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Paris Hilton

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Everything posted by Paris Hilton

  1. I wish she could re-release AKA next year. However I doubt she is going to recognize AKA's anniversary. This concept would be so cute!
  2. DLKALKJSS I mean, she was 13 when she made that song
  4. This season... Truly skinny. Right :listening:
  5. Paris Hilton

    Azealia Banks

    I woke up blessed today.
  6. Paris Hilton


    I adored this album. Arcane Magic, Moonwell and Black Orchid are my favorites.
  7. marry lizzy, fuck caroline, kill anna Enrique de Sussex, osama bin laden and queen elizabeth
  8. Norman Fucking Rockwell - 8 Mariners Apartment Complex - 15 Venice Bitch - 20 + California - 18 Bartender - 82 - this is triggering me so much
  9. Venice Bitch? Do you remember her? The most gorgeous track ever made?
  10. The Art of Letting Go is a grower for me.
  11. WHITE HOT FOREVER 1. I'm glamorous 2. famous 3. Notorious 4. dangerous 5. but you're crazy 6. I'm gonna leave you 7. You're Not a Real Girl 8. You're Like a Cartoon 9. All Caught Up In This Fame Game 10. Yo 11. Good luck, Good Luck, Good Luck 12. May All The Stars In The Sky Bow Down To You - We're Through.
  12. The season was getting better and better until I watched that episode. Just like Apocalypse, I think it was "Sojourn". Horrible episode I'm loving this season so far, EXCEPT for last episode. What was dat hunny I think AHS1984 was the original idea for SQ2. Imagine the power that would've had
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