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  1. Atom Heart liked a post in a topic by Viva in Ultraviolence Order Directory   
    good job 
    you better learn her lyrics for the concert   Every single one, even the ones you don't like 
    imagine if you , me and @BabyVAlex could attend the same concert.   If Alex got lost would be easy to find him   he would be the one wearing a Britney Spears T shirt
    why so many Lanas in my post? I don't know
  2. Viva liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Ultraviolence Order Directory   
    same here, preordered the deluxe cd + t-shirt 
  3. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Ultraviolence Order Directory   
    It's done
    just have to wait now
    come to me UV
    better arrive on time  
  4. Arzi liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Ranked #82 in Maxim Hot 100 2014   
    1. I can't find Lana 
    2. LOL at Xtina "before the sausages" pic 
    3. I have no idea who most those woman are 
    4.  that list
  5. Viva liked a post in a topic by slang in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    IMO, Madonna's longevity is of a particular kind that isn't purely related to music. There's stuff going on like being a fashion icon (and staying in great shape to be so), having social influence, doing epic (and expensively staged) tours with broadway quality choreography and production, and movie engagements (i.e., Evita, and documentaries implying her living legend status). These constitute what it means for Madonna to be long-lived in popular culture. On the basis of that, I get Beyonce and Gaga as reasonable predictions for something similar. 
    However, when I voted for LDR, I was thinking of (or hoping for) simple longevity from talent and love of craft. So for instance, Blondie and Deborah Harry put out an album some weeks ago (Ghosts of Download). DH has 13 years on M agewise, and I find her kind of longevity (as well as the actual songs associated with her and Blondie) just as impressive. That kind of longevity doesn't haven't to mean "not relevant" either.  I could use an obvious example like the Rolling Stones, but given my tastes, I find it cool that the super-talented old pros, Depeche Mode, came in just behind Beyonce, and ahead of 1-Direction and Justin Bieber, in touring grosses for 2013. 
  6. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by Viva in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    I don't think " top" is the right word, imo is make something as good or better that Bad Romance. That's something will haunt Gaga's career for a while I guess because The Fame Monster was truly a masterpiece of an era and album. Her personality got too over the top as well in the Born This Fay era and continued to grow even more with ARTPOP.  The difference is there isn't a Bad Romance masterpiece for people forget about her bs and concentrate on the videos/music.
    The talent is certainly there but also the ego, lake of organization and effective team work. I guess what happened after the The Fame Monster was that not only Gaga thought she was a legend BY HERSELF but her team thought the same thing with the originals going separate ways. Which is proven not to be true , together they were incredible. Her ideas are good and I believe with the right composition of different talents (Marketing, Strategy (for releases); Visual artists she can go far. Madonna didn't do it all herself you know? It's humanly  impossible for her to control the "Gaga" machine without a team in the level of Beyoncé's or Katy's. The same will happen with Miley for now she can control it all but if the success continues and goes even bigger she wont be able to do it herself, the need of a team comes with your "size" 
    Gaga is a joke now and is a waste because talent by talent she does have it. On paper she is the most complete of the triad Katy-Gaga-Rihanna yet KP's team and campaigns are better and Rihanna gives us more hits. In my view Gaga can go to stardom again with her new era or obscurity and is definetely up to her and who she chooses to work with her
  7. radiodasirius liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey performs "Ultraviolence" (Song) in Vancouver   
    put the snippet on repeat you like a maniac would  and do your thing
    YES ^^
    that's why I hate snippets. They make me crazy always ending on the climax. Even an unintentional snippet like this one ends like that. It's a curse
  8. Viva liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Lana Del Rey performs "Ultraviolence" (Song) in Vancouver   
    lmfaoo x.x , i dont know i hope this bitch is announced for Lollapalooza or something, but i really wish that she comes back alone not in festival 
  9. Viva liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey performs "Ultraviolence" (Song) in Vancouver   
  10. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Viva in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    Yeah I think @@SitarHero. I'm amused as you lol saying that about Hannah Montana 
    Everything is gimmicks until a certain extent , isn't ? The difference between Miley and most is that she has a great album and tour to support the gimmicks. Another thing about Miley: she doesn't want to fool you with the fact she's fooling you. When did you saw an artist say bluntly that "was for the view, was a gimmick and no it wasn't for the music or art" ?? She's so honest is confusing LOL.  I saw the concert (youtube since she didn't got here YET) and seems everything I expected to be. Pitchfork did an awesome critic (for a change) that express a lot how I feel about Miley.
    here if you are interested 
  11. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Viva in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    @ to be fair Avril already got through the 10+ years mark. I put her in the list for a kick because she's not really a pop artist like Amy Lee or Florence. I think Avril and the other 2 will be around for a long time.
