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  1. Party Party liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Oh great. First Lana "promoting" actual rape and now you promoting Random Acts of  Violence and Rape  against our hearing ability. Maybe Beethoven would love to hear this like Stevie Wonder would love to see Eli's video
  2. Viva liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    This pretty much covers my feelings, and I'm enjoying the discussion here. I don't think the clip is inherently pro- or anti-rape, and I don't think any reaction to 'transgressive' art is wrong. It's meant to elicit strong reaction, but that doesn't mean people are being out of line by having those strong (negative) reactions. 
  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Oh great. First Lana "promoting" actual rape and now you promoting Random Acts of  Violence and Rape  against our hearing ability. Maybe Beethoven would love to hear this like Stevie Wonder would love to see Eli's video
  4. fessle liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Oh great. First Lana "promoting" actual rape and now you promoting Random Acts of  Violence and Rape  against our hearing ability. Maybe Beethoven would love to hear this like Stevie Wonder would love to see Eli's video
  5. MermaidTrailerHeaven liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Oh great. First Lana "promoting" actual rape and now you promoting Random Acts of  Violence and Rape  against our hearing ability. Maybe Beethoven would love to hear this like Stevie Wonder would love to see Eli's video
  6. Viva liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Why was that scarier than this entire season of AHS
  7. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    I will take as a compliment LOL Even knowing that coming from you, for certain, it isn't 
  8. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Here here. I'm 19 and i felt like I wasn't suppose to watch this. I have no idea what to think about it too. I doubt Lana would do something pro rape so I guess this video is part of something incomplete and watching like that without the rest is like being slap in the face and not even knowing why. Flying solo like this video seems like a free rape advert, we need the rest of it. Seriously bizarre and lost for words   and I don't lose my words easily
  9. Viva liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    what the heck is going on here. i feel too young to see this but i'm 21 so idk man idk

    also is this what came of those candids of them together from 2012 or w/e?
  10. Viva liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    I took some screencaps of the video and uploaded them.
  11. Viva liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    The fact that this video's been up for a year and nobody found out until now
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    As most of you know by now Kesha filled a Civil Lawsuit against Dr. Luke accusing him of assault, battery and rape. It's bizarre her description of what he did. I do believe in "Innocent Until proven Guilty" and I do believe in not putting Dr.Luke in a cross or hanging him at the moment. But I also think that Kesha  is telling the truth. Probably took her years to be able to talk about or even acknowledge the terrible and abominable things that happened to her. Since she was in rehab I imagine she got there the support and courage she needed to be able to finally tell her story.
    "The most incendiary allegations revolve around sexual abuse — specifically, how Dr. Luke allegedly forced her to snort illegal drugs and gave her "sober pills," which Kesha says were really a form of gamma-hydroxybutyrate, more commonly known as the date rape drug.
    On one occasion, the lawsuit reports, "Ms. Sebert took the pills and woke up the following afternoon, naked in Dr. Luke's bed, sore and sick, with no memory of how she got there. Ms. Sebert immediately called her mother and made a 'fresh complaint,' telling her that she was naked in Dr. Luke's hotel room, she did not know where the clothes were, that Dr. Luke had raped her, and that she needed to go to the emergency room."
    Here is the entire lawsuit with the court documents
    Dr Luke says is a lie and all she wants is getting out of her contract.
    Now Pebe, Kesha's mom, made public a email she send to Dr Luke where she mentions Lady Gaga as someone who will support Kesha's statement. In another words or Gaga saw - heard something or she was also a victim. This is beyond nasty tbh. 
    "We, me and Kesha and her friends, like Lady Gaga, are going to make all of this Really PUBLIC, in the next few days. Luke date raped Kesha when she was 18. Nicky Hilton's birthday? Paris Hilton's house? Luke gave Kesha pills. She ended up naked in his hotel room 2 days later. No longer a virgin?"
    What a mess. Imagine the testimonies to this case? Everyone in pop 2007 plus...Rihanna, Miley, Katy Perry....I believe a man that gets away with such abominable actions for over 10 years wouldn't stop at just one victim, if all is true, this is one sick monster. I hope Gaga is just a testimony because imagine if he did that to her as well, or other girls? What a disgusting mess and for sure is not going to end well.
