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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Who's your favorite Del Rey boy?   
    Dont hate me, but I hate Bradley
  2. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by C0neyIslandKing in That song that...   
    For you what is the Lana song that gets you totally into the moment?
    When I'm walking to get the bus to college and Lolita comes on I'm like this:

    Then when GoGo Dancer comes on while i'm in my room i'm... Well, I'll let Simone Simons show you...

    I just get so swept up by the song! I feel so dramatic while it's playing!
  3. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I've actually had my costume planned out for a few months now, but I wouldn't have thought I'd be able to connect it with the forum. Geez, you guys are becoming my life. I'm going to be Elvis this year!!!! I haven't decided what outfit of his I'm going to wear yet, but absolutely Elvis. I love doing my hair up/slicked back and he is one hunk-of-a-man to be. I can't wait! I'll post more about the party ideas later, this sounds like a fun project and I need to make time to think a lot on this all.
  4. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I've actually had my costume planned out for a few months now, but I wouldn't have thought I'd be able to connect it with the forum. Geez, you guys are becoming my life. I'm going to be Elvis this year!!!! I haven't decided what outfit of his I'm going to wear yet, but absolutely Elvis. I love doing my hair up/slicked back and he is one hunk-of-a-man to be. I can't wait! I'll post more about the party ideas later, this sounds like a fun project and I need to make time to think a lot on this all.
  5. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Ha, you are a mad man! What a terrible thought. Although Auto-Tuned Loon instead of theremin on GV is a hilarious thought. You know, Pet Sounds does end with the sound of barking dogs...
    Oh my god, that is the BEST, seriously. What a great memory/thought. Especially checking off each song as you went along.
    Yeah!! And as you probably know, Pet Sounds and Odessey & Oracle actually have differences in the music between the mono and stereo versions--missing overdubs and double tracked vocals on some of the stereo versions, things that were overdubbed live during mono mixdown! Because the multitracks obviously don't have those overdubs, when stereo mixes were later created, they had to be done without those parts, so it becomes even more of a unique experience when you compare the mono and stereo versions. Take, for example, You Still Believe In Me on Pet Sounds: Brian's lead vocal is double tracked on the mono because he overdubbed the second vocal during mixdown to mono, so the stereo version is a single tracked lead, and this really gives the song a very different feel, in addition to the general mono/stereo difference!
    Awesome! Blue Velvet sounds better in mono to me! I definitely also recommend doing Blue Jeans and Lolita, those both seriously rock in mono, especially the bridge of BJ, oh my god. Lolita is just ridiculous, it sounds like you're being pummeled over the head in the best way possible. And like i said before, it takes a bit of the shine off of Emile's production.
  6. Monicker liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    I really felt the difference now that you've pointed it out and I've paid attention to it. That was a really awesome experience! Thank you for that. I definitely felt the "train" effect that you were talking about in the mono mix, especially towards the last minute of the song. I think I'm going to make duplicate files for the songs on Paradise Edition and convert them to mono so I can listen to them next to each other like I just did with these songs. I know I'll always prefer stereo though, I'm a very attention-to-detail person in terms of music and a few other things. You're awesome!
  7. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Ben Mawson in Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I'd show up as myself. Because what could be scarier to Lana fans than me?
    Of course, this is completely hypothetical. There wouldn't be any party because I'd alert the authorities and have it shut down.
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    HDB, check these out. I wanted to give you something more tangible rather than a rambling post.
    Here’s Wouldn’t It Be Nice by The Beach Boys in mono (how it was originally mixed in 1966) and a modern stereo mix of the song.
    First Stereo:

    Make sure you do NOT turn the volume all the way up, leave a little room to play the mono back louder. Listen to the clarity and separation. You can pick certain instruments apart. In this mix you can actually hear that, yes, indeed, the driving force of the backing track is two accordions! Listen to how the background vocals pop out and shimmer. Listen to the bed of horns and all the percussion. You can hear different parts weaving in and out and you feel the sound sort of enveloping you from all around, like you're in a pool that's filled with the music rather than water. The song has a certain elegance in stereo.
