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About PolaroidFrown

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  • Birthday September 15

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  • Location
    Just around the corner from your's.
  • Interests
    Writing poetry. Photography. Stalking. Nostalgia. And ofcourse, Lana.

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  1. What about Greenwich Village? She lived there at one point too.
  2. Thanks. I would be lost without you.
  3. How do you post pictures? So it doesn't show up as an attachment.
  4. PolaroidFrown

    USA Tour?

    Okay, I live in the US. I want to see her so bad. But then I started thinking..I kinda know where she's coming from with the whole "not wanting to tour the US" thing. I mean really...a lot of people here are very rude (not saying that in other countries, they aren't) like the critics and all that. Her fans from here are very dedicated, and we love her dearly, but the people from here who aren't her fans (which is a lot) will pretty much bring her down. AND most people from America have a ~horrid~ taste in music. Have you heard what's been playing on the radio?? Never have I even heard one Lana song on the radio (which is pretty ironic..since Radio and all) not even Video Games, or Born To Die. While in the UK, they kinda have WAY better taste in whats GOOD music. Minus One Direction..So yes. As for me, I don't blame her for not coming here that often. But whatever. Ramble on.
  5. Look at everyone here, talking about their drug experiences. And here I am..at 4 in the morning, drinking my tea. Holla.
  6. Do you think the "I've got a war in my mind" lyric could be inspired by/be about Bradley? I think it's sort of unlikely, but what makes me think this is because the tattoo he has across his forehead says "war inside my head" Or otherwise, the tattoo could be inspired by Lana.
  7. So in the credits in Ride, it lists "Diamond Dave" as first assistant director, and I was wondering if that's the same Diamond Dave that Lana's talking about in Mermaid Motel.
  8. Any film with Michael Cera in it. He'll be my ~hipster~ husband someday.
  9. Last year in november, i heard Video Games on the alternative music channel on TV. I kept hearing it on there, and i loved it more each time. So then i finally downloaded just that song. Then i decided to find more of her songs in January, and i found Axl Rose Husband, and Kill Kill..they struck me so hard. It was so different from what I had been listening too lately. The difference between those two songs, and Video Games, was such a mystery to me. Weirdly enough, I hadn't heard about the ~album~ Born to Die till June-ish this summer. That's when i started getting passionate about finding every.single.song.she.wrote. And then her. And now I'm at this crazy Lana dedicated place that i never knew existed till about a week ago. I finally fit in :')
  10. How do you reply to someone, on a thread?
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