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    SILENCE THE QUEEN HAS SPOKEN!   I need a Azealia Banks tell all writen by Azealia high on weed and booze. I needddddd it,.
    On Broke With Expensive Taste: 
    “I feel like if my album had been released a year earlier people wouldn’t have been ready for it. I’ve made myself this really polarising figure, in my opinions and in doing all this stuff. I had this huge hype and then people started to hate me, so people started to expect my album to be bad, you know? And I kind of feel like that helped, because it was actually the exact opposite… I worked real fucking hard to get this album out, and it’s so fucking amazing! It’s like, anything I’ve ever said or done is like explained by the record. People are like, ‘We get it. She’s crazy! This album is crazy.’ When I read the reviews it’s always like ‘Azealia Banks must have ADHD or something! Like, what the fuck is going on with this thing?!’”
    On career regrets: 
    “If I could do things differently I would have signed with Jay Z, probably. A lot of meetings I wouldn’t take (before signing) ’cos I was just like, ‘I don’t want to be with a male rapper.’ But (looking back) I think it would have been nice to have that male support and cosign in the rap world. Kanye wanted to sign me, but I just felt like, ‘I don’t want to be Kanye West’s artist because I plan to be better than Kanye West. So I can’t possibly be his artist. It’s not going to work out that way.’” 
    On Eminem’s lyric about Lana Del Rey: 
    “It made me angry! Don’t you tell Lana Del Rey that you’re going to fucking punch in her face! What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking idiot! What about Lana Del Rey would evoke anger? Like, do you get angry when you listen to Lana Del Rey? Does she make you angry? It’s like, you’re fortysomething now and you have a daughter whose like a teenager now (Eminem's daughter is 18). You know, come on! It’s not fair! 
    On her favourite Twitter feud: 
    “Probably TI. He’s just dumb. TI’s dumb. He jumped into the middle of a girl fight a couple of years ago (with Iggy Azalea) and said some stupid shit, and then I said something back and he said, ‘She actually has no right to talk to me. She needs to go and get her man to talk to me.’ And I was just like, ‘You’re such a fucking dumbass. He is sooo dumb. So. Dumb. And since you came at me out of the blue I will always have a problem with you and I will always fucking come at your head. And that’s it.” 
    On what her career would be like without social media: 
    “It wouldn’t exist! My music existed in a very small corner of Alphabet City. But (through the internet) I became like a personality. Even when people say they don’t care (about what I say) they’ll still fucking write about it. People care what I’m saying. They care what I think.” 
    On her Pharrell collab ‘ATM Jam’ (instigated by her then-label Interscope/Polydor): 
    “The whole time I was working on the song Pharrell was acting ‘mad brand new’. You know what it means to act ‘mad brand new’? It’s when someone’s acting like they’re too good for you. You know, he was acting brand new. This was before ‘Happy’. And I was like, ‘Why the fuck is he acting like this?’ Listen. I don’t want to rap on this track. They’re making me rap on this track. And it really pissed me off, because this was exactly what I didn’t come here to do. It was like, ‘I don’t do this!’ I have too much pride. I have way too much pride.” 
    On “JFK”, a song on the record which it’s been alleged takes pot shots at Lady Gaga: 
    “It’s not about Lady Gaga! ‘JFK’ is about what it feels like to be a new artist and have a bigger artist steal something from you. It’s like, ‘Bitch! You have everything at your fucking disposal. Why do you want to steal my little thing? You’re getting all your ideas from me.’ But it’s not talking about anyone specific. It could be taken anyway, you know... Actually, it is talking about someone specific. But it’s not Lady Gaga, I promise you. Her little fanbase, they’re crazy. They want everything to be about Lady Gaga. But it’s not about fucking Lady Gaga. I’m sorry, honey. And to be honest it’s like… trust me, I don’t even know what she be up to. You only hear about her when she’s dressing up or she’s doing some crazy shit or whatever. I exist in like cool, artful, hipster world; I’m in this hipster snob world where people don’t listen to Lady Gaga.” 
    On Ariel Pink, whose “Nude Beach A-Go-Go” she samples on a track of the same name on her record: 
    “Stink Pink? I love Stink Pink! He’s like my little like (makes high pitched squeak). He’s like my little hairy old friend.” 
