat track about the French Revolution? A song about British Imperialism?
  7. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Hellion in Member of the Week #7: Hellion   
    I actually thought this twice and tried to liven things up and failed. Mess.
    Screaming at Whoopi though. I said what I said.
  8. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Gods & Monsters in Things to be happy about   
    Cute Boys with adorable eyes and incredibly happy smiles!

  9. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in Frank + Derol   
    Gr8! Thank you so much. I'm getting together all the Sky songs you need right now.
  10. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Monicker in The Clusterfuck Thread   
    I am not saying this to be passive aggressive, but as a sincere suggestion for what i think would benefit the whole of the forum, seeing as how things have been getting kind of unwieldy around here lately. On another forum that i frequent there is a long, on-going thread called "Thread for various insignificant questions that don't deserve their own thread" and it works nicely. It's a place for these sort of smaller questions that pile up but don't really lend themselves to a whole thread. Anytime someone has one of these questions they can just pop in there and ask it, and it most likely gets answered because the thread as a whole tends to be of interest to most people, given the array of general topics. Just a thought.
    To answer this question, there was a small run of copies of the AKA album that were intended to be sold at shows. Kahne says he has about ten copies himself.
  11. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in The Clusterfuck Thread   
    Yes, there are physical copies of the debut album.

    Perhaps my debunked-rumour thread could receive some sort of Moderator-Approval? I think it deserves to be its own thread, and it could definitely help out here.
  12. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by pinupgirls in Lana Del Rey performs Ride on Schlag Den Raab   
    She did great throughout the whole song except after the freaking crazy part.
    Our lana is growing up
    I really wish she did go back on SNL and proved all them bitchez wrong though
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Member of the Week #7: Hellion   
    the Britney part, makes me happy.
    everything else is just boring, just like hellion, tho
  14. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Member of the Week #7: Hellion   
    Hey everyone, I know we've been extremely a bit behind schedule with MotW lately, but Hellion's awesome interview along with the super-amazing-fantastical-cat-tastic interview coming after his will hopefully make up for it! I definitely think it will. Anyway, I had a lot of fun reading this one. It's one of my favorite interviews to date, although everyone's has been great. Let's all give Hellion a round of applause for beating out the.. uh.. thing... that is frankee. We all know that Hellion's sass is insurmountable though, and it sure shows through the interview! You'll all love it. On we go!

    Member of the Week: Hellion

    Yay! Congratulations again, Hellion, you rock. I'd put a smiley but we're at the limit...
  15. Pocket Gay liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Christmas Music   
    This is my song every year, because I can't have a BF who can saty till X-mas, I hate douches

    Plus, this is one of my fave classics by one of my fave disney stars
  16. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Lana Del Rey in The Copy & Paste Game   
    WHAT THE HELL LMFAOOO OH MY GOD (I sent this so a friend.. it looks like I'm mentally unstable..
  17. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Matt in The Concerts Thread   
  18. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in The Concerts Thread   
    me at the fact that u guys have been 2 more concerts than i probably ever will

  19. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Sitar in adsf   
    pinupgirls! I have had enough of your sensitivity to the fullest extent possible! You could have at least requested a deletion if you were upset, now this thread just looks like pointless spam because you were being too touchy and changed the title. Jesus Christ.
  20. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by 10milestereo in First impression of Lana?   
    A friend of mine sent me a link to the video for You Can Be the Boss in July 2011, right around when Video Games was noticed and I fell in love instantly. Then, I realized a man who tastes like the fourth of July and would give me a cigarette with his number on it is my ideal man, really.
  21. princessdollie liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Sky Ferreira   
    Oh Sky <3<3
    the first time I ever listened to one of her songs was in 2008 when they were rumors about her writing for Britney, and the first song was Elevator, since then I love her, my fave track is 17 and American Dream (Another song rumored to be for Brit's FF).
    I can't at Britney not picking up her stuff to her albums!!!
  22. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Sky Ferreira   
    I hate her attachment to Terry.. it's like she thinks that's her ticket into mainstream success. I'm also not one of those fans that think it's entirely her label's fault that she hasn't had any big success since Obsession.. and that is her worst song imo, I cannot bear to listen to it
  23. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by pinupgirls in Christmas Music   
    All of the Disney stars do such a good job covering christmas songs.
    Like aly and aj omg
  24. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Sitar in adsf   
    We don't need hatred threads.
    To lock or not to lock...
  25. Baby V Alex liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in adsf   
    Quick! To the Bat Fax!

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