    The ones I'm pretty sure will have longevity
    1. Adele
    2. Miley
    3. Rihanna
    4. Lana
    1. Katy Perry
    2. Lady Gaga
    3. Shakira
    4. Beyoncé
    Adele- Besides been the less expensive of them all since all she really needs is a mic, a piano and a couple of lights Adele is a complete artist. The only thing that can get in her way is Adele herself getting tired of it all and deciding to retire at 30 or so. If she doesn't pretty sure we will listen to her when we are 80. She's white Brit version of Aretha and young Tina. I refuse to die before she does a duet with Madonna and make Beyoncé burn all her wigs in dispaire
    Miley - Miley is Madonna smart and the fact most people think she's dumb as a door goes in her favor. I actually am very excited to see what's next for Miley because she has it all: The brains, marketing vision, the voice, sense of humor and self awareness and musical ability to go very far. I also think she was born with the strong structure to get through the punches like Madonna. 
    Rihanna - The best and most successful pop star of our generation. Riri is amazing tbh, look at how she's successful at every single thing she does: hit songs, fashion lines, movies, tours, everything she touches turns into hits or money. AMAZING. The fact Rihanna doesn't give 2 cents to all her glory, awards, albums, tours and campaigns also is amazing.  Like "Give me that shit award because I have better things to do I'm bored here" 
    Lana - Lana can go both ways but I think she's here to stay and slay. Song writing skills is very important for longevity, when all the looks fade and tricks don't work anymore. Lana has that in her favor and also her voice , like Adele and Rihanna, have a pretty unique sound. 
    Katy Perry - I really like The Perry but I can't see her evolving from this KP to Madonna Katy Perry or Lana Katy Perry. Does that make any sense? Like when funny, cool katy is over, what's left?
    I hope she does tho I think KP is a great visual artist and can write some really good pop songs, let's see if she can have a long career. 
    Gaga - Gaga has a lot of talent and even if I'm not a fan and poke her a lot, I can't deny that. I also think The Fame Monster is one of the best pop albums of the last decades. I think the problem with Gaga is not talent is team work or lake of it, complete mess when the subject is organization and making plans go through. If she gets her shit together she can go far no doubt. The same bitch who wrote the basics ARTFLOP and Born This Fay is the woman who wrote the incredibles The Fame and The Fame Monster so I will give her a couple more shots, who knows?
    Shakira - Shaki needs to put her shot together. She's here for a long time, 20 years, but her star is not as used to be. I guess in amny ways Shakira is a different type of pop star. I mean speaks 7 languages, has an IQ that blows roofs, created a international successful charity which not only is a success but the method she's used in her educational system is used in several countries. Yes, she created her own method and she started her charity at 17 with the money of her first album. Everything she does is for education specially for kids. Pies Descalzos and Barefoot are amazing tbh. I thiink that makes her different from the rest like Audrey was. But success is success and those 7.000 kids she supports wont feed themselves so she better bring some better material to the table.
    Beyoncé - Ugh...when she runs out of people to steal ideas and credits what will happen to her? She also terrifies me because she has only 3 facial expressions and is not caused by excessive botox. She literally and naturally has 3 facial expressions.  That and the fact her hair needs 90 fans to move when she's on stage bugs the hell out of me....now tell me if that's not bizarre? I can't see America able to lie to the entire world much longer when the subject is : Beyoncé is the queen, she's amazing. I mean let's talk about her amazing, incredible, marketing team. Can you imagine how different Gaga's career would be if her team was half as effective as Beysus?
    People will see that Beysus act and songs are as basic as a banana soon. Right??
  12. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Ranked #82 in Maxim Hot 100 2014   
    1. I can't find Lana 
    2. LOL at Xtina "before the sausages" pic 
    3. I have no idea who most those woman are 
    4.  that list
  13. Viva liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    LoL how nobody voted for Taylor
    She did say that when her popularity begins to drop she will happily retire and have a nice garden (so be a trophy wife)
    I think Katy Perry has the chance. If she could sing live, she really would be the full package.
    However, her team is awesome. They really know what they are doing. They are not going to play the childish fun-card forever, but they knew it would work for another Album cycle, and it kind of does....
  14. Viva liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Poll: What pop star will have Madonna's longevity?   
    lmao @ Avril Lavigne being an option

  15. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Viva in Ultraviolence Tracklist Discussion   
    I did a couples posts on the (now dead than the most popular thread here Lanalyses that LDR's songs are mostly about people she met/knew and the world that surrounds her. IMO that's why her songs are rich and she has endless material even if is divided and sub divided in recurrent themes. It's personal in the sense Lana wrote all those songs and relates to all those stories yet is not that personal because a lot of her material are other people's stories. I don't think Ultraviolence is any different , its the world that surrounds her and is bipolar: ultraviolent and ultrahappy. I expect music with contradictions and subliminal social and political jabs National Anthem style. 