    On the fashion industry: 
    “The fashion community has been really, really supportive of me. There was one interview I did where I was saying I spent a lot of time pleasing the fashion world and I didn’t get to finish my music and stuff like that… Because fashion is a very fickle industry, you know, it turns like this (clicks her fingers). One day you’re in, next day you’re out. It is what it is, but the media were like, ‘Azealia Banks disses the fashion industry!’ And I wasn’t fucking dissing it, I was saying something very matter of fact. But actually the fashion industry has been great. It’s been great.” 
    On her favourite new artists: 
    “I really like FKA twigs right now. I really like her vibe and I really like her face, too. She looks like a little baby’s doll. I also like SZA. She’s prett-ayyy! She’s kind of in the same vein as twigs, you know: sexy, dark, weird, industrial-sounding stuff. But SZA has this hair which is just fucking amazing.” 
    On London: 
    “I’d like to move to London, but I’d have to find a British man first. Stiff upper lip? Yeah, and you know what that’s good for, right? White boys do eat pussy better than everyone else, though, I will say that. Maybe it’s those thin white-boy lips!”
  14. leaked_version liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    You give them too much credit @@naachoboy.  I expect Gaga to make a 25 minutes speech about this on a concert , with a very dramatic lightning , while the Little Devil's listen in silence and scream in ecstasy. After they will go home and sleep in fetal position thinking about how Mamma Monsters is suffering in the hands of the mean queen Azealia
  15. LittleFool liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    You give them too much credit @@naachoboy.  I expect Gaga to make a 25 minutes speech about this on a concert , with a very dramatic lightning , while the Little Devil's listen in silence and scream in ecstasy. After they will go home and sleep in fetal position thinking about how Mamma Monsters is suffering in the hands of the mean queen Azealia
  16. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    SILENCE THE QUEEN HAS SPOKEN!   I need a Azealia Banks tell all writen by Azealia high on weed and booze. I needddddd it,.
    On Broke With Expensive Taste: 
    “I feel like if my album had been released a year earlier people wouldn’t have been ready for it. I’ve made myself this really polarising figure, in my opinions and in doing all this stuff. I had this huge hype and then people started to hate me, so people started to expect my album to be bad, you know? And I kind of feel like that helped, because it was actually the exact opposite… I worked real fucking hard to get this album out, and it’s so fucking amazing! It’s like, anything I’ve ever said or done is like explained by the record. People are like, ‘We get it. She’s crazy! This album is crazy.’ When I read the reviews it’s always like ‘Azealia Banks must have ADHD or something! Like, what the fuck is going on with this thing?!’”
    On career regrets: 
    “If I could do things differently I would have signed with Jay Z, probably. A lot of meetings I wouldn’t take (before signing) ’cos I was just like, ‘I don’t want to be with a male rapper.’ But (looking back) I think it would have been nice to have that male support and cosign in the rap world. Kanye wanted to sign me, but I just felt like, ‘I don’t want to be Kanye West’s artist because I plan to be better than Kanye West. So I can’t possibly be his artist. It’s not going to work out that way.’” 
    On Eminem’s lyric about Lana Del Rey: 
    “It made me angry! Don’t you tell Lana Del Rey that you’re going to fucking punch in her face! What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking idiot! What about Lana Del Rey would evoke anger? Like, do you get angry when you listen to Lana Del Rey? Does she make you angry? It’s like, you’re fortysomething now and you have a daughter whose like a teenager now (Eminem's daughter is 18). You know, come on! It’s not fair! 
    On her favourite Twitter feud: 
    “Probably TI. He’s just dumb. TI’s dumb. He jumped into the middle of a girl fight a couple of years ago (with Iggy Azalea) and said some stupid shit, and then I said something back and he said, ‘She actually has no right to talk to me. She needs to go and get her man to talk to me.’ And I was just like, ‘You’re such a fucking dumbass. He is sooo dumb. So. Dumb. And since you came at me out of the blue I will always have a problem with you and I will always fucking come at your head. And that’s it.” 
    On what her career would be like without social media: 
    “It wouldn’t exist! My music existed in a very small corner of Alphabet City. But (through the internet) I became like a personality. Even when people say they don’t care (about what I say) they’ll still fucking write about it. People care what I’m saying. They care what I think.” 
