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About Circuit

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  • Birthday 05/20/2002

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    United States
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  1. Circuit

    Melanie Martinez

    Ok this?? She couldn't introduce the different issues in a way that made any sense with the movie. It was so forced. The pledge of allegiance thing, the trans teacher, the tampon thing, the weed thing? I wish that she had made songs over these issues, like Strawberry Shortcake. The way she mentions all of these only once and never again?? She also introduced multiple plot points that looked SO INTERESTING and made me excited to watch it...and then they weren't even explored. The ghosts? The blood on the bus mirror? The all-black eyes? Wtf? I wasn't expecting it to be a perfect movie, I was expecting it to be 13 music videos stitched together with a cohesive plot. There are like 3 different conflicts in this movie that are forgotten halfway through the movie, cause then they move onto another one. And the music was absolutely boring. Nurse's Office, Lunchbox Friends, Strawberry Shortcake, and Drama Club are seriously the only songs worth listening to. The rest are plagued by their production. And the fact Gluestick is from this era and shits on all of these is angering lol It had sooo much potential, and with four years to work on it, there's really no excuse.
  2. Circuit

    Melanie Martinez

    I was really banned from that discord
  3. Circuit

    Ariana Grande

    Her worst album...I tried to like it SO hard and even gave it another chance with this deluxe version...how could it get worse???
  4. Circuit

    Melanie Martinez

    I only listened to Nurse's Office, Drama Club, and Strawberry Shortcake from the leak. Kind of disappointed in the verses in these ones. I love the choruses but they don't fit with the verses, if that makes sense. I'm rooting for Melanie so hard hopefully the rest are 10/10s.
  5. I'm in the CDT zone, will the album still arrive at 12 AM for me? Or will it be at 2? I'm confused lol
  6. Ugh it's going to be so hard to not listen to the leaks this is the song I"m most excited for
  7. Circuit

    Melanie Martinez

    I think this album will be pretty good tbh, a 7/10 at the very least. Not sure how I feel about the snippets but ig we'll have to wait and see It'll be good but it won't be so good it's worth waiting four years for, you know?
  8. Circuit

    Tommy Genesis

    My friend showed me 100 Bad on Saturday night and I listened to the rest of her album the next day and WOW. I think my favorite song on the album is "It's OK." I didn't know I loved whisper rap so much!
  9. Circuit

    Melanie Martinez

    I think it's just a demo.
  10. Circuit

    Melanie Martinez

    I'm still a good person. here's the original file. <3 https://instaud.io/Pf4
  11. Circuit

    Melanie Martinez

    i literally cannot believe this i leaked the hq tagged and then degynerate leaks it lmao
  12. Circuit

    Melanie Martinez

    Thanks for the leak x
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