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  1. Rebel liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Hispanic Fans   
    Hispanic =/= from Spanish
    by the way did you buy your map in a wholesale or took online Geography lessons? Its kind of missing Central America ( Belize, Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador) and calling Brazilians Latin Americans and Argentinians Hispanic's is hilarious.
    By the way no, Hispanic is a term connoted by US and is not only addressing Language. They don't call people from Spain "Hispanic" do they? Europeans is what they are. Is to address entire cultures/countries which are different in so many aspects from each other as a single package in a very diminutive way. They started to call mexicans like that and now for some reason extended to every south/central American country. In my maps and classes we never addressed our continent as "Hispanic" which I assume is right because they are not Hispanic.
  2. demiannn liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Hispanic Fans   
    HISPANIC ISN'T A RACE OR A NATIONALITY # This spanic/ hispanic issue drives me crazyyyyyy LOL
    South Americans are not Hispaniccccccccccccc they are Uruguaios, Argentinos, Chilenos, Colombianos.......Peruanos...etc
    If South Americans are Hispanic, what should we the Brazilians, Portugueses, Angolans call ourselves? The Portuguenishes?

    HISPANIC ISN'T A RACE OR A NATIONALITY # This spanic/ hispanic issue drives me crazyyyyyy LOL
    South Americans are not Hispaniccccccccccccc they are Uruguaios, Argentinos, Chilenos, Colombianos.......Peruanos...etc
    If South Americans are Hispanic, what should we the Brazilians, Portugueses, Angolans call ourselves? The Portuguenishes?
  3. Viva liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Ultraviolence Reviews: 74 Metascore (DISCUSS REVIEWS ONLY)   
    It is basically all the same. 
    Reviews from the UK will mostly give a high rating. reviews from the States will be lukewarm at best.
    The one reviewer who gave her 2/5 should really be fired. Not because he gave her a negative review, but what he has written is utterly vile. Reviews can be harsh when it's needed, but bringing in rape into the review is so pathetic and offensive.
    America never fails to amaze me. In a country when it's obviously okay to have cream titties as promo for your alberm and run around half naked since swimming over from the Carribean is obviously totally ok, too (and that's how it should be), but when you express the desire for a strong male in your life, you get trashed and called a product.
  4. love deluxe liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    as a marketing and Advertising student I can say Lana is (probably)  fully aware of the principles of authenticity. The first rule of authenticity is to never proclaim yourself authentic in any way. That said every person personal experience is authentic because we are all authentic human beings, no experience is equal to different people, not even sharing the same dish at a restaurant. The experience you feel is internal and all the external is not authentic.  In that sense also no experience is really authentic , not even going to camp in the jungle since someone designed the paper map or GPS you will use and someone designed the car, bike, plane that will take you there.
    Since music these days is treated and sold as a commodity all rules of business and society applies to art in most cultures, being US the epitome of culture sold as a commodity, as a service (Itunes...serves you music....internet serves you a music store...goes on...) authenticity and all it's sub categories (Fake - Fake ; Fake-Real; Real-Fake; Fake-Fake and Real - Real) are probably under Lana's radar since her teens...her dad been a advertiser and all and her being clearly a good advertiser and a student of human behavior is fair to assume she's fully aware the search for authenticity is doomed from the start. 
    IMo Lana is a storyteller and she really gets into the character she's playing/writing about.
  5. Philomene liked a post in a topic by Viva in violence in East-Ukraine   
    Do you know one of the (biggest) reasons why part of the "Western" world/ governments doesn't bother much? Because reconstruction contracts signed and given  to rebuild what's left of the allegedly country is as profitable, sometimes even more, then the weapon industry. That's Ukraine case in 5 or 10 years from now: a Ghost country with the historical buildings and most of the cities destroyed. The more wrecked Ukraine is, more a few countries will profit rebuilding what's left and creating new buildings, roads, houses, schools and etc. 