    On her Pharrell collab ‘ATM Jam’ (instigated by her then-label Interscope/Polydor): 
    “The whole time I was working on the song Pharrell was acting ‘mad brand new’. You know what it means to act ‘mad brand new’? It’s when someone’s acting like they’re too good for you. You know, he was acting brand new. This was before ‘Happy’. And I was like, ‘Why the fuck is he acting like this?’ Listen. I don’t want to rap on this track. They’re making me rap on this track. And it really pissed me off, because this was exactly what I didn’t come here to do. It was like, ‘I don’t do this!’ I have too much pride. I have way too much pride.” 
    On “JFK”, a song on the record which it’s been alleged takes pot shots at Lady Gaga: 
    “It’s not about Lady Gaga! ‘JFK’ is about what it feels like to be a new artist and have a bigger artist steal something from you. It’s like, ‘Bitch! You have everything at your fucking disposal. Why do you want to steal my little thing? You’re getting all your ideas from me.’ But it’s not talking about anyone specific. It could be taken anyway, you know... Actually, it is talking about someone specific. But it’s not Lady Gaga, I promise you. Her little fanbase, they’re crazy. They want everything to be about Lady Gaga. But it’s not about fucking Lady Gaga. I’m sorry, honey. And to be honest it’s like… trust me, I don’t even know what she be up to. You only hear about her when she’s dressing up or she’s doing some crazy shit or whatever. I exist in like cool, artful, hipster world; I’m in this hipster snob world where people don’t listen to Lady Gaga.” 
    On Ariel Pink, whose “Nude Beach A-Go-Go” she samples on a track of the same name on her record: 
    “Stink Pink? I love Stink Pink! He’s like my little like (makes high pitched squeak). He’s like my little hairy old friend.” 
    On the fashion industry: 
    “The fashion community has been really, really supportive of me. There was one interview I did where I was saying I spent a lot of time pleasing the fashion world and I didn’t get to finish my music and stuff like that… Because fashion is a very fickle industry, you know, it turns like this (clicks her fingers). One day you’re in, next day you’re out. It is what it is, but the media were like, ‘Azealia Banks disses the fashion industry!’ And I wasn’t fucking dissing it, I was saying something very matter of fact. But actually the fashion industry has been great. It’s been great.” 
    On her favourite new artists: 
    “I really like FKA twigs right now. I really like her vibe and I really like her face, too. She looks like a little baby’s doll. I also like SZA. She’s prett-ayyy! She’s kind of in the same vein as twigs, you know: sexy, dark, weird, industrial-sounding stuff. But SZA has this hair which is just fucking amazing.” 
    On London: 
    “I’d like to move to London, but I’d have to find a British man first. Stiff upper lip? Yeah, and you know what that’s good for, right? White boys do eat pussy better than everyone else, though, I will say that. Maybe it’s those thin white-boy lips!”
  17. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    You give them too much credit @@naachoboy.  I expect Gaga to make a 25 minutes speech about this on a concert , with a very dramatic lightning , while the Little Devil's listen in silence and scream in ecstasy. After they will go home and sleep in fetal position thinking about how Mamma Monsters is suffering in the hands of the mean queen Azealia
  18. Viva liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Azealia Banks   
    I mean she called them: little fanbase x.x!!
  19. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    You give them too much credit @@naachoboy.  I expect Gaga to make a 25 minutes speech about this on a concert , with a very dramatic lightning , while the Little Devil's listen in silence and scream in ecstasy. After they will go home and sleep in fetal position thinking about how Mamma Monsters is suffering in the hands of the mean queen Azealia
  20. Viva liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Azealia Banks   
    i think they are bitter because they know she dragged them but they use the gaga excuse to bash her in return. 
  21. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    I love how Little Monsters are so dumb they think Azealia is dragging Gaga while she's dragging them. Drag those little ugly's to the floor, moon and floor again Queen of beefs and Music
  22. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    SILENCE THE QUEEN HAS SPOKEN!   I need a Azealia Banks tell all writen by Azealia high on weed and booze. I needddddd it,.
    On Broke With Expensive Taste: 
    “I feel like if my album had been released a year earlier people wouldn’t have been ready for it. I’ve made myself this really polarising figure, in my opinions and in doing all this stuff. I had this huge hype and then people started to hate me, so people started to expect my album to be bad, you know? And I kind of feel like that helped, because it was actually the exact opposite… I worked real fucking hard to get this album out, and it’s so fucking amazing! It’s like, anything I’ve ever said or done is like explained by the record. People are like, ‘We get it. She’s crazy! This album is crazy.’ When I read the reviews it’s always like ‘Azealia Banks must have ADHD or something! Like, what the fuck is going on with this thing?!’”
