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Everything posted by CrazySister

  1. Wait, it just occured me.......... if Cola is the pussy's taste and Cherry is the virginity, so Cinnamon is his cum's taste?
  2. I actually like all of her covers. I just don't care about them and don't hear because I'm not a much fan of covers in general, except when is the case of when I get to know someone through their cover or is a song I like. But if I had to choose a favorite cover (it may change tho, because I didn't hear all of them yet ), it would probably be You Must Love Me or Heart-Shaped Box. Both, actually . But I would have her version of Heart-Shaped Box in my music library if she also had done in the studio (I get triggered with any live quality ).
  3. Marry none Fuck Dave Franco Kill both Tom and James ( ) Cher, Adam Levine's voice and Human Ken
  4. Me too. This is what I most want to see from Lana actually: a documentary about the making of of one of her albums. And..... (yeah, I know. I'm starting to ask for more already lol), but I really would like to watch a documentary about her life. I swear, I wouldn't ask for anything else anymore. Just a documentary about an album and one about her life, please!!!!
  5. Y'all gonna laugh at me, but I'm lowkey still expecting to see Yosemite on the tracklist of NFR . Idc if MAC has Yosemite lyrics, I still waiting this song to be on the album. It fits, I know it fits!!!!!
  6. Kill Kill - 15 Queen Of The Gas Station - 14 Oh Say Can You See - 20 For K, Part 2 - 12 (-) Mermaid Motel - 17 (+) Raise Me Up - 16 Pawn Shop Blues - 18 Yayo - 18
  7. True, what was that? I vaguely remember about it...
  8. Exactly. But is still the most iconic imo. And Misty Day and "Surprise, bitch" are in it. Can't wait to see the witches on this season
  9. I finished Cult before Apocalypse started. I personally enjoyed. I think is better than Hotel. My least favorites are Coven and Hotel. Coven is kinda boring sometimes and Hotel..... Hotel...... I don't know what to say about it.
  10. I don't know if I can trust Chuck or Lana with this project. I'm too traumatized with the bunch of things they scrapped.
  11. You all don't have a heart, omg! I cried for fuckin' sake! Especially when she sang "yeah my life is what I'm fighting for". If you're waiting deep lyrics from her, you should know better, honey! And it's not always about the lyrics. Feelings make songs deep too, no matter if they are expressed in simple words, voice or instrumental. I say this to Lana, to Avril, to everyone.
  12. Don't know if it's unpopular, but I must say that the instrumental of Lust For Life is def one of her best. And, at least on instagram, I saw that Tomorrow Never Came and Change were underrated. They're my favorite songs from LFL, along with Heroin.
  13. Ok, now I need her to do it. This so beautiful, love It!
  14. DID THEY REALLY THINK THEY COULD STOP CRAZYSISTER FROM WATCHING LANA?????!!!! FOUND IT A LINK!!! And even got to watch the neighbourhood <3 https://twitter.com/canaltab/status/975063673692721159 Edit: Oh, wait... I just realized that Lana can actually stop me from watching her... Fuck.
  15. I remember when I used to imagine what a Lana and Marina song would sound like. I thought their voices together would sound like the chorus of Angels Forever. For the lyrics, I would like to imagine it would be some kind of battle between happiness and sadness, don't know. I feel like this is random, sorry hehe
  16. Honeymoon - 25 Terrence Loves You - 15 God Knows I Tried - 28 Salvatore - 22 The Blackest Day - 39
  17. 3 years ago Last time you saw your horoscope?
  18. Gosh, I started to cry in Black Beauty. Everything was beautiful! Amazing show to start the tour! I think she'll eventually make a few more changes on the setlist!
  19. I need Caught You Boy, Lana! Please! :icant:
  20. I wanted to see a video for Change and Get Free. :'( Can't wait for Cherry tho!
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