    Why do you think US likes to play monopoly and the world's savior so much? Have you have any idea how much US constructions companies got to rebuild Bosnia? Iraq..Afghanistan...look how much the world invested "rebuilding" , reconstructing and " helping"  those places.
    Poverty and wars (civil ones when get  to this level follows in the same category since the effect is basically the same) are a money machine.
  6. Viva liked a post in a topic by Jazzmin in violence in East-Ukraine   
    Indeed, all that's been happening there is inhumane. The whole Ukrainian issue is generally fucked .
    And the western media WERE talking about it, at least so it seemed to me because there was the time when they were dealing with Ukrainian situation a lot on CNN, I could read the news on English language websites etc. I admit, though, their interest burnt out after a while and it was pretty much to be predicted. Polish media are still up with at least of some of this stuff - but then, we are very close to Ukraine and the US, why should they give a fuck, they relativily safe from Vladimir Putin's crazy ideas.
    And what's really bothering me is not the media activity. It's the western governments' activity. Because all those presidents, premiers etc. could declare how much "united" with Ukraine they feel but their empty words will not free that country and will not save next lives that may yet to be taken. At the beginning of Russian interference in the Crimea, soldiers having appeared there, Putin said they were not his militarians but some random guys in disguise who'd gotten their militarian clothes in a shop. Maybe to you it does sound normal and adequate but for me it was just a kind of a creepy joke all along.
    The saddest thing is still to be said...
    No one's gonna do a real thing about. And not that I'm really blaming anyone. I'm just depressed to see the western countries are going to let Russia seize whatever's its caprice.
    If only Russia was not involved, then maybe someone would do a thing about the Ukrainian goverment (which is, as you remarked, not a bright issue either) but if it is, no one will dare to.
  7. Viva liked a post in a topic by Tammy in LDR Live in Berlin, June 20th, 2014   
    Best tour poster I have found yet:

  8. Viva liked a post in a topic by Tammy in LDR Live in Berlin, June 20th, 2014   
    Try this page: http://www.berlin.de/en/
    For public transport (bus, tram, metro, s-bahn) in Berlin: http://www.bvg.de/index.php/en/index.html
    Seems many Lanaboard members will be there ...
  9. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by Viva in Word Association   
  10. Valentino liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey in ELLE Magazine (France)   
    . I have a large family, lovely but complicated. I am responsible for my brother and my sister, who live with me. And I have some trouble moving from one world to the next." [OP Note: meaning, she has trouble finding balance between her personal and professional life.]
    This is very interesting. Is the first time I see Lana addressing her family as "complicated". I always thought her relationship with her mother was not that great and inspires her music more then she allows people to know. She also says she's responsible for her siblings which implies in a certain extent she's legally responsible for them,
  11. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    as a marketing and Advertising student I can say Lana is (probably)  fully aware of the principles of authenticity. The first rule of authenticity is to never proclaim yourself authentic in any way. That said every person personal experience is authentic because we are all authentic human beings, no experience is equal to different people, not even sharing the same dish at a restaurant. The experience you feel is internal and all the external is not authentic.  In that sense also no experience is really authentic , not even going to camp in the jungle since someone designed the paper map or GPS you will use and someone designed the car, bike, plane that will take you there.
    Since music these days is treated and sold as a commodity all rules of business and society applies to art in most cultures, being US the epitome of culture sold as a commodity, as a service (Itunes...serves you music....internet serves you a music store...goes on...) authenticity and all it's sub categories (Fake - Fake ; Fake-Real; Real-Fake; Fake-Fake and Real - Real) are probably under Lana's radar since her teens...her dad been a advertiser and all and her being clearly a good advertiser and a student of human behavior is fair to assume she's fully aware the search for authenticity is doomed from the start. 
    IMo Lana is a storyteller and she really gets into the character she's playing/writing about.
