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Everything posted by Veinsineon

  1. Yeah in the beginning she said the album was very much inspired by horror movie soundtracks and in those vids of her looking over the press shots for the era with Neil, they’re listening to horror movie strings. BAR, 13Beaches, Cherry, and WTWWAW are also very horror movie-esque
  2. Heroin’s off-note notes are what California’s couldn’t be
  3. Veinsineon


  4. Blue is her best video
  5. Veinsineon

    Azealia Banks

    Not Nu checks cover literally copying Malibu
  6. Veinsineon


    Gelato is the culture reset we needed.
  7. Can’t even listen to bartender very often anymore.. feels like the song deserved a lot more than it was given. But truth be told almost every song on NFR was met with the same fate.
  8. Manifesting lyrics or a song Involving RAIN. Need a rainy day song on this record. Something misty.
  9. The way I see it is I fell in love with Lana Del Rey originally because her music was so abrasive while she remained mysterious and cryptic. Now her music is just too up close and intimate sounding for it to be considered the same level of grandeur, and the mystery built up behind the stage name has been somewhat demolished.
  10. It’s not the lyrics on NFR it’s the mixing and production that weigh it down. Get it right.
  11. There is a reddit thread with themhttps://www.reddit.com/r/pcmusic/comments/fg4s96/caroline_polachek_unreleased_pang_outtakes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
  12. Everything except the injury reserve, umru, and the nothankyou remixes is SO good.
  13. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    Cracking open hifn like a cold one x
  14. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    It’s the way she misconstructed and redefined what it meant to convey and obtain the concupiscent anomalistic clearance showing us that idiosyncratic is ebulliently inevitable while simultaneously substantiating the superiority of women when she made Charli. Literally album of the century.
  15. Veinsineon

    Melanie Martinez

    Not the g*ys failing to comprehend basic english
  16. Veinsineon


    Wait our synchronicity....
  17. Veinsineon


    The stream is set to debut on her channel tomorrow. Preparing for it to be suspended YET AGAIN
  18. Maybe Norman was so easy to pinpoint by its arrival that she’s trying everything she can to mislead us
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