    On career regrets: 
    “If I could do things differently I would have signed with Jay Z, probably. A lot of meetings I wouldn’t take (before signing) ’cos I was just like, ‘I don’t want to be with a male rapper.’ But (looking back) I think it would have been nice to have that male support and cosign in the rap world. Kanye wanted to sign me, but I just felt like, ‘I don’t want to be Kanye West’s artist because I plan to be better than Kanye West. So I can’t possibly be his artist. It’s not going to work out that way.’” 
    On Eminem’s lyric about Lana Del Rey: 
    “It made me angry! Don’t you tell Lana Del Rey that you’re going to fucking punch in her face! What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking idiot! What about Lana Del Rey would evoke anger? Like, do you get angry when you listen to Lana Del Rey? Does she make you angry? It’s like, you’re fortysomething now and you have a daughter whose like a teenager now (Eminem's daughter is 18). You know, come on! It’s not fair! 
    On her favourite Twitter feud: 
    “Probably TI. He’s just dumb. TI’s dumb. He jumped into the middle of a girl fight a couple of years ago (with Iggy Azalea) and said some stupid shit, and then I said something back and he said, ‘She actually has no right to talk to me. She needs to go and get her man to talk to me.’ And I was just like, ‘You’re such a fucking dumbass. He is sooo dumb. So. Dumb. And since you came at me out of the blue I will always have a problem with you and I will always fucking come at your head. And that’s it.” 
    On what her career would be like without social media: 
    “It wouldn’t exist! My music existed in a very small corner of Alphabet City. But (through the internet) I became like a personality. Even when people say they don’t care (about what I say) they’ll still fucking write about it. People care what I’m saying. They care what I think.” 
    On her Pharrell collab ‘ATM Jam’ (instigated by her then-label Interscope/Polydor): 
    “The whole time I was working on the song Pharrell was acting ‘mad brand new’. You know what it means to act ‘mad brand new’? It’s when someone’s acting like they’re too good for you. You know, he was acting brand new. This was before ‘Happy’. And I was like, ‘Why the fuck is he acting like this?’ Listen. I don’t want to rap on this track. They’re making me rap on this track. And it really pissed me off, because this was exactly what I didn’t come here to do. It was like, ‘I don’t do this!’ I have too much pride. I have way too much pride.” 
    On “JFK”, a song on the record which it’s been alleged takes pot shots at Lady Gaga: 
    “It’s not about Lady Gaga! ‘JFK’ is about what it feels like to be a new artist and have a bigger artist steal something from you. It’s like, ‘Bitch! You have everything at your fucking disposal. Why do you want to steal my little thing? You’re getting all your ideas from me.’ But it’s not talking about anyone specific. It could be taken anyway, you know... Actually, it is talking about someone specific. But it’s not Lady Gaga, I promise you. Her little fanbase, they’re crazy. They want everything to be about Lady Gaga. But it’s not about fucking Lady Gaga. I’m sorry, honey. And to be honest it’s like… trust me, I don’t even know what she be up to. You only hear about her when she’s dressing up or she’s doing some crazy shit or whatever. I exist in like cool, artful, hipster world; I’m in this hipster snob world where people don’t listen to Lady Gaga.” 
    On Ariel Pink, whose “Nude Beach A-Go-Go” she samples on a track of the same name on her record: 
    “Stink Pink? I love Stink Pink! He’s like my little like (makes high pitched squeak). He’s like my little hairy old friend.” 
    On the fashion industry: 
    “The fashion community has been really, really supportive of me. There was one interview I did where I was saying I spent a lot of time pleasing the fashion world and I didn’t get to finish my music and stuff like that… Because fashion is a very fickle industry, you know, it turns like this (clicks her fingers). One day you’re in, next day you’re out. It is what it is, but the media were like, ‘Azealia Banks disses the fashion industry!’ And I wasn’t fucking dissing it, I was saying something very matter of fact. But actually the fashion industry has been great. It’s been great.” 