  12. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey in ELLE Magazine (France)   
    . I have a large family, lovely but complicated. I am responsible for my brother and my sister, who live with me. And I have some trouble moving from one world to the next." [OP Note: meaning, she has trouble finding balance between her personal and professional life.]
    This is very interesting. Is the first time I see Lana addressing her family as "complicated". I always thought her relationship with her mother was not that great and inspires her music more then she allows people to know. She also says she's responsible for her siblings which implies in a certain extent she's legally responsible for them,
  13. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey in ELLE Magazine (France)   
    . I have a large family, lovely but complicated. I am responsible for my brother and my sister, who live with me. And I have some trouble moving from one world to the next." [OP Note: meaning, she has trouble finding balance between her personal and professional life.]
    This is very interesting. Is the first time I see Lana addressing her family as "complicated". I always thought her relationship with her mother was not that great and inspires her music more then she allows people to know. She also says she's responsible for her siblings which implies in a certain extent she's legally responsible for them,
  14. Tammy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    You didn't mention Adele , you mentioned record sales and that's why I mentioned Adele and 21. Icon and record sales don't necessarily walk hand in hand. I don't think Adele is an icon for example, she's going to be the most successful artist of our generation but she doesn't have influence over social behavior or fashion and movies. Beyonce is the same, just a lot less successful then Adele.  
    Record sales doesn't make you an International icon, it's not just that tbh. Did you ever heard about Roberto Carlos? He sold more than 100 million albums. Rita Lee? She sold until now 75 millions. Ivete? Sold 20 millions and has the record of concerts DVD sales. Yet you never heard about them did you? The world is not America and the whole world doesn't speak English. The fact Madonna is that huge in the 4 corners is incredible. Beyoncé will never be as powerful as Madonna, the only one from that list who comes close to Madge is Shakira, in social-cultural importance. The only artist I can see having a chance to be a legend is Rihanna. Gaga could be but by the way things are turning out and going for her I don't see that happening.
  15. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Viva in Underrated Lana Songs   
    MOTEL 6
  16. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    as a marketing and Advertising student I can say Lana is (probably)  fully aware of the principles of authenticity. The first rule of authenticity is to never proclaim yourself authentic in any way. That said every person personal experience is authentic because we are all authentic human beings, no experience is equal to different people, not even sharing the same dish at a restaurant. The experience you feel is internal and all the external is not authentic.  In that sense also no experience is really authentic , not even going to camp in the jungle since someone designed the paper map or GPS you will use and someone designed the car, bike, plane that will take you there.
    Since music these days is treated and sold as a commodity all rules of business and society applies to art in most cultures, being US the epitome of culture sold as a commodity, as a service (Itunes...serves you music....internet serves you a music store...goes on...) authenticity and all it's sub categories (Fake - Fake ; Fake-Real; Real-Fake; Fake-Fake and Real - Real) are probably under Lana's radar since her teens...her dad been a advertiser and all and her being clearly a good advertiser and a student of human behavior is fair to assume she's fully aware the search for authenticity is doomed from the start. 
    IMo Lana is a storyteller and she really gets into the character she's playing/writing about.
  17. Viva liked a post in a topic by Sitar in What Upcoming Releases Are You Looking Forward To?   
    Obv most excited for Ultraviolence but tbh I would put a gypsy curse on it condemning it to never come out if I could just hear Azealia's album soon
  18. Viva liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    As an American I can confirm this.
  19. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    a true American belongs to a cult 
  20. Viva liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Lana's alleged sect/cult past   
    Sorry for this stupid title didn't know how to call this. Further I don't know if this is the right place for this info but I just stumbled upon sth really really interesting.
    Some austrian sites (maybe other too) reported about an interview of Lana with 'Grazia' in which she revealed that she was a member of a sect!
    Quick translation of one of those articles:
    The singer allegedly used to be dominated by a Guru. Since he wanted to "break" his girls she left the sect.
