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Everything posted by therealmikedealer

  1. i really like the melody and concept but the lyrics read like a stupid, whiny, drama queen's journal
  2. a masterful trap touch can be stunning art deco was too good but yeah cockroach was distasteful trap
  3. i'm not here for catwalk music tbh
  4. His major problem seems to be the trap beat.. Considering half of LFL will be more acoustic-ish, he might not trash her so much lol
  5. To me it only works on desktop mode, with the mobile version I always get a database query error
  6. "I can taste it turning sour / it's bitter", Lana make up your mind! Is it sour or bitter?! Lmao
  7. Anyone else excited to hear what Young Metro added to GBA???
  8. I'd love to know which songs are the oldest ones on the album (other than L and LFL), cuz it seems like she changed it up a lot lately...
  9. The uploader has not made this video available in your country. that's why then.... what a BUMMER so that version is gone forever?! p.s. i still don't get why they're fucking up so bad
  10. tbh the version on youtube sounds darker and boppier
  11. Why are the single version and album version different? On YT there's no intro "it's never too late"
  12. It's 2am ... I don't know whether I should stay up
  13. Well, there's a glitch on Abel's voice in LFL too, so apparently nobody reviewed the mixing of these tracks ...mess
  14. I don't get why I can't politely express my opinion, just because I wasn't impressed by its quality. For the record I don't hate it and it's certainly a nice song, but pretty much sub-par IMHO. In hindsight I was a bit dramatic tho lol
  15. I feel bad as a die-hard stan but I can't listen to this song. It sounds too generic, uninspired and boring to me. And no, I don't necessarily want "depressing" tracks – even slow-ish bops like I Want It All are way more fun and unique. I hope it might grow a bit on me like Love, but that one too was lackluster and underwhelming.
  16. Can't wait to download the album and DELETE Love and Lust For Life, as I did with Florida Kilos and High By The Beach
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