    Now Mono:
    Turn the volume up slightly louder than you did the stereo mix. All of the aforementioned is gone. Everything blends. It’s like the whole song is one big well-oiled machine, all the parts indistinguishable from each other, coming together to create a whole. It’s not about the details at all (many of which are lost!) but rather the big picture. If everything before was a collection of separate sounds, this is just one big mass of a single sound, but listen to the power that it carries. It’s like a train that’s coming straight at you and it’s going to rip your head off.
    Is one "better" than the other? Of course not, it comes down to personal preference. But it also doesn't have to be about one or the other. To me, they're BOTH essential, they both have their own value for totally different reasons. When i listen to the stereo mix, i marvel at the intricacies of the composition, arrangement, and production and i think, Wow, Brian Wilson was not of this earth. How the fuck did he compose, arrange, produce, and sing this? When i listen to the mono mix i just FEEL the song and it makes me want to cry.
  9. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Why would you prefer that? I hate mono, it makes it seem like the song is confined by space. Is it one of those Monicker things, where my puny knowledge of audiophiles is squashed by your ever-knowing greatness?
  10. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in Who's your favorite Del Rey boy?   
    I'd totally do A$AP, but I'd tell him he'd have to shut the fuck up.
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in Lana Del Rey predictions for the 2013 Grammy Awards   
    Silly boy, didn't you know that Britney has the most beautiful fanbase in the world and has only the most sexy people stan for her? I think you're lying to me!
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Well, you asked for it...
    Naw, it just comes down to personal preferences like most everything else in life. I think mono and stereo each have their place and i like them both for different reasons. I'm happy that they both exist, i wouldn't want to do without either one. I am definitely not one of those people who fetishize mono. I know exactly what you mean when you say that it sounds "confined," that's true in a sense. People talk about stereo "opening up" the music and allowing it to "breathe," how it has more space. All true things. Mono is tighter, punchier, more compact. There are two main things about mono: it tends to sound really powerful, there's this great energy to it that stereo often lacks. The other thing is that it's good for creating more of a blend with the overall sound, if that's what's desired. Sure, you lose clarity and openness with mono but you make up for it with the way the music just hits you stronger. A good mono mix smacks you right in the middle of your chest and it just feels great. You usually have to turn it up louder than you would a stereo recording to get the full effect though.
    Some music is more suited for mono while other music is more suited for stereo. For me personally, i like mono for music with a sparse arrangement because if there are such few instruments, why do you really need to have all that separation? A lot of stuff that’s intended to "rock" tends to sound better in mono. What's really great is when you have the luxury of having both a stereo mix and a (true) mono mix of the same song. That's REALLY fun because you can experience the same song very differently. For me, mono is more for enjoying without thinking too much about it, and stereo is more for really paying attention, studying the music and production, scrutinizing it.
    Also though, i said that i would like it if those songs on Paradise were in mono because it would be unheard of for a mainstream pop artist today to release music in mono. That would totally shit on industry standards and i think that would be refreshing, funny, and cute, sincerely. I can see Lana being a badass and doing something like that.
    I remember when the Blue Jeans video leaked a few days early, the audio in the video was in mono (granted, not true mono, but a "fold down") but i thought it sounded fantastic. It had so much energy to it that really suited that song, and the blending that happens naturally with mono really, really helped with the BTD production, it smoothed it out and kind of obscured a lot of the overproduced, glossy aspects. I was BLASTING that leaked video all day for those few days. I have since folded down Blue Jeans, Lolita, and a few other BTD songs and will listen to them like that from time to time when i just want to blast some of those songs and feel them in a more visceral way.
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Summer Of Sam   
    What? Really? I think you have the wrong thread. The "Unpopular Lana Opinions" thread is over here.