  16. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by Viva in Promo Single: "SHADES OF COOL" (May 26)   
    If Lana did a song with Adele I will freaking die             
    I don't want this to be fake, please let it be true. 
    the others better attach their wigs in the head with nails because glue wont be enough  
    too many goddess in one song people would die and careers would be destroeyd so obviously isn't true 
    ps: I LOVEEE that cover. So loving this era. Bring it Lana!
  17. American Money liked a post in a topic by Viva in ULTRAVIOLENCE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON US & AMAZON UK   
    Because Interscope didn't manage to ruin Lana's career yet. 
    They just don't release her album. Period. They are sitting in millions for almost 2 years it's a joke
    Artpop promo anyone? They also allowed her to do a duet with R Kelly...
    I have the impression they signed her just to kill her career. It's what happens to intelligent artists who are political activists and end up for some odd reason signing with a US label
    They let the midia burn her for months and months. Basically the promo she got was from DJ's and radio stations. Against Interscope will to kill careers, Lana survived and got bigger. How to manage a successful artist? Let's overprice her to death. 
  18. Viva liked a post in a topic by Hellion in Lana Performs at Kim Kardashian's Pre-Wedding Party   
    all my faves in one room together
    lana and kanye discussing a collaborative album
    kim and lana sharing surgery stories
    kim and lana discussing blk dique
    a honeymoon night threesome
    kris setting lana up with rob
    me i am elizabeth kardashian the chanteuse
  19. Backfire liked a post in a topic by Viva in ULTRAVIOLENCE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON US & AMAZON UK   
    Because Interscope didn't manage to ruin Lana's career yet. 
    They just don't release her album. Period. They are sitting in millions for almost 2 years it's a joke
    Artpop promo anyone? They also allowed her to do a duet with R Kelly...
    I have the impression they signed her just to kill her career. It's what happens to intelligent artists who are political activists and end up for some odd reason signing with a US label
    They let the midia burn her for months and months. Basically the promo she got was from DJ's and radio stations. Against Interscope will to kill careers, Lana survived and got bigger. How to manage a successful artist? Let's overprice her to death. 
  20. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Viva in ULTRAVIOLENCE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON US & AMAZON UK   
    I always imagine the type of people who buy clean versions (most boring people on earth?) . I don't know them and I don't think I would want to hang with them LOL
  21. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Viva in ULTRAVIOLENCE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON US & AMAZON UK   
    About tthe overprice I was talking about the box tbh. About standard versions I just ignore their existence. Why buy a standard if the artist is someone you like? 
    If you ask yourself why sales are going down the toilet you will understand that economically speaking U$ 18 for an album is expensive, specially in US where everything is so cheap.In Brazil everything is ridiculous expensive so I live out of reality in the sense I don't care about prices anymore.
    If you take in count any album is just a copy of a master and a mass production object made in China you will also think U$18 is expensive. The cover or box is also a mass product made in China or Taiwan. In the sense probably doesn't cost more than U$ 1.00 per unite
    Now why the industry doesn't sell more and gain the same amount with less expensive prices? No idea.
    These days we have too many options I just bought 5 albums this past month. It's not just U$18 so...
  22. Godzillionairé liked a post in a topic by Viva in ULTRAVIOLENCE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON US & AMAZON UK   
    Because Interscope didn't manage to ruin Lana's career yet. 
    They just don't release her album. Period. They are sitting in millions for almost 2 years it's a joke
    Artpop promo anyone? They also allowed her to do a duet with R Kelly...
    I have the impression they signed her just to kill her career. It's what happens to intelligent artists who are political activists and end up for some odd reason signing with a US label
    They let the midia burn her for months and months. Basically the promo she got was from DJ's and radio stations. Against Interscope will to kill careers, Lana survived and got bigger. How to manage a successful artist? Let's overprice her to death. 
  23. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by Viva in Ultraviolence Tracklist Discussion   
    I did a couples posts on the (now dead than the most popular thread here Lanalyses that LDR's songs are mostly about people she met/knew and the world that surrounds her. IMO that's why her songs are rich and she has endless material even if is divided and sub divided in recurrent themes. It's personal in the sense Lana wrote all those songs and relates to all those stories yet is not that personal because a lot of her material are other people's stories. I don't think Ultraviolence is any different , its the world that surrounds her and is bipolar: ultraviolent and ultrahappy. I expect music with contradictions and subliminal social and political jabs National Anthem style. 
  24. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Viva in ULTRAVIOLENCE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON US & AMAZON UK   
    I always imagine the type of people who buy clean versions (most boring people on earth?) . I don't know them and I don't think I would want to hang with them LOL
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