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About naturalbornloser

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  1. naturalbornloser


    i love the little "power" at the end omg
  2. naturalbornloser


    jack's production it's getting really boring but the song slaps
  3. The video she just posted on insta LMAO
  4. tbh i don't think the BLM line is problematic, buuuut she's gonna get dragged nonetheless and that makes me sad
  5. About the "cover" I feel she knows exactly what she's doing. We were so used to this ultra-glamourized image of Lana and then she releases something like this, the cover will obviously spark a conversation and giving her promo without trying
  6. I totally understand the read the room vibe, but let´s not pretend Lana knows the whole history of the british monarchy (not even the average person knows it 100% well), she just posted beacuse it's a famous couple, that's all
  7. Yeah, but still that doesn´t mean they didn't get benefits from being part of the monarchy, so bashing lana for one pic (and thinking she's somehow supporting them) while stanning those people is hypocritical Yeah, she hated them but she still chose being part of the royal family...until she died lol
  8. isn't it funny how people are eager to drag lana for that pic but they stan princess diana / harry... make it make sense
  9. try dabbing the creases with a wet q tip, that will "relax" the paper, and then iron the litho
  10. So much drama for a simple question lol, some people really are insufferable
  11. naturalbornloser


    i know lil genius, but he's stated he's got the album/listened to it...so
  12. https://postimg.cc/GHyqm7tF posted by ecl*pse on twitter x
  13. naturalbornloser


    https://postimg.cc/GHyqm7tF posted by ecl*pse on twitter x
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