    US-singer Lana Del Rey has a past in a sect behind her. "I used to be a member of an underground sect which was reigned by a guru. He surrounded himself with young girls," she told the magazine Grazia. She as well couldn't resist his "insane charisma". She was longing for "love and safety" in this group.
    But the guru turned out to be a bad person. "He thought that he had to break people first to build them up again. At the end I quit the sect." Her addiction to alcohol which she had as a teenager is over as well adds the 27 year old. "For ten years I haven't touched a drink - but I'd somehow really like to."
    This newspaper/website is usually quite reliable so...yeah.
    Thought? So "you're my cult leader" suddenly has a completely new meaning...
  21. cadmus2166 liked a post in a topic by Viva in Sia   
    I love Sia so much.  Soon We'll be Found video moves me every time I see it, it's one of my favorite videos ever. Is so delicate, sad and beautiful. Like a quiet storm of sadness and hope. I don't know why she hides her face so much, she's so pretty and expressive. 

    Buttons is also so disturbing for some reason LOL I'm pretty sure I do very strange facial expressions while watching. That taped chin with those pre plastic surgery eyes make me laugh 

  22. Januli liked a post in a topic by Viva in Album Trailer Featuring "Shades of Cool," "Ultraviolence," and "Brooklyn Baby" Snippets   
    I think she is progressing into an incredible visual artist. Her visual world keeps getting better even if her song writing is a little stuck. Give the woman a break tho we have more than 300 Lana songs. I bet if you had 300 songs from any other artist you would find them repectitive too. Lana has more leaks then the Beatles and Rolling Stones entire discography combined. 
  23. Nightmare Boy Online liked a post in a topic by Viva in Album Trailer Featuring "Shades of Cool," "Ultraviolence," and "Brooklyn Baby" Snippets   
    The part were I said Obama does more TV Celeb Shows then speeches from the White House didn't give you a clue?  well it's quite simple in my mind and was actually a topic of discussion back in the day in LDR BRA.  Obama has a twitter, goes on Celeb shows, invites celebs to official events. Oprah was responsible for 10% of his votes. The power of information are changing and with that the power of WHO can elect you also changes. A celeb today can influence your habits a lot more then just the clothes you buy, the perfume you use or the cream you want.
    When you have 20 million followers in your twitter you have 20 million of instant listeners. Why Beysus the one so close to the president is so behaved? Do you think was by chance she was the one to (lip) sing the anthem? How many followers Beysus have? how many she gain after that?
    National Anthem is a representation of US society and Politics as it is today. The fact JFK and MM was used is a way to remember you how it could have been or how it was. Look at A$AP behavior on the video, look how pretty yet a empty vassel he's character is. Look at Lana and those multiracial kids, her classy clothes, her "mascara" in contrast with her cheap ghetto behavior. 
    Look at A$ap and his grill and chains. Is Show Business getting into politics, is the new society. The celebrity couple is the president and the first lady. Yet neither knows much.
    Celebs always had influence but never this instantaneous, this powerful and this much. Just look at how many followers the presenter of the National News on BBC and CNN have and you will see  and compare them to any major pop singer. Wanting or not the celeb you follow is indeed one way you get informed. This is obviously talking about US. 
  24. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Azealia Banks   
    You know what I was gonna giive to my brother on his 21th birthday? Azealia's album
    You know what I was going to give to my brother on his 22th birthday? Azealia's album
    You know what I'm going to give to my brother on his 50th birthday? Azealias first album. Will be out that day, I'm pretty sure is the release date Interscope gave to Azealia,
    this Azealia "no album" issue pisses me off so much. It's brutal the waste of potential. UGH.
    Hope those videos are good and for new songs. Seriously she's the biggest hip hop / rap artist that never was.
    M.I.A did it first, better and with a lot more class. Just think Azealia is copying Maya and let it be.
  25. Viva liked a post in a topic by Heaux in M.I.A.   
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