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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. Wait your mind omg I didn’t even put two and two together
  2. inb4 she reworks Not Hungry for the album
  3. On the 8th of April Marina said she was writing the album alone, and that it was "Froot 2.0 but wilder".[11]
  4. It’s okay!! We’ve all been a buzzkill around here at least once it happens to the best of us. Stream Venice Bitch and have a better day tho!
  5. The extra concrete angel verse sent me straight to heaven
  6. I just don’t get the point in publicly complaining about other people participating in a discussion if you’re not even adding anything to it. There was no fighting. It’s pretty common around here for passive aggressive humor to be the status quo,., that’s kinda why we call people tasteless. Obviously we all have taste if we’re Lana stans...if you don’t like what is being posted take a few days off and go remember life before CO(CC)Rona. im sure there will be news for you to discuss with us by the end of the week.
  7. Yeah can y’all stop discussing in the discussion thread please? Some of us are here to not post and just silently judge from our browser... oh.. and to spoil all the fun
  8. You’re all sick. Every Lana album has at least one dud. It’s customary. honeymoons is swan song..
  9. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    But wow what a moment, a moment we all waited so long for. What’s everyone’s holy trinity? Mine is definitely ; Thoughts Next Level Charli & Silver Cross
  10. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    Omg. Imagine one like the version she did at that lil jazz gig with the trumpets
  11. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    Do we actually know if there are finals of any of the acoustic songs? I thought I remember intervals being rumored to have almost been on the dollhouse ep
  12. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    Well I’m glad you think so all of her unreleased deserve to be appreciated bc her remarkable songwriting skills. I just wish they were a little bit more apparent on K-12 , but I guess since K-12 was half visual half audio it makes sense as to why the concept isn’t as thorough. Still bumping Lunchbox Friends and Detention tho
  13. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    It’s a cute 2014-15 niche
  14. Wonder if that song W is a cola demo or just another song about .., you know
  15. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    Remember that song gold digging love and how we all thought it was so good
  16. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    Is... is it over? The whole thing?
  17. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    Is she performing at the top of the hour?
  18. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    Wtf she said she’s dropping a “new vision” at appleville now I’m expecting a livestream rip
  19. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    Night mime used to literally be my favorite song. I made a whole spam with the username Nightmimed and that was my brand for years imagining a final version kills me
  20. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    Atleast you know it’s unpopular
  21. no literally @JehovahThikness Venice Bitch on drugs is truly the epicenter of psychedelic Del Rey and feels like an entire lifetime to live through. It’s beautiful and takes you on the best journey. It feels like if her entire discography had a pulse, it would be to the tune of this song.
  22. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    Remembering when we got a screenshot of the lyrics to Claws and my tiktok making fun of her went viral
  23. Veinsineon


    Well? That was fun and appreciated.
  24. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    Me when I haven’t heard Detonate or Party 4 U
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