  14. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Guy in What should Lana's fans be called?   
    Nothing shut up
  15. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in Lana Del Rey predictions for the 2013 Grammy Awards   
    Off topic, but because of your sig, I just assume that's you. When I try to imagine what you look like, the foxy guy in your gif is what comes to mind. :3
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Questionary   
    Lemme put off my homework and do this real quick
    1: When did you first discover Lana Del Rey?
    January 2012, what with "Born to Die" being free on iTunes.
    2: What was the first song that made you fall in love with her music?
    Well I obviously had her album first, and my first "wow" moment came with "Off to the Races"...but I really fell in love with after getting more into her unreleased material and hearing "Get Drunk". That song in particular is way more my style than most of her music, but I've gotten over it over time and would say that all her songs are now my style.
    3: Favorite Lana hairstyle: This dark brunette--I love the classic curls and the waves on the "Ride" single cover and the pin-straight look at fashion week. It's just great.
    4: Favorite live performance: "Without You" at Amoeba, "Video Games" at the iTunes Festival, "Brite Lites" (heavy metal-sounding version), and the rarities like "Heart-Shaped Box" and "Happiest Girl in the USA"
    5: Favorite lyric: I am my only god and the entire bridge of "Every Man Has His Wish"
    6: Would you make out with Lana if you had the chance to?
    Probably not.
    7: Favorite facial feature: The little dent at the end of her nose :3
    Non-facial? The heart shape her ass is :creepy:
    8: What's one thing you don't like about Lana?
    She's dishonest in some areas--facial work and age come to mind. Also the songwriting style on Born to Die
    9: Have you ever met Lana?
    10: Who's you favorite artist after Lana?
    The Smiths, the Mountain Goats, Placebo, Lady Gaga
    11: Would you say you're obsessed or just a really big fan?
    12: What if Lana was secretly an evil zombie would you still love her?
    No, fuck that.
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Kesha   
    I pretty much agree. I do think Die Young's okay tho, it's just quite generic. Supernatural just sounds epic, and I hope there is some more memorable songs on the album. She did say there are some slow jams like Blind on Warrior so that's exciting since Blind is amazing.
  18. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Kesha   
    I need Supernatural in my life right now.
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Cleopatra in Democratic Convention   
    Hahaha you're welcome! I'm not much of a political junkie. I don't know your views but, honestly, I just really want gay marriage to happen and I believe Obama is headed in the right direction. I really really don't like conservatives. It's bad enough I live in the south.
  20. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Shitty covers I make because I'm bored   
    Well yeah, I mean she's still in the parking lot...
  21. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Guy in Shitty covers I make because I'm bored   
    Yeah, that's the same I found, and fuck, it is the same font! *instantly hate myself* Ok, I fixed it
    I did, stupid plants, always finding a way to get into pies
    No they're not
    Yes, a couple more songs and it would probably be an amazing album instead of a re-release/ep :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:
    Okay I re-did them so they look kind of better:
    this one
    and this one
    a brief description of what's going on:
    shes in an amusement park you think shes having fun enjoying herself walking down the street as they whistle hi hi but oh oh no! you then remember shes lana del rey and shes just really sad about everything
  22. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Sorry for the sass -- I was just being a grumpy-pants that day!
    Thank you for the yarn! My favourite! :3
    *kitty hugs*

  23. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Member of the Week #4: Sexiest Members EVER Week   
    Oh god, i've offended a piece of pie.
  24. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by IamThatGirlLily in Member of the Week #4: Sexiest Members EVER Week   
    How could I have not seen that thread before! I'm very honored for that nomination
    Love all these members and their posts, they're the reason why it's so fun to be around here (although I don't know if it's a good thing, we all should be doing something else - homework, cleaning room, help a kitty getting off a tree, making friendship bracelet...) I don't even know who to vote for!! I wonder if the mods will notice if I vote for myself...
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