    On her favourite new artists: 
    “I really like FKA twigs right now. I really like her vibe and I really like her face, too. She looks like a little baby’s doll. I also like SZA. She’s prett-ayyy! She’s kind of in the same vein as twigs, you know: sexy, dark, weird, industrial-sounding stuff. But SZA has this hair which is just fucking amazing.” 
    On London: 
    “I’d like to move to London, but I’d have to find a British man first. Stiff upper lip? Yeah, and you know what that’s good for, right? White boys do eat pussy better than everyone else, though, I will say that. Maybe it’s those thin white-boy lips!”
  23. National Anthem liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    SILENCE THE QUEEN HAS SPOKEN!   I need a Azealia Banks tell all writen by Azealia high on weed and booze. I needddddd it,.
    On Broke With Expensive Taste: 
    “I feel like if my album had been released a year earlier people wouldn’t have been ready for it. I’ve made myself this really polarising figure, in my opinions and in doing all this stuff. I had this huge hype and then people started to hate me, so people started to expect my album to be bad, you know? And I kind of feel like that helped, because it was actually the exact opposite… I worked real fucking hard to get this album out, and it’s so fucking amazing! It’s like, anything I’ve ever said or done is like explained by the record. People are like, ‘We get it. She’s crazy! This album is crazy.’ When I read the reviews it’s always like ‘Azealia Banks must have ADHD or something! Like, what the fuck is going on with this thing?!’”
    On career regrets: 
    “If I could do things differently I would have signed with Jay Z, probably. A lot of meetings I wouldn’t take (before signing) ’cos I was just like, ‘I don’t want to be with a male rapper.’ But (looking back) I think it would have been nice to have that male support and cosign in the rap world. Kanye wanted to sign me, but I just felt like, ‘I don’t want to be Kanye West’s artist because I plan to be better than Kanye West. So I can’t possibly be his artist. It’s not going to work out that way.’” 
    On Eminem’s lyric about Lana Del Rey: 
    “It made me angry! Don’t you tell Lana Del Rey that you’re going to fucking punch in her face! What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking idiot! What about Lana Del Rey would evoke anger? Like, do you get angry when you listen to Lana Del Rey? Does she make you angry? It’s like, you’re fortysomething now and you have a daughter whose like a teenager now (Eminem's daughter is 18). You know, come on! It’s not fair! 
    On her favourite Twitter feud: 
    “Probably TI. He’s just dumb. TI’s dumb. He jumped into the middle of a girl fight a couple of years ago (with Iggy Azalea) and said some stupid shit, and then I said something back and he said, ‘She actually has no right to talk to me. She needs to go and get her man to talk to me.’ And I was just like, ‘You’re such a fucking dumbass. He is sooo dumb. So. Dumb. And since you came at me out of the blue I will always have a problem with you and I will always fucking come at your head. And that’s it.” 
    On what her career would be like without social media: 
    “It wouldn’t exist! My music existed in a very small corner of Alphabet City. But (through the internet) I became like a personality. Even when people say they don’t care (about what I say) they’ll still fucking write about it. People care what I’m saying. They care what I think.” 
    On her Pharrell collab ‘ATM Jam’ (instigated by her then-label Interscope/Polydor): 
    “The whole time I was working on the song Pharrell was acting ‘mad brand new’. You know what it means to act ‘mad brand new’? It’s when someone’s acting like they’re too good for you. You know, he was acting brand new. This was before ‘Happy’. And I was like, ‘Why the fuck is he acting like this?’ Listen. I don’t want to rap on this track. They’re making me rap on this track. And it really pissed me off, because this was exactly what I didn’t come here to do. It was like, ‘I don’t do this!’ I have too much pride. I have way too much pride.” 
    On “JFK”, a song on the record which it’s been alleged takes pot shots at Lady Gaga: 
    “It’s not about Lady Gaga! ‘JFK’ is about what it feels like to be a new artist and have a bigger artist steal something from you. It’s like, ‘Bitch! You have everything at your fucking disposal. Why do you want to steal my little thing? You’re getting all your ideas from me.’ But it’s not talking about anyone specific. It could be taken anyway, you know... Actually, it is talking about someone specific. But it’s not Lady Gaga, I promise you. Her little fanbase, they’re crazy. They want everything to be about Lady Gaga. But it’s not about fucking Lady Gaga. I’m sorry, honey. And to be honest it’s like… trust me, I don’t even know what she be up to. You only hear about her when she’s dressing up or she’s doing some crazy shit or whatever. I exist in like cool, artful, hipster world; I’m in this hipster snob world where people don’t listen to Lady Gaga.” 
    On Ariel Pink, whose “Nude Beach A-Go-Go” she samples on a track of the same name on her record: 
    “Stink Pink? I love Stink Pink! He’s like my little like (makes high pitched squeak). He’s like my little hairy old friend.” 
    On the fashion industry: 
    “The fashion community has been really, really supportive of me. There was one interview I did where I was saying I spent a lot of time pleasing the fashion world and I didn’t get to finish my music and stuff like that… Because fashion is a very fickle industry, you know, it turns like this (clicks her fingers). One day you’re in, next day you’re out. It is what it is, but the media were like, ‘Azealia Banks disses the fashion industry!’ And I wasn’t fucking dissing it, I was saying something very matter of fact. But actually the fashion industry has been great. It’s been great.” 
    On her favourite new artists: 
    “I really like FKA twigs right now. I really like her vibe and I really like her face, too. She looks like a little baby’s doll. I also like SZA. She’s prett-ayyy! She’s kind of in the same vein as twigs, you know: sexy, dark, weird, industrial-sounding stuff. But SZA has this hair which is just fucking amazing.” 
    On London: 
    “I’d like to move to London, but I’d have to find a British man first. Stiff upper lip? Yeah, and you know what that’s good for, right? White boys do eat pussy better than everyone else, though, I will say that. Maybe it’s those thin white-boy lips!”
  24. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Viva in Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey   
    I can agree in part with what you say, but in reality doesn't work like that. In a normal household it may be like that, in a ghetto or slum rules are different because those people are exposed to actual violence, domestic included, in a daily bases. 
    Words have power, violent lyrics have power, specially because of what you said: we are on our daily bases exposed to it every day, from video games, to film and music, to the newspaper and tv news, youtube videos and etc.
    The difference is that when we, people like me and you and probably most on this board, arrive home violence doesn't go home with us. It's not our lives inside our house hold. You don't sleep at the sound of gun shots, you don't think gun shots is a normal or day by day sound. When violence is all over you 24 hours is complicated. 
    The problem is not Eminem or other rappers, is that you don't have a rapper as famous as them making music with another point of view. You don't have a balance point, goes from extremely aggressive to middle aggressive. You don't have a cool hip hop video about the cool smart girl for every this Whos's aint loyal and other Chris Brown videos. 
    You don't have any rapper, female or male, as famous as Eminem, doing something different, there isn't a balance. That's the problem IMO, not Eminem itself. You can't chose because there's only this option. 
    During a football match between Barcelona and Villareal someone throw a banana on the field at Daniel Alves, Barcelona player. It's a way to call the guy a moneky. Before he kick the corner he ate the banana, it went viral. Next day Neymar, another Barcelona player, made a IG saying "we are all Monkeys"  with his son both with holding bananas. The thing spread and suddenly everyone was taking pics with the freaking banana (black, white, yellow...). Many people were outraged by the campaign pic, specially towards players and celebs posting themselves eating or holding a banana. I thought was funny and a intelligent way to put the joke on the racist, making him the ridiculous one.  
    In the end of the day, I doubt anyone will ever throw a banana at Daniel Alves again, maybe even at any other black player (this banana thing happens often). Daniel Alves didn't say a word, he won by eating the fucking banana. 
    Sometimes I do think people make matters to serious and don't bring a counterpoint to the table. There isn't anyone arguing or making a lyrical dialogue with Eminem, there isn't any rapper putting him in his place in somewhat a funny way telling him his a idiot. There isn't anyone eating bananas.
    Do you think Eminem would dare to go after Mariah in his lyrics again? She finished him with Obsessed.
    I don't think Lana indulges violence in her lyrics, imo is just some kinky harmless stuff. Hit her in the ass, or pull her hair. Hit me can also mean putting his dick inside her. Either way, even if you think she indulges violence, she craves that for herself and not towards others. That for those who think she's asking to actually be hit, which I don't agree with. 
    If in his interviews or speeches his words were any different from the lyrics I could see what you are pointing out, problem is whenever he opens his mouth he's the same jerk that writes